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:Gonefishing:The alarm went at 02:30 . . . I got up, checked the Weather Network . . . . cold front passed through . . . temp dropped at least 10 degrees . . . wind outta the north . . . usually gives most fish, ESPECIALLY carp, lockjaw! Shut off alarm, go back to bed . . . wake up about 03:30 thinking . . "Hm m m m . . . . maybe the carp don't check the Weather Network . . . " and up I get! Arrived at the Otonabee about 05:30 . . . br r r r r r . . . feels like it's gonna snow! First, serve (carp) breakfast . . . . I spend 20 minutes shooting 4 liters of corn along a 75' stretch of river . . . . THIS should get their attention! Then I set up my pod, bait up and . . . toss the bait in, and go about getting the rest of my junk unloaded. I take about 6 steps toward the van . . . BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!! I make a race for the rod, fish gone? Snug up line . . another hit . . missed 'im again? I now hover over my rod . . . another hit . . . I hit back, hard enough to rip his lips off!! I got my first fish landed at 06:00, and by 3:30 p. m., I had #18 landed, I also pulled the hook outta about 6, broke 3 leaders. The smallest was around 10 pounds . . . best (in photo) was just over 24. This one had an interesting story . . . . . yesterday I fought one for about 10 minutes or more, he finally took me over some rocks, 15 pound mono won't take that, he was gone!! I had 'im figured for at least 30+ . . . . even the heavy gear I was using didn't do much in controlling it! But . . . . when I was taking the hook outta my biggest one today, I spotted some more line . . . going into his mouth. Upon closer inspection . . . another hook! And when I removed it, it was a #8 Gamagatsu, with a home-made stopper still on the hair rig . . . . I'm the only one using a stopper of this kind (piece of wire garbage bag tie) guaranteed! First time I've ever got the same fish that broke me off a day earlier!


Here is my prize carp of the day . . . . . . . PLEASE disregard the VERY white feet . . . they are a bit reddish now . . . OUCH! med_gallery_77_129_16760.jpg


And a nice 18 pounder . . . . . I'm attempting to find something that you can relate to that will show size by comparison . . . that's a 16" wheel . . . gallery_77_129_51138.jpg


And can ya stand one more? this guy is also just under 18 pounds . . . . . kinda fills a big salmon net?




That beats my best from last year, 17 in one day!! I'd never been one to ever measure a fish lengthwise, but now that I've started measuring carp, I been finding out just how heavy they are in relation to length! Most of my fish today averaged about 16 - 17 pounds . . . most of these were 25" to 28", with the 24 pounder only 31!! If I get the 38 incher I'm looking for, he'll be well over 40! Believe it or not . . . my arms & shoulders ache just like I'd worked all day!! :stretcher:

Edited by Photoz
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Guest Johnny Bass

:clapping: Nice Carp.Congrats, looks like you are one happy camper!


I didn't know you have to wake up early for carp fishing???

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:clapping: Nice Carp.Congrats, looks like you are one happy camper!


I didn't know you have to wake up early for carp fishing???


JB,Steve is a mail man,nor sleet nor hail nor high winds or CARP,will keep me from my deprived sleep.LOL


Nice catch bud.Congrats.

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:wallbash:Actually I WAS trying for #20 . . . . in the last half hour I had #19 on, the hook pulled out . . . . again had #19 on . . . leader broke . . . . again had #19 almost to shore, knot came loose . . . . I gave it up, and settled for 18! Some things just aren't meant to be! :stretcher:
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Hi Steve,


I read your report and thought, that is truly wonderful. The numbers you caught certainly make up for all that time spent waiting and wishing at the beginning of the season.


Always enjoy reading the adventures you have been having.


The whole length vs weight issue with carp is an interesting one. I read all of the carp posts and look at all of the pictures and wonder how come they can be so big and yet not huge on inches. Each fish is truly different looking, even if some say they are ugly.


I very much look forward to hearing about the 40LB carp that is next on your catch list. What, in your opinion, is the heaviest and longest carp swimming in the areas you fish?





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Nice job. I know the feeling of sore arms carp fishing. We pulled 75+ fish over 20lbs in one day between 3 guys. Lengthy battles all day and sore arms on the way home. Manitoba's fairford river gave them up to us. When they are on like that watch out. Unbelievable action. Keep it up! :thumbsup_anim:

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