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  On 5/12/2017 at 7:53 PM, AKRISONER said:

bill put me on these a few years back....they rule and now my friends steal them from me all the time.

Yep, back these. And always a Palomar or double palomar

  On 5/12/2017 at 8:27 PM, adempsey said:

Double-Uni. May switch to the FG knot once I get it to work, lol. Micro-swivel is good too, but I don't find it any easier or better than the double-uni.

Bingo. Gotta trust your tie

  On 5/12/2017 at 7:50 PM, BillM said:

Depends on what you're fishing for but I like to use XXXS barrel swivels to connect flouro (or mono leader) to braid.




Never heard of those, a quick search turned up this.





Raven Micro Swivels feature a low visibility Gunmetal Black finish and an extremely small size for ultra subtle presentations. The Raven Micro Swivels small sizes makes them popular for use when connecting leader to mainline when center pin and float fishing. These swivels also work great with ultralight and light spinning gear.

We carry the Raven Micro Swivels in sizes X-Small (RVMS1X), XX-Small (RVMS2X), XXX-Small (RVMS3X) and 4X-Small (RVMS4X). Size X-Small measures at 3/8" and size 4X-Small measures at 5/16" with sizes XX-Small and XXX-Small falling in between.

  • Qty. per pack: 25
  • Test: 20 lbs. "


" Can anyone give me the pound rating for each size? I have looked at the manufacturer's website and did not find any data. "


" As stated in the product description, all of these swivels have a rating of 20 pounds.

June 15, 2016
FishUSA Staff "
Posted (edited)

hmmm i dont know if i believe all are 20lb? but i know the xxxs is 20 cause thats what i use...Im a big big fan


ive started tying uni-knots for literally everything...including for tying to the lure.


I personally find them the easiest to tie, especially when its cold and to me that means less failure even if the knot isnt as strong. I cant tell you how many times ive messed up an improved cinch only to have it come undone or break for whatever reason.



normal for almost anything

braid - palomar - swivel - uni knot - fluro - uni knot lure


or if im jigging


braid - double uni knot - fluro - uni knot - lure


top water


braid - palomar - swivel - uni knot - mono - uni knot - #10 snap - top water lure



I will warn you that the raven swivels do break...and usually its emotionally shattering when the do. Theyve failed on me a few times for whatever reason they have just broken in half. Still happens much less often then the problems you will have by not having a swivel

  On 5/12/2017 at 9:02 PM, AKRISONER said:

hmmm i dont know if i believe all are 20lb? but i know the xxxs is 20 cause thats what i use...Im a big big fan


ive started tying uni-knots for literally everything...including for tying to the lure.


I personally find them the easiest to tie, especially when its cold and to me that means less failure even if the knot isnt as strong. I cant tell you how many times ive messed up an improved cinch only to have it come undone or break for whatever reason.



normal for almost anything

braid - palomar - swivel - uni knot - fluro - uni knot lure


or if im jigging


braid - double uni knot - fluro - uni knot - lure


top water


braid - palomar - swivel - uni knot - mono - uni knot - #10 snap - top water lure



I will warn you that the raven swivels do break...and usually its emotionally shattering when the do. Theyve failed on me a few times for whatever reason they have just broken in half. Still happens much less often then the problems you will have by not having a swivel


It does seem odd to me they all sizes would be rated at 20# too? I don't know how comfortable I would be fishing for larger fish with a rating that low.

  On 5/12/2017 at 6:33 PM, OhioFisherman said:

Prior to 2003 original Stren mostly for 30 years.

Wow, jogged the old memory when i read it. i would buy the Magnathin religiously for years.

Posted (edited)

You are new and I give you 5 stars for asking great questions. I use every type of line available for what I need it to do, each is a tool and there are specific tools for each and every job. A 10 pound sledge is a hammer but you wouldn't use it to put in a tack. And in each and every type there are good lines and not so good. DO NOT cheap out on line. Learn the best before dates for each type of line. I have changed mono 3 times in 1 year. My brother changes his when he runs out or every 7 years whichever occurs 1st.


I am the worse line tier known to fisherman other than standard mono or flouro. I use micro chain swivels for flouro to Leadcore because the guides are large enough and even though I don't want metal rubbing against guides, it's my best option though. I need to take some lessons, not all good line tiers are good teachers. I've tried YouTube too, NFG.


Man, there is enough info here on this thread about line someone can present a seminar.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
  On 5/12/2017 at 7:50 PM, BillM said:

Depends on what you're fishing for but I like to use XXXS barrel swivels to connect flouro (or mono leader) to braid.





I have used these and like all mass production products, they do make flaw parts. I have had a couple break on me. I have gotten away from using swivels and gone to strickly uni or double uni tiying. Weather braid to floro or mono to floro.


Somewhat related, but has anyone else been noticing a lot of promotion for Kast King braided line? I never used it, but I am thinking it is all shill promotion and the stuff is garbage. However, I don't actually know if that's true. Anyone know any different?

  On 5/12/2017 at 11:45 PM, moxie said:

Wow, jogged the old memory when i read it. i would buy the Magnathin religiously for years.


It was a reliable product for me, no issues with it and never a bad spool, baitcasting reels, spinning reels, and my closed face reels, it worked well for me.

  On 5/13/2017 at 12:30 AM, adempsey said:

Somewhat related, but has anyone else been noticing a lot of promotion for Kast King braided line? I never used it, but I am thinking it is all shill promotion and the stuff is garbage. However, I don't actually know if that's true. Anyone know any different?

I have heard of them as a "couple of college guys who love to fish so they made a company with good product at a great price". I even checked out the baitcasters they make and some great reviews but never seen one.


As per line. I like the PP superslick 8 for spinning and also sipderwire stealth. 15 or 20lb in either. I walleye fish and with the areas I fish I tie direct to the jig with no leader. Sometimes I will bass fish but still tie direct most times as I too am not the best with knots but I have used floro as a leader on clear lakes. I also learned the hard way NOT to spool a spinning reel up with thicker floro as it just sucks. I pulled that line off after a weekend...


All I use is power pro, and berkely trilene. I don't like fluoro, and I have proved many times that it doesn't make any difference at all.


For pannies its 2-4lb Trilene, and for jigging walleye, 10lb trilene XL.


Everything else is power pro in whatever test I need for the situation.



  On 5/13/2017 at 12:29 AM, Misfish said:



I have used these and like all mass production products, they do make flaw parts. I have had a couple break on me. I have gotten away from using swivels and gone to strickly uni or double uni tiying. Weather braid to floro or mono to floro.


I'm sure I've gotten a few bad ones as well, but the ratio is so low I still keep using them. I wouldn't use them out on Lake O for big kings, but for everything else they seem to work just fine.


Well after some extreme cursing I got my new rod and reel all set up with braided line and a fluorocarbon leader. First time trying to tie a uni knot. I would tie a double uni knot and every time I tried to bring the two knots together the fluoro would break when I tightened them. So after about 8 times I kind of smartened up and realized that maybe the new fluorocarbon leader line I just bought was no good so I tried last years floro line ( exact same stuff, 8lb test ) and it also broke.

Maybe im just stronger then I thought or was not doing the knot right but once I switched to a much stronger leader it went together ok. Just how easy should 8lb test break when wrapped around your hands, both spools I had seemed to break way more easy then I would have expected.

Then I set up my wife's new reel also. Just standard 10lb mono.

So now im all set, just need to find somewhere to go ! Go fishing that is, my wife is pretty good at telling we right were to go for everything else.


What kind of fluoro was it? I've had issues with saeguar Abrazax as well as the stren (or maybe it's suffix?) stuff Canadian tire puts on sale every year. Abrazax 6lb in my opinion ought to be rated 4lb at best. The Canadian tire stuff I could snap 15lb test with my hands. I've had excellent results with seauguar yellow box invisx I think they call it. Been using 200 yard spools for leader line for ages. I've also been using seaguar STS in 100 yard spools for a couple years now and it's tough as nails. I just ordered in a spool of 15lb for my pic trolling rods. I have also used sunline, and if there where somewhere near me that sold it regularily I would probably use it all the time, it is some very tough fluoro and abrasion resistant also. I was darn near flipping 5/6lb bows out of the water a couple years ago with the 7lb leader. Good stuff!

Posted (edited)

I don't know why one would be able to hand break anything 8lb by hand. I know mono will rot sitting on a spool after a few years even stored in the dark. After a few years extra line in any spool other than braid, flouro leader and Leadcore here is deep sixed. I have seen 30 pound Big Game break by hand after sitting in the sun. Usually especially when stored on the spool in a rod holder left in the Sun. Pulled off a few yards and it would cut your hands before it would ever break. I'm thinking flouro may have the same characteristics sitting in the Sunlight. Mono gets furry too and is NFG then.

Edited by Old Ironmaker

Yeah, I have no idea whats up with the fluoro line. Like I said, the ones was bran new, just bought it that day and the other stuff was from last year ( both the exact same kind ) . Now just because I bought it yesterday does not mean it has not been sitting in a warehouse for god only knows how long.

Maybe Spider Wire is just crap, who knows. All I know is I will never buy it again.


Make sure you are using floro leader material and not mainline, there is a difference. I run regular power pro on all my setups.... even topwater.


Also give this knot a try... I find it easier to tie than anything else and have confidence in it. Just make sure the line you use for the loop is the floro since the braid is easier to manipulate. Good luck in the season.



I will caveat this by saying I currently have a reel with spider wire on it because I got the line for free and figured I should at least try it.


I agree with Akrisoner. Throw it out or keep it for something different.


Leader material and mainline is different but I tend to use up the remainder of mainline I have as leader. all that matters IMO is that you are using quality line. I have played around with a few and have landed on Sunline Sniper FC. There may be better out there for the money, but once I find something that works, I typically stick with it.


I also tried Seaguar tatsu because I got a smoking deal on it and it is nicer than the sniper. If it wasn't $60.00 for 200 yards, I would probably use it exclusively but for half the price, the Sniper works just fine.


I use the stuff they sell as mainlane for leaders for years. Seaguar invisx or sunline super sniper are excellent and no problems with using as leader:


I think if people learn what knot to tie, get good at doing it properly and use fresh or properly stored line, the vast majority of their problems with breakage will be solved.

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