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Dumb and Dumber


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I just wonder how Trump is going to make America great again. Last night he promised to solve inner city crime immediately. Not one how. I can't imagine what a great America looks like when this buffoon gets in. His mugging for the camera last night every time someone clapped for him was uncomfortable. Sticking out his chin like Mussolini. His picture should be in Wikipedia as an example of Megalomaniac. Just this minute I watched an add from the Clinton camp that has a few children watching the Presidential candidate make a complete arse of himself speaking, I mean babbling.


Now watch me pull a Rabbit out of my hass!

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Boy - I hate to say this but you guys are out in left field when it comes to recognizing what is going on down here with regard to politics - people are sick and tired of the same old crap from both parties and finally a guy comes along who is an outsider and will change things - our country has been declining because of the liberal, far left policies instituted by Obama and his crew and the people don't like it - he and Clinton has made a mess of everything they touched - both at home and overseas


I hope the hell Trump is elected because if Clinton gets elected it is all over for this country - Clinton is nothing but a lying crook - she doesn't even know what telling the truth is -


There was I time when I was very proud to be an American - but today I have very little in common with this country - I can't relate to it - maybe Trump will bring America back to where it was - making America great again -


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I hope the hell Trump is elected because if Clinton gets elected it is all over for this country -



It's all over for all of us if Trump gets elected. Imagine giving that bozo the nuclear trigger!! Shudder to think of it. The 'man' is seriously delusional ! He's going to solve all problems on day 1--poof, just like magic. It would be a joke if it wasn't so bloody tragic!

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I know I'm not likely to change anyone's mind who's already supporting Trump, since they always find a way to dispute facts or say someone has a bias. But if you look into who's actually telling the "truth" the facts may surprise you:






Just because it's not the popular narrative, or not "politically correct" (pardon the pun), doesn't mean it's obviously the truth. Don't get me wrong, I think Clinton is probably one of the more corrupt politicians there are, but she'll also have the most experience in politics since FDR ran for a third term. Trump has never held a public or government position, has no experience in politics, and has repeatedly shown us that he knows nothing about the constitution or politics in general. Why you think an "outsider" would be better to have one of the most if not the most powerful position in the world is beyond me. But maybe you get your plumber to do your heart surgery. Hell, it's all pumps and pipes and hoses, right?

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I know I'm not likely to change anyone's mind who's already supporting Trump, since they always find a way to dispute facts or say someone has a bias. But if you look into who's actually telling the "truth" the facts may surprise you:






Just because it's not the popular narrative, or not "politically correct" (pardon the pun), doesn't mean it's obviously the truth. Don't get me wrong, I think Clinton is probably one of the more corrupt politicians there are, but she'll also have the most experience in politics since FDR ran for a third term. Trump has never held a public or government position, has no experience in politics, and has repeatedly shown us that he knows nothing about the constitution or politics in general. Why you think an "outsider" would be better to have one of the most if not the most powerful position in the world is beyond me. But maybe you get your plumber to do your heart surgery. Hell, it's all pumps and pipes and hoses, right?


...and that is it. Like with Climate Change the US "wacked right" just make crap up. And like with Climate change they wallow with pleasure in their ignorance. The truth and facts don't matter. If you look at the mass smear campaign through emails and FB posts I'd be angry too if all that crap was true, but's it's not.


When you challenge any of these blowhards on any facts they have nothing or they go mute. What they have lost a basic civility where we don't make stuff up to smearbash and win with slander...and I see some of it in Canada but thank god we are not like the US!!

Edited by scuro2
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JoePa, I respect your opinion but I'm sitting here watching Obama and his Mexican counterpart at a live press conference and wondering just how Trump would handle these questions from the media.. He would only have approved media people to start with so anyone who asks the tough questions wouldn't even be there.. not even the Mexican president would be allowed.. It would appear that like many Americans that you rely on a very biased news feed.... This all reminds me of the propaganda that exists in many socialist and communist 3rd world countries...

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I gotta admit, I have really enjoyed Obama as President..Its unfortunate he couldn't get much done. Everything the man proposed was instantly shut down by the heavily favored Republican congress. In 8 years he honestly didnt stand any chance to make any real changes..Clinton is a mess.. Trump is a clown..Good luck to my American friends..Here's my prediction.Trump wins by a landslide and gets the boot by the end of year one.

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Joepa , says the same misinformed drivel on another site I frequent, nothing ever about fishing or hunting. Very glad his views are not prevalent, here in this country.


Nothing ever about fishing or hunting - wrong - your just mad because I don't buy that political correctness garbage and tell it like it is - I would appreciate it if I could borrow your hat -

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Boy - I hate to say this but you guys are out in left field when it comes to recognizing what is going on down here with regard to politics - people are sick and tired of the same old crap from both parties and finally a guy comes along who is an outsider and will change things - our country has been declining because of the liberal, far left policies instituted by Obama and his crew and the people don't like it - he and Clinton has made a mess of everything they touched - both at home and overseas


I hope the hell Trump is elected because if Clinton gets elected it is all over for this country - Clinton is nothing but a lying crook - she doesn't even know what telling the truth is -


There was I time when I was very proud to be an American - but today I have very little in common with this country - I can't relate to it - maybe Trump will bring America back to where it was - making America great again -


Canada and the US have a lot in common, we call it democracy but it's really just a dictatorship with many heads. We are told that we get to elect the people we want to represent us but in truth the biggest/best liar is the person that gets elected. Once in office they have it made, they do what they want for the next 4 years with little or no accountability and then the whole process starts all over again.

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Man sometimes I wish there was a Like button here. I will tell you one thing they will have the hottest First Lady since Jackie. The morning news will be interesting if that idiot gets in. If there is a morning news after he open the Football and has us all blown up real good.


JoePa I understand the need to change the status quo and stop the madness from professional politicians but of all people Trump? Come on there has to be someone else. He won't last a single term before he is impeached or worse. I believe the "worse" scenario unfortunately, there are a few nuts in the US more than willing to do it.

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At least trump isn't funded by a nazi sympathiZer who's goal is to destroy the United States by manipulating the African American population. Look up George Soros. He's a major contributor to both obamas campaign and clintons campaign


Sounds like 1 of those conspiracy theories that the Americans just love to spread around.

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