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Friends with Criminals


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2 hours ago, aplumma said:

I will say it again we the owners have discussed this in length we are not going to start a forum place for people to argue and ch othbash eaer. If it does not fit in a place where anyone can read it then it is being discussed at the wrong forum. If you want to read and bicker religion, political, over the edge topics there are lots of sites that promotes these types of things because they produce lots of views and a bucket of money for the sites. We just spent a wack load of money and countless hours bringing the site current so it is safe and stable for everyone to use. I guess it still is not enough. Remember that we are a family site it is NOT being run for the money but as a place for long time friends to keep in touch and meet new like minded friends.  


This thread can go one as long as no one names the person or identifies them in any way  or it goes down hill.



No one is sugesting you start a forum for a " place for people to argue and bash each other".

What is being suggested is a place for non fishing discussions subject to forum rules.

Now as it is, they appear in the "General" area and continue to appear and yes at times get out of line.

That way those not interested don't have to scroll past the non fishing posts they are not interested in.

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23 minutes ago, Woodsman said:

No one is sugesting you start a forum for a " place for people to argue and bash each other".

What is being suggested is a place for non fishing discussions subject to forum rules.

Now as it is, they appear in the "General" area and continue to appear and yes at times get out of line.

That way those not interested don't have to scroll past the non fishing posts they are not interested in.

The system of NF has worked for 14 years enjoy the site for what it is one of the friendliest fishing site that topics move quickly on. Many sites have lots of niches and slots for different forums. The more cut up they are the slower the topics move. I saw one site so cut up that it would take up to a week to get something new to read.  Worse is that we have a wealth of information here that would be losted because  people didn't see the threads. If you look at the NF threads most of the time it is either requests for information or telling people of the triumphs and the tragedies that have befallen them. Many times behind the scenes we have had people who have privately helped someone and in a few cases they have been life changing. This is what we are proud of here, this is what makes the time and effort we put into the board worth it all. This is why no one has been banned in 5 years, modQed yes but they can come back if they apologize and follow the rules. This is why you can be proud of being here most everyone has made a few new friends that they would never have bonded to if it was just fishing reports.  The fishing trips that are posted are because they want to share the experiences with his friends and some are close enough to be called family. This is why I am proud to be here and grateful to everyone of the people I have met and will met in the future.

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As a long time member Art, I was always on the side of leave it the way it is. We are a family. It has become, not a family site. Yes I post NF as well as others, but I do think a NF section is warranted these days. I have seen many regulars leave. New faces show up, and like said, they are gone pretty quick. Do we want lurkers, or do we want members ?


I would like to see a fishing related section. I have been seeing a lot of others sites that are doing their best to go this route. 


They have

Fishing reports

Fishing tactics

Fishing tackle and reviews

No where is there, where are you fishing. No GPS or exact locations allowed.

There is also a seperate place to talk as you wish, but keep it clean and respectful.


From what I gather, Face Book is killing these types of forums. I am not a fan of FB and nor am I going to become  a fan or member of FB. I get my fill through fishing and hunting boards.



And as I click, post, I see there is no changing.

Go with the flow. The river flows fast and slow. 


I really do believe, a strong fishing section, would be best. JMO.

Everyone has NF reports, just nice to have a separate section. JMO





Edited by misfish
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3 hours ago, AKRISONER said:


Sometimes i begin to wonder myself, just how close have I come into contact with a dangerous person

True story.

I was solo camping at a State Park in Texas, the off season, not many people around. Another guy pulled in a few sites down. We ended up hanging out and chatting at my campfire for a couple hours at night, slamming beers.

I would put my beer down on the picnic table and walk to the edge of the bush when I had to pee. Suddenly, like a switch was thrown, I was high as a kite and my head was spinning. I said gonna call it a night, he said ok, good night and disappeared quickly. I stumbled a few steps and collapsed into the dry, desert dirt. I rolled over on my back and I could see the guy standing over me in the flickering fire light, then I passed out.

A very weird drug. I was conscious but immobile. I knew what was happening and was sure I was going to get killed or raped but I wasn't panicked, it was as if I was watching it all unfold from outside my body, if that makes any sense.



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2 hours ago, Geoff W said:

When I was 17'ish a guy 2 homes over from me I found out was a BAD MAN.  I'd see his car's not parked right some times (in the snow bank or even on the lawn) and figured he had a few and drove.  He has seen me on my dirtbike so he came over one day and asked me to help him break in his new Ninja 750R so I said sure I'll come get the keys in 1 hour.  I went, went in the house to be brought to the basement to get the helmet and key.  Well that was in a hidden room that had many, MANY gun's and items.  He gave me gas money and said bring it back in two days.  So of course I did what I was asked after seeing what I had seen.  So I show up and he opens the door and said "come back in after 8pm as I don't want you to meet the people in my house" yet all I needed to do was hand him the key and helmets.  So again I listened.  

A few days to a week later I'm trying to get home to my folks place and SWAT had a bunch of trucks there and told me I couldn't get any closer to the area.  I left and called my dad to tell him I won't be there for dinner.  He went out and spoke to them and told my dad (he's an ex-cop) to escort me through the area if I cam back right then and there. 

I'm now home and in the backyard having a smoke and I hear a voice say "get in the house now!" so I  say "dad I'm just having a smoke" to get a reply from the other side of the fence saying "I'm not your dad" and he flashed a flashlight off and on quickly.  

So turns out the guy 2 door down went to an Apt building and blew a shotgun hole through a door looking for someone.  Oh and he was a drug lord... 



You know the story on my ex neighbor!

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14 minutes ago, Sterling said:


Lol ANOTHER neighbor


Lotsa crazy stuff happens around here.


This one was about my daughter and nephew being lured into a house by a pedophile.


We spent Canada day in the police station filing reports etc.


Glad my dad instincts kicked in on that one!

Geoff knows, I almost lost my mind

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Art, I was one that was always in denial of paradigm shifts. In this world of ever changing world of paradigm shifts we keep up or be left behind. Your inclinations to stay the same is not in the best interest of staying with the times so to speak for the best interest of this site. My opinion only and apparently of those other here as well.  I do not agree with you that any other than what we have will evolve into arguments and political discussion, why would it if everyone followed the OFC dogma.

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49 minutes ago, chris.brock said:

True story.

I was solo camping at a State Park in Texas, the off season, not many people around. Another guy pulled in a few sites down. We ended up hanging out and chatting at my campfire for a couple hours at night, slamming beers.

I would put my beer down on the picnic table and walk to the edge of the bush when I had to pee. Suddenly, like a switch was thrown, I was high as a kite and my head was spinning. I said gonna call it a night, he said ok, good night and disappeared quickly. I stumbled a few steps and collapsed into the dry, desert dirt. I rolled over on my back and I could see the guy standing over me in the flickering fire light, then I passed out.

A very weird drug. I was conscious but immobile. I knew what was happening and was sure I was going to get killed or raped but I wasn't panicked, it was as if I was watching it all unfold from outside my body, if that makes any sense.


Did anything happen? That's insane! Sounds like ketamine to me


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20 minutes ago, Old Ironmaker said:

M2B2, you should contact CTV to film a reality show up there. More s&%t happens to you in a month than most shows on TV in 6 months. You told me you grew up in the mean streets in the States then moved here. Which is it?

Id say we are pretty even.


Small towns in NW Ontario are pretty bad. Probably not too much worse than other areas, but seems like it because you know almost everyone???


Also, in high school my friend was kidnapped and chopped into pieces, found months later up cedar narrows area. Turns out she had an affair with an older guy and got pregnant. The older dood and his wife later confessed to mutilating her and burying her in the woods. 

Not only was she(victim) a friend,the murderer lived just a block down.


Another one, my parents friends child that I grew up with was killed via shotgun blast by her husband.


Lotsa murders this way for such small communuties

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11 hours ago, chris.brock said:

True story.

I was solo camping at a State Park in Texas, the off season, not many people around. Another guy pulled in a few sites down. We ended up hanging out and chatting at my campfire for a couple hours at night, slamming beers.

I would put my beer down on the picnic table and walk to the edge of the bush when I had to pee. Suddenly, like a switch was thrown, I was high as a kite and my head was spinning. I said gonna call it a night, he said ok, good night and disappeared quickly. I stumbled a few steps and collapsed into the dry, desert dirt. I rolled over on my back and I could see the guy standing over me in the flickering fire light, then I passed out.

A very weird drug. I was conscious but immobile. I knew what was happening and was sure I was going to get killed or raped but I wasn't panicked, it was as if I was watching it all unfold from outside my body, if that makes any sense.



Did he rob you 

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11 minutes ago, buick14 said:

Did he rob you 

I woke up later, it was still dark out, crawled into my tent. I woke up in the morning, nothing was stolen, I wasn't raped and he was gone and his camp site was vacant.

I don't know what he was doing, just practicing, got cold feet for whatever he was going to do?

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12 hours ago, chris.brock said:

True story.

I was solo camping at a State Park in Texas, the off season, not many people around. Another guy pulled in a few sites down. We ended up hanging out and chatting at my campfire for a couple hours at night, slamming beers.

I would put my beer down on the picnic table and walk to the edge of the bush when I had to pee. Suddenly, like a switch was thrown, I was high as a kite and my head was spinning. I said gonna call it a night, he said ok, good night and disappeared quickly. I stumbled a few steps and collapsed into the dry, desert dirt. I rolled over on my back and I could see the guy standing over me in the flickering fire light, then I passed out.

A very weird drug. I was conscious but immobile. I knew what was happening and was sure I was going to get killed or raped but I wasn't panicked, it was as if I was watching it all unfold from outside my body, if that makes any sense.



 Holy JFC !!!  Glad nothing came of it, that you know of, but I would have been beyond spooked and probably had an involuntary dump.

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2 hours ago, chris.brock said:

I woke up later, it was still dark out, crawled into my tent. I woke up in the morning, nothing was stolen, I wasn't raped and he was gone and his camp site was vacant.

I don't know what he was doing, just practicing, got cold feet for whatever he was going to do?

So your butt didn't feel sore afterwards?? :lol:You were lucky!!

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2 hours ago, chris.brock said:

I woke up later, it was still dark out, crawled into my tent. I woke up in the morning, nothing was stolen, I wasn't raped and he was gone and his camp site was vacant.

I don't know what he was doing, just practicing, got cold feet for whatever he was going to do?

Chris that is probably one of the scariest stories I have heard. Your comment about him "practicing" is friggin terrifying.

My best friend was in thailand and got roofied as well. He thinks it was possibly intended for his girlfriend because she gave him her drink. His recollection basically has him getting the drink from his girlfriend and then waking up the next day on the beach, he was missing one shoe and his passport and wallet were stolen.

We had a serial killer in Flin Flon growing up, dude was dating an underage girl that was my brothers classmate's sister. Lucky for this little girl she was at school when dude decided to take out her entire family. I think only one of the victims survived. Anyways the family did not approve of the relationship and dude's solution was to get rid of them all and kidnap his girlfriend. He then subsequently had the police on a manhunt for a couple of weeks and the scariest part was that being in Flin Flon, the police locked down the two highways in and out of town almost immediately. Meaning if you took the highway out of town you went through a police stop check where they searched your vehicle. Everyone pretty much knew that this guy that had just shot a whole bunch of people was in the vicinity of town, but no one knew where. There were constant thermo helicopter patrols circling town, Flin Flon is 200k from the nearest town so there was no chance in hell that dude was going to be able to run on foot.

Finally a couple of weeks after the murders a worker out at a site heard noises coming from a cement truck on the outskirts of town. He immediately contacted the police and sure enough there was dude with his "girlfriend" hiding in the back of cement truck.

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14 hours ago, aplumma said:

The system of NF has worked for 14 years enjoy the site for what it is one of the friendliest fishing site that topics move quickly on. Many sites have lots of niches and slots for different forums. The more cut up they are the slower the topics move. I saw one site so cut up that it would take up to a week to get something new to read.  Worse is that we have a wealth of information here that would be losted because  people didn't see the threads. If you look at the NF threads most of the time it is either requests for information or telling people of the triumphs and the tragedies that have befallen them. Many times behind the scenes we have had people who have privately helped someone and in a few cases they have been life changing. This is what we are proud of here, this is what makes the time and effort we put into the board worth it all. This is why no one has been banned in 5 years, modQed yes but they can come back if they apologize and follow the rules. This is why you can be proud of being here most everyone has made a few new friends that they would never have bonded to if it was just fishing reports.  The fishing trips that are posted are because they want to share the experiences with his friends and some are close enough to be called family. This is why I am proud to be here and grateful to everyone of the people I have met and will met in the future.

For some reason I missed this post. All good points Art.

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Majority of my friends are criminals lol

from drug dealers to gang bangers to scam/fraud artists

thank god i dont hang with them anymore

all three have been shot and lucky to have lived

and in call three cases i was supposed to be there

thank god i didnt end up going cuz i could have been shot too or worse maybe dead


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14 hours ago, manitoubass2 said:

Id say we are pretty even.



Yea, but I have 30 years on you. I do know the per capita crime rates are much higher in the North, that's for sure. We don't hear about it in the media down here. Even here in Haldimand with a population of only 45,000 some crazy stuff happens that don't even make our weekly paper or the news in Hamilton that borders our county. If it happens on any of the 2 reservations it gets reported including Hamilton and sometimes Toronto, but when it happens off the rez often it gets a few lines, maybe. That in itself can be deemed racist.

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52 minutes ago, DJGeneral said:

Majority of my friends are criminals lol

from drug dealers to gang bangers to scam/fraud artists

thank god i dont hang with them anymore

all three have been shot and lucky to have lived

and in call three cases i was supposed to be there

thank god i didnt end up going cuz i could have been shot too or worse maybe dead


Damn! I got caught in some teenage gangbang scuffle in grande prairie and it was scary stuff!

All I did was cross the road and two cars started firing on each other and I happened to be in the middle of it.

No idea how close but I could hear the bullets so pretty darn close!

Also, around age 17-20, my uncle robbed the beer store and did 9 months lol. Worst attempt ever! Broke in the front, couldn't get to the beer, surrendered as soon as he heard sirens (cop shop is like 5 blocks away) 


By the way my uncle is super friendly and everyone loves the dood.

But, when he was in jail over that beer store incident, he was bunked up with this guy that was like 80's personified.

They both were getting out the same day so me and my buddies bought beers.

They get home(had zero idea this other dood was coming) and we party. Both them pass out REALLY quick

They get up and start drinking again.

This weird dood starts getting riled up and he's fighting with my buddy so we kicked his you know what and threw him out

2 days later I hear he was arrested in Duluth Minnesota where he escaped jail (I think in Minneapolis?) For stabbing a guy to death


Also, when heading back to work from fort Frances to grande prairie, I was supposed to take the bus the same day of the beheading on the bus in Manitoba. I just happened to not be ready and delay my ticket by a day. Man you should have seen the security after that!

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41 minutes ago, manitoubass2 said:

Damn! I got caught in some teenage gangbang scuffle in grande prairie and it was scary stuff!

All I did was cross the road and two cars started firing on each other and I happened to be in the middle of it.

No idea how close but I could hear the bullets so pretty darn close!

Also, around age 17-20, my uncle robbed the beer store and did 9 months lol. Worst attempt ever! Broke in the front, couldn't get to the beer, surrendered as soon as he heard sirens (cop shop is like 5 blocks away) 


By the way my uncle is super friendly and everyone loves the dood.

But, when he was in jail over that beer store incident, he was bunked up with this guy that was like 80's personified.

They both were getting out the same day so me and my buddies bought beers.

They get home(had zero idea this other dood was coming) and we party. Both them pass out REALLY quick

They get up and start drinking again.

This weird dood starts getting riled up and he's fighting with my buddy so we kicked his you know what and threw him out

2 days later I hear he was arrested in Duluth Minnesota where he escaped jail (I think in Minneapolis?) For stabbing a guy to death


Also, when heading back to work from fort Frances to grande prairie, I was supposed to take the bus the same day of the beheading on the bus in Manitoba. I just happened to not be ready and delay my ticket by a day. Man you should have seen the security after that!

That sound intense dood

How can i forget this one!

My dad wanted to go to humber river at old mills since we lived downtown and it was only a short streetcar ride  for salmon in october or september

can't remember tbh i was just a youngin

he gets there early in the AM and sees blood on the railing of the bridge thinks nothing of it

he figured someone gutted a fish for the roe so he then goes down starts drifting under the same bridge

2 drifts later he notices a  leg in the water he figured someone dumped a mannequin in he goes closer to get a better look

and he then realizes its a human body of a woman not knowing what to do he sees a couple jogging he stops them and asks to call 911

the cops show up take statements and yadda  yadda

came to our house to take more statements and even a dna test from my dad

we then later find out the guy who commited this murder owns a variety store right across the street from us

That was a shocker he was the nicest guy ever gave me candy and other treats i wanted from the store

he even spotted us groceries and cigarettes for my dad when we didnt have money

 he was trying  to get insurance money from her death he killed in the store  and wrapped her up in carpet

and threw her off the old mill bridge,

Some one even spotted a him forcing the body in his trunk

One of the Craziest things thats ever happen to us

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7 minutes ago, DJGeneral said:


One of the Craziest things thats ever happen to us

this story just shows how messed up people get in their heads when they do something absolutely nuts. 

Like why bother going through the trouble of wrapping someone up and throwing them off of a bridge into a river when its painfully obvious that someone is going to find the victim within a couple of days. Not to mention believe that you will get away with it and get the insurance money!

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