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Best CHEAP deal on cell providers NF


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I want to get a cell that wont cost a ton ( simple package payment), and I want to get the simcoe lake app on it. I dont need long distance calling. I do need unlimited text.


What is out there for this cheap guy?







Edited by Brian B
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Brian you don't need to have your data turned on to use the navionics app. Just download the Simcoe map at home over wifi and the gps in the phone does not use data. Buy a phone outright and then you can get a cheaper plan it will save you money. I use virgin mobile pay as you go and I use spend just over a hundred a year. Other carriers offer cheap plans if you buy your own phone also. Check out Zenfone 2 from Asus nice phone for the money.

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Brian you don't need to have your data turned on to use the navionics app. Just download the Simcoe map at home over wifi and the gps in the phone does not use data. Buy a phone outright and then you can get a cheaper plan it will save you money. I use virgin mobile pay as you go and I use spend just over a hundred a year. Other carriers offer cheap plans if you buy your own phone also. Check out Zenfone 2 from Asus nice phone for the money.

I was going to say virgin mobile too and get any andriod cell. I love my Samsung due to screen size for that app


Still stuck with Bell! On the upside, I pretty much have signal almost everywhere!

I switched to them for that very reason and NOT because of who pays my paycheck...

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I'm interested in this topic; Both Sue and I have iPhone 4S that I bought outright. We are currently with Virgin Mobile because they use the bell network and the coverage is fantastic. Now I have a data plan because I use my phone for business and Sue is on my bill but doesn't have a data plan, she doesn't need one.


I currently pay $118.65 a month but I think there might be better plans out there for us. In the very near future I want to get rid of our land line and both Sue and I will just use our cell phones, we don't make a lot of long distance calls and to be honest with you I'm not even sure what "data" is on the phone but I think I have 5 GB, I use google maps text, and talk but that's about it (oh and sometimes play solitare or sudoko).


They need to have a place where us old folks can go where some smart donkey can figure out what we really do need and set it up for us.


Hey Geoff want to start a bisiness: (not implying you are a donkey) "Simple Technology for Seniors". Bring us your cell phones, tablets, laptops and we'll help you set them up and make sure you are getting what YOU need! Sue and I would sign up right now!

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Find iPhone







All use Data.


Current period 605MB


Call time Life time 19 hours 40 minutes


I have had this phone for about a year now.


This old dog is willing to learn but I have to admit it ain't easy.

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Hey Geoff want to start a bisiness: (not implying you are a donkey) "Simple Technology for Seniors". Bring us your cell phones, tablets, laptops and we'll help you set them up and make sure you are getting what YOU need! Sue and I would sign up right now!

I sure would Cliff if I could but getting a partnership like that to offer to more than one cell provider for varying plans will not happen unless I buy the old Future Shop name or have many retail chains... I'll still help you however. I know that because I use my home wifi or free wifi at places like Tim's I keep it under 1/2 a gig a month. Apple brand items tend to use 2 to 4 x the data than the andriod devices do. Check out the prepaid options as my folks use that and it's very cost effective for them. I think they have a 7-11 prepaid? Just make sure who ever the company is, they rent off Bell/Virgin vs rent off Rogers. Where we are there are 4x more Bell towers than Rogers hence the signal coverage... I hope that helps

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I run a samsung and almost all my data is through wifi.


I have 5 people on my plan and its about $80/$120 per month depending.


I find that fair.


Use wifi as much as possible


The cost is only that high when I call blabbermouth johnny d or chris


(They usually call me so im being an azzzhat)


Oh and yes, buy out your phones. Purdy please

Edited by manitoubass2
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I currently have an old BB as does the wife...We have an old plan that has 50mins talk, unlimited text and unlimited FB/twitter with a combined total of $68/month tax in.


I have been entertaining the idea of getting an android phone and going with public mobile...They seem to offer the best deal from what i see online only thing is you must prepay 3months to get the best discount.

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LOL You live in a city as well Terry.LOL


Seems Im getting a new work cell that should allow me to get the app. Just waiting for the IT guy here to set it up.. My current one is way to small to see a screen properly and has no data. He says I pay for the app, no issue here. So free cell and no cost to me. LOL


Thanks for the replies.

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Geoff, we are going to have to get together, you are so much more tech savy than we are and I know you could really help us. Lets try to plan an evening of fishing and I'll pick your brain and show you some of my spots (but you can't show Ernie) LOL. Oh wait, Ernie showed me all the spots I know) :rofl2:

Edited by Big Cliff
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Geoff, we are going to have to get together, you are so much more tech savy than we are and I know you could really help us. Lets try to plan an evening of fishing and I'll pick your brain and show you some of my spots (but you can't show Ernie) LOL. Oh wait, Ernie showed me all the spots I know) :rofl2:

LOL! and sure, I can this Sun evening and anytime on the 22nd. I'm on nights till 9pm for the next month or two...

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Since I no longer have a Millenial at my beckoned call at work I struggle when it comes to newer technology. But I finally got rid of our Bell land line after being with them since 1973 and joined the 21st century. When I called Bell to cancel some young lady said "OK" bye, bye. No gold watch for me. 43 years and about 20 grand later, man it adds up. It was up to 75 bucks a month. We had Koodo phones that were $21.50 a month each, basically call home or 911, 20 free texts a month. The kids have 20 texts before they get to work if they have work to get to. I know kids that rack up monthly bills of 300 bananas and more, I don't get it. . One of the guys said their Grand Daughter called them crying because she had a $700.00 monthly bill and couldn't tell her parents. Yea I don't get it.


We went with Koodo and have 2 Motorola somethings, I don't know if it's a I Phone or smart phone, android or what, it rings and I swipe something and say hello. Zero data usage of which we don't need. I found that data usage can kill you. I use it for Wifi if at Timmies a few times. The bill is around 80 bucks a month for both phones. We had enough Koodo points that the phones were free. I do miss sticking a real phone between my shoulder and neck and be able to do other things while on the phone. I'm most impressed with the camera on these things. I don't know if 40 bucks each with unlimited long distance is OK, good, or not so good. I'm old fashined, I use the thing to talk to other people on.


edit: My cousin the US does't have a land line but has an extension of the cell phones that sits ina charging cradle that looks and works like the old land line phones. Is there any service up here that has something similar? I am very afraid I'm going to loose, drop, break this new home phone I take with me.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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I do miss sticking a real phone between my shoulder and neck and be able to do other things while on the phone. I'm most impressed with the camera on these things. I don't know if 40 bucks each with unlimited long distance is OK, good, or not so good. I'm old fashined, I use the thing to talk to other people on.

Same idea as I said to Cliff, check the pre-paid options. Most stores now have them (PC and even 7-11). Some rent off Bell towers, others off Rogers. You need a big coverage area you go Bell 3rd parties if not Bell direct as they too do pre-paid.

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