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Mashkinonje Lodge Report 2016


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Well we had a fabulous time up at Mashkinonje Lodge again this year. All of us already booked for next year, musky opener. Even though there were very few fish caught, we still had a fab time. All tolled, Paul and I only caught 3 fish for the whole week. I caught a pickerel and Paul caught a perch and world's greatest sport's fish, a rock bass. It was not from lack of trying, but the weeds are just not there yet and the water was very murky. Plus we spent alot of time "having fun." :)


We spent the week with Lew and Di and their daughter Sheri, Rich and Patsy, Art and Joe and John and Barb. Of course Lodge owners Regan and Goldie, their son Russel, dog Barney and cat Stewie were great hosts.


Each night one of us cooked, which saved on the food prep, and it was nice to have a different meal each night. Sunday was Lew and Di's famous spaghetti, Monday we heard was going to rain so we cancelled that night, Tuesday was Barb and John's pulled Pork sandwiches, Wednesday Regan and Goldie made burgers and sausages on a bun, and brought in a live band, Art and Joe threw in some delicious BBQ'd pork tenderloin. Thursday was my night and I made lamb stew and Friday was Rich and Patsy's mac and cheese and sloppy joes. We all ate well and laughter was aplenty. Leslie from Lakair graced us with her presence twice and TJ and Monique came to visit Wednesday, supplying us with their home made syrup and honey. So nice to see you all again.


I took as many pics as I could. Some worked out, some did not unfortunately, especially the heron catching a gar pike. Just too far away to get a good pic. We had a terrible wind storm one day and boats were pulling wood planks off the docks and one dock broke free aswell, but we all pulled together and reinforced everything.


John and Barb celebrated their 42nd anniversary while there and Sheri baked them a fabulous cake.


We saw alot of wildlife, including bears, bald eagles and their eaglets, osprey and many others. I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. Enjoy.


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Fun snapping photo's of Paul's lure hitting the water on a slow day :)


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We returned to camp to find Di having a wee nap, Sorry Di, I had to :)


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I think he's flipping me the bird :)


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See the babies


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Wind Day


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OMG a fish pic


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This is what happens when you leave your camera unattended :)


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This is a piece of artwork I bought at the lodge, painted on a feather. Love it.


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Can't wait til next year !!!!


Hope you enjoyed :)









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Would you please STOP posting pics Joey. Now I am about 15 paintings on my to paint list. Some of our best trips ever we caught diddly. Maybe it's on my end but it took forever for the pics to come up. ?????


Great idea to have each crew to make a meal, until we realized we were having Pasta for 5 nights!!!

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We always have a great time when we all get together every year Joey and this trip was no exception. A blast as usual and already looking forward to next year.


Pictures turned out great too.

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We used to do two fishing trips a year, but I guess it is only one now. Think we spent more time in just a single day sitting around chatting and having fun, than we did fishing the entire week. LOL. Great to see everyone again, a year in between is just too long. Already booked for a repeat next year and looking forward to it. Lots of Pennsylvanians in camp that week ..... GO PA !! Finally got to meet Sheri after only knowing her on FB. Come back next year Sheri - reserve your spot now. Patsy and I got totally skunked in the fishing department this year, but that's ok. Even when we were out, we couldn't wait to get back to camp to be with our friends. Hope we can keep this up for years to come. Boat is cleaned out and washed - bring on September. Thank you OFC for bringing us all together.

Edited by Rich Clemens
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Yep great week with awesome friends. 3 pike between Barbara and myself but lots of laughs, fun and great food. The Wednesday night live music was fantastic. Barnie is the best fed camp dog there is, he actually loses weight in the Winter! Just want to thank all of the willing hands that came together during the storm. It's hard to believe that my boat could actually pull wood out of a relatively newly built dock especially when I use bungy cords to tie up!

Thanks to our hosts Regan, Goldie, Russell, Barnie and Stewie they run a first class lodge.

Thanks also to Sheri for baking us our anniversary cake.....not too many guys can brag that they spent their 42nd anniversary fishing the West Arm of lake Nipissing! 42 years and counting Barbara.... :)

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Would you please STOP posting pics Joey. Now I am about 15 paintings on my to paint list. Some of our best trips ever we caught diddly. Maybe it's on my end but it took forever for the pics to come up. ?????


Great idea to have each crew to make a meal, until we realized we were having Pasta for 5 nights!!

Yep the size and res of those photo's slowed my laptop down to a crawl. Well worth it though!

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Great pics, my wife and I are going to be there the third week of August, thanks for sharing.


HAHA, she made a bit of a "whaaa" face when I showed her the pic of the bear. We're familiar with the area, but we've never actually spotted one there.

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jAs always Joe and I had a great time with our friends. The fishing was tough with 6 fish boated for the week and a muskie that short struck me three times on three different days. The visits from Leslie and Leslie and T.J. and Monique was also very special. Between Goldie , Regan and Barny the mouch we felt the week was closer to a home coming more than just another week of fishing . Danny the resident guide was nice enough to take a booking from me and the information he freely gave and the laughter will live in my memory for many a year. If you want to contact him here is a link to his website.




Thanks to everyone for making our vacation excellent



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Dan Columby is the best Muskie guide in Canada, bar none. If anyone that does not target Musky (like I) or does must get out with Danny at least once. I had 1 Musky under my belt in 35 years of fishing and got 2 that day with him. He apologized because only 2 in about 5 hours is a slow day for him. After 5 hours he wanted to trailer his boat to another area of Nip but I was beat after tossing bricks all morning. I don't know how you Musky guys and gals do that all day.


Sorry about the hi-jack Joey.

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Would you please STOP posting pics Joey. Now I am about 15 paintings on my to paint list. Some of our best trips ever we caught diddly. Maybe it's on my end but it took forever for the pics to come up. ?????


Great idea to have each crew to make a meal, until we realized we were having Pasta for 5 nights!!!


Sorry, can't help myself. Can't wait to see one of the paintings. Thanks OI


We always have a great time when we all get together every year Joey and this trip was no exception. A blast as usual and already looking forward to next year.


Pictures turned out great too.


Yes we do Lew, and I can't wait til next year either. Thanks, some pics did actually turn out :)


looks like a great week


Thanks Terry!


We used to do two fishing trips a year, but I guess it is only one now. Think we spent more time in just a single day sitting around chatting and having fun, than we did fishing the entire week. LOL. Great to see everyone again, a year in between is just too long. Already booked for a repeat next year and looking forward to it. Lots of Pennsylvanians in camp that week ..... GO PA !! Finally got to meet Sheri after only knowing her on FB. Come back next year Sheri - reserve your spot now. Patsy and I got totally skunked in the fishing department this year, but that's ok. Even when we were out, we couldn't wait to get back to camp to be with our friends. Hope we can keep this up for years to come. Boat is cleaned out and washed - bring on September. Thank you OFC for bringing us all together.


Go PA, yes you guys are overrunning us LOL. So good to see you two again, and tell Patsy thanks for the shirts and the peachy penguins, I'm still eating them :)


Yep great week with awesome friends. 3 pike between Barbara and myself but lots of laughs, fun and great food. The Wednesday night live music was fantastic. Barnie is the best fed camp dog there is, he actually loses weight in the Winter! Just want to thank all of the willing hands that came together during the storm. It's hard to believe that my boat could actually pull wood out of a relatively newly built dock especially when I use bungy cords to tie up!

Thanks to our hosts Regan, Goldie, Russell, Barnie and Stewie they run a first class lodge.

Thanks also to Sheri for baking us our anniversary cake.....not too many guys can brag that they spent their 42nd anniversary fishing the West Arm of lake Nipissing! 42 years and counting Barbara.... :)


So good to see you two again and glad the boat did not get any damage when it ripped the dock apart :) Happy 42nd you two, you're certainly made for each other.

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Wow can you shoot pictures!


Looks like an amazing time!!!


Thanks so much, I love taking pics :)


Looks like a great time. I'll be there in three weeks.


Enjoy, it's so nice up there!


Great pics, my wife and I are going to be there the third week of August, thanks for sharing.


HAHA, she made a bit of a "whaaa" face when I showed her the pic of the bear. We're familiar with the area, but we've never actually spotted one there.


PM me if you want the location of the bear we saw and the eagle's nest. Enjoy yourselves


Sweet report J.



Photos were epic.


Lew, nice pic of the hotties. :blush:


Thanks B, wish you and Betty were there


jAs always Joe and I had a great time with our friends. The fishing was tough with 6 fish boated for the week and a muskie that short struck me three times on three different days. The visits from Leslie and Leslie and T.J. and Monique was also very special. Between Goldie , Regan and Barny the mouch we felt the week was closer to a home coming more than just another week of fishing . Danny the resident guide was nice enough to take a booking from me and the information he freely gave and the laughter will live in my memory for many a year. If you want to contact him here is a link to his website.




Thanks to everyone for making our vacation excellent




Always a pleasure to see you and Joe, and damn you two can cook!


Dan Columby is the best Muskie guide in Canada, bar none. If anyone that does not target Musky (like I) or does must get out with Danny at least once. I had 1 Musky under my belt in 35 years of fishing and got 2 that day with him. He apologized because only 2 in about 5 hours is a slow day for him. After 5 hours he wanted to trailer his boat to another area of Nip but I was beat after tossing bricks all morning. I don't know how you Musky guys and gals do that all day.


Sorry about the hi-jack Joey.


No worries OI, Danny is a great guy, and likes my lures too :)

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Remind me on FB Joey to pass along the link to a friends page for birding in eastern Ontario. You may already be on it though... It is right up your alley, you take excellent shots.


Fishing is not what this annual trip is fully about, that's for sure. The gang always enjoys themselves.


On a side note, where's Roy? In the past few years I've personally maybe heard from him once or twice and he used to be quite active here. On FB I've noticed he hasn't been around at all either..? Wassup Roy!!! Where you at young fella?

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Remind me on FB Joey to pass along the link to a friends page for birding in eastern Ontario. You may already be on it though... It is right up your alley, you take excellent shots.


Fishing is not what this annual trip is fully about, that's for sure. The gang always enjoys themselves.


On a side note, where's Roy? In the past few years I've personally maybe heard from him once or twice and he used to be quite active here. On FB I've noticed he hasn't been around at all either..? Wassup Roy!!! Where you at young fella?

He has the 25 kids to work with so his hands are full. Send him a message when you get a chance.




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