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The menacing elephant in the room - Donald Trump?


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Im just sick of threads that go nowhere but divide people.



That's a bit Rich. You engage in vigorous discussion in all sorts of non-fishing topics! Here we have a thread where your opinion is in the minority---for reasons far too numerous to mention----and you suddenly are turned off.


As for dividing people, I guess you are right. I agree with a lot of what you have said on many other threads but not on this Trump 'debate'

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Problem isn't with politics/religion. It's with people not being able to keep those conversations civil. Just sayin'.


Where I'm from, there are 3 things you don't talk about; politics, religion, and netting on lake Nipissing.


I have a hard time keeping my civility with the latter!

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x2. def agree.. i thought we were all here to brag and exploit our common interest of landing lunkers! ...or in my case, day dreaming about it anyway! :Gonefishing:


There have been some solid fishing reports lately (have to admit, i've been enthralled with the 56" musky caught by Mike Rousseau - time to move on to wahoo, marlin and tuna?) , lets keep em coming! :clapping: (I would contribute but I recently moved to Edmonton, I catch more shopping carts than fish :wallbash: - on another note, any tips for the Edm area would be appreciated haha!)


Time to buy a fly rod my friend...


Trout are your new friend.

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Was it not the liberals that said if Great Britain votes against staying with EU that the stock market would crash and "THE DONALD" said no it wouldn't......... :whistling:



Regardless of what the Donald possibly predicted...did any of you believe that someone said that Britain could crash the world economy with a no vote? No one else did.



And what do you make of that no-vote? First thing after the vote all the no-vote leaders fall on their swords and the new leadership states there is no possible way it can even think of filing the divorce papers until well into 2017. That's hardly taking a bold step to independence and more like, ooops we may have made a mistake...err what do we do now?


Finally key economic indicators released yesterday paint a bleak picture short term future for a Britain that can't even file the divorce papers: ...financial conditions going forward that look worse then after 2009 stock market crash, helicopter cash infusions, and an interest rate of 1/4 of 1%.

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Trump doesn't stand a chance...not even a close one...




I've bookmarked this thread...and we'll revisit this fall....


I'm sure by then even those in this thread who defended trump will have changed their mind.....


Might not take that long...Watch him bail out before the election. He'd rather quit than lose, so he'll make up some lame excuse and try to be a martyr.

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I just can't see how anyone could support a guy who mocked a disabled reporter... he's running for president for gods sake.. imagine if you had a disabled child who fought their whole life to fit in and succeed only to be made fun of by the presidential candidate.... even if he loses he's already convinced his supporters that the election is rigged so he can't win... either way I see chaos..

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.... even if he loses he's already convinced his supporters that the election is rigged so he can't win... either way I see chaos..



I'll miss the intelligence of Obama....blowing up one myth at a time. :)

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Former Bush CIA head said this about Trump: "...the character traits he has exhibited during the primary season suggest he would be a poor, even dangerous, commander in chief.


These traits include his obvious need for self-aggrandizement, his overreaction to perceived slights, his tendency to make decisions based on intuition, his refusal to change his views based on new information, his routine carelessness with the facts, his unwillingness to listen to others and his lack of respect for the rule of law.


The dangers that flow from Mr. Trump’s character are not just risks that would emerge if he became president. It is already damaging our national security. President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia was a career intelligence officer, trained to identify vulnerabilities in an individual and to exploit them. That is exactly what he did early in the primaries. Mr. Putin played upon Mr. Trump’s vulnerabilities by complimenting him. He responded just as Mr. Putin had calculated".


That combination of blowhard ignorance and self absorption has seduced a few here. What word did they use to describe Trump's bigoted and boorish remarks?..."refreshing"

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"When the interviewer asked Clint Eastwood who he would support, Trump or Clinton, the answer was logical: if Clinton is planning to do the same agenda as Obama, then hed go with Trump.


Which brings me to the point: Clinton is an Obama clone. Like him, she lies, is on a power trip, and will continue to spend our hard-earned money for jihadists and crooks. She is a taker, the ultimate hypocrite.


Sure, Donald Trump says stupid stuff sometimes, but its off the cuff and non-politically correct.


Hillary, on the other hand, is cold, calculating and choreographs her words to make you think one thing when the opposite is true. The Democrats are the party of haters and anti-American sentiments. At least the Republicans were pro-America at their convention.


Ill take Trump. The alternative is terrifying."

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The way I see it Glen is that both sides sling rumours and hypocritical half truths or lies at each other.


What you hear from politicians or on Facebook may appear to be true and accurate but is often biased or complete Bull.


Hilary is either a liar and self-serving politician or a superb person/leader - depends who u listen to. But all negative reports about her come from Republican based sources or are conversely matched by people who state the exact opposite about her. It's all so confusing and hard to filter for the common person. I'm not saying she's THE answer. However, she at least projects positivity and forward thinking.


Donald, however, constantly spews negativity and fear mongering. Unfortunately, he gives us firsthand and filmed instances of racism, hate, inaccuracies, lies and a serious lack of understanding of trade, security and basic American constitutional law. He himself gives anyone who is willing to listen with a critical ear all the information one needs to see that he would be an embarrassing stupid, narcissistic, dishonest, arrogant and dangerous world leader.


A good chunk of the world already resents, mistrusts or hates America. Trump would only exacerbate that problem.


Do we need change in North America - dam right! These politicians are out of control, spoiled and unaccountable. Big business is the puppet master. It's sad. But if you think Trump is the common man's answer - my god - It may be too late for you.

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This is the kind of guy they allow to have as a presidential candidate? They need all the help they can get.


seems Hillary has a few loose screws as well, she is nothing more than Bill's ticket back to the White House.


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Sure, Donald Trump says stupid stuff sometimes, but its off the cuff and non-politically correct. Hillary, on the other hand, is cold, calculating and choreographs her words to make you think one thing when the opposite is true



Here is the Donald not speaking off the cuff. It is scripted, he is reading a statement he did not write. Someone has choreographed his words to make you think one thing when the opposite is true. Donald used Ryan's own words to snub him but didn't have the balls to follow through. They told him to dance like a puppet and he said how high? Ryan didn't come to the rally. All the important Wisconsin Republicans snubbed him and none showed up. Establishment Republicans are distancing themselves from him and he is dangling in the wind.


He has only his white people who hopelessly believe that he is a maverick prophet of truth who will lead them back to a pure America. That crowd is good for background filler at his rallies but no where close enough to get him even one swing state. If the election were held today he would be crushed.


So how does Trump win Glen?...does Trump go diplomatic and continue kissing up to his established Republican cousins like a twoface?..or does he go on another rouge bashing bender? No one wants to see the boring Trump and Trump wants his ratings so you know where this is going. He's going to blow up his party.

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Is this really what you want to discuss on a fishing thread? It reads like a pack of trolls talking about something that you have no say in. I am really close to locking all political threads since they seem to bring out the worst in people on this forum. Here is fair warning 2 people on this thread are going to be on modQ if they continue trolling members and fanning the flames of debate.


Hopefully this is all I need to say


Be CIVIL post FACTS not dribble from the internet and agree to disagree before typing an insult.




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