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trying to talk to my brother

mr blizzard

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So my wife and I just tried to get a hold of my ailing brother at a nursing home in Bobcageon Ont


phoned and they said they would go down the hall and hold the phone while i talked to Don, they said I will call u back in 10 minutes, An hour later we call back an the to be nice broad said i did not hear back from u,,,,,,,then the receptionist said I have voice recognition and did not recognize your voice from the first phone call,,,,wth,,,,I said i want to hear my brothers voice before he expires, my wife and i both replied what is voice recognition, how many phone calls have u received from Yellowknife in the last hour,,,,,,,,,,,I asked please let me talk to my brother. She first name karen said i am sorry but i do not recognise your voice,,,oh my God what has Ontario turned into I am not a terrorist i just wanted to talk to Don and yes I do not believe she is a voice recognitionist,,,m,SAD SAD SAD SAD, how whatever could she be at a time like this but they get 3 grand from him every month ,,,,can some one back there please help for the inexcusable bull crap from that receptionist tonight, I am sorry I have a long fuse but this is rediculous, if she does not recognise my tone of voice I cant talk to my dying brother

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I have never heard of a voice recognition specialist at a nursing home, can someone please help me as to who I can go to to resolve this, still shaking


Do I go to the lady premier or cbc or city or someone else,,,, been on this board a long time but my wife and I r fumming right now I am only sure and dont get me wrong but the new additions to this country are being treated well and Don who served with the rcmp opp mtp and lastly the peterborough police with a gun shot to his knee and the lady for better terms would not allow me to talk to my brother because she did not recognise my voice,,,she sounded like 23


Members of this board please help us if I cannot hear my brothers voice becauseof some nerd it will be sad and Art please dont lock this ,,,because some bimbo did not recognise my voice ,,,,who is she to intervene in my family

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Oh I feel for ya, that is beyond comprehension. I'd be making some phone calls to the news.

Thank you Fisherman, only in my nightmares could someone under these circumstances ask for voice recognition,,, it is called Pinecrest in Bobcageon, the nursing home

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I'd call City tv

thank you for your support


please other members of this board the only one i belong to help me, this is like kicking a dead dog cant believe this happened, not looking for vengance just a serious apology want some legal advice

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Yes talk to the administrator, Gen. Manager etc. not some receptionist. Voice recognition technology, I don't think so. Going to the media isn't going to get you to talk to your brother. It will only become confrontational if it hasn't already.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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Well that is outrageous. I agree with the above comments, call back, ask for the manager, if no one can put you on the line with your bro, call the police and then call City TV. Get this investigated and out there to the public.


I'd be fuming too and this is just not right!

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OK, it's 4:50 am and I have to work today but I will be checking this thread as soon as I get home (mid to late afternoon probably).


Post on here if you have been able to talk to him otherwise; If it hasn't been resolved to your satisfaction by then, I'll drive over to Bobcayegon myself with my cell phone and you will hear from your brother (or I'll be in jail). PM me your phone number, brothers last name, a room number if you have one any other information you think might be helpful.

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OK, it's 4:50 am and I have to work today but I will be checking this thread as soon as I get home (mid to late afternoon probably).


Post on here if you have been able to talk to him otherwise; If it hasn't been resolved to your satisfaction by then, I'll drive over to Bobcayegon myself with my cell phone and you will hear from your brother (or I'll be in jail). PM me your phone number, brothers last name, a room number if you have one any other information you think might be helpful.



Sorry to hear john, id take cliff up on his offer if ya cant get a manager on the phone and figure this out.


Talk about an awful situation

Edited by manitoubass2
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Phone and speak to the Administrator or the DRC (Director of Resident Care).

Lodge a complaint because,

Every Resident of a Long Term Care Facility have Rights, under the Long Term Home Care Act.


If your brother is competent, they have NO rights to deny your phone call to him.

Inform the Administrator that you will be calling at a specific time TODAY and expect to speak to your brother.

Lastly if this is a Long Term Care Facility (not a Retirement Home) file a complaint with the MOH (Ministry of Health) and LTC (Long Term Care).

If you receive NO satisfaction today pm me and I will assist. If you require Phone Number(s) I will help you.

Edited by miami
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Bizarre. I have never heard of such a thing. I suppose they are trying to protect the residents from being preyed upon. Tell them they can monitor the call, stay right in the room while you speak to your brother. After a couple minutes of listening in they will see its a legit call and bugger off. I hope you have this figured out already.

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I'm going to agree with Rizzo here. I usually give people the benefit of the doubt and would assume they're not being spiteful to you. Calling from NWT they likely didn't recognize the area code and thought it was a scammer. Stay calm and try to talk to a manager. Getting worked up and calling everyone from the MP/MPP to the Queen of England or the media or the police isn't going to make things better.

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Thanks everyone for your thoughts and suggestions

The weird part is when I first called she being the receptionist asked a bunch of questions which I dont think she has a right to do and I dont mean generic questions about the weather etc which I could see as being some sort of screening BUT my brother is too week to even hold a phone now so one of the workers has to be there anyways, she said she would call back in 10 minutes when she was in the room with my brother


The part that got me challenged is when I called back after not hearing from her she started asking the same questions, are u your brothers age, what work did I do in Ontario, what work have u done in Yellowknife etc


Then she said I am sorry but I do not recognise your voice , it does not sound the same as when I last talked to you and proceded to babble, I told her no disrespect but I dont want to talk to u I want to speak to my brother


At that point my wife even said over the speaker phone What if his brother isint around tomorrow, he is phoning because he loves him


A few minutes later my wife phoned back and asked for the supervisors name, my wife was told that individual would be in today being the 17th, and finally someone went to his room so I could hear his voice


What a struggle I would not want to see anyones family treated like this, whether from the perspective of the one that is failing or from the ones that are trying to reach out to help and give reassuring words


I just got off the phone with the supervisor and she promised to look into the way things were handled and promised to get back to us


I am so glad my 90 year old mom is living at my sisters home


Thanks everyone for your input, it helped tremendously


Now go catch some fish this weekend

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I'm glad to hear that you were finally able to hear your brothers voice. I would still inform the MPP in this area of the kind of treatment you received. The MPP for this area is Laurie Scott. I understand the need for precautions, but this sounds ridiculous as you said. I have heard so many horror stories from nursing homes, not something I am looking forward to ever having to access.

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I'm glad to hear that you were finally able to hear your brothers voice. I would still inform the MPP in this area of the kind of treatment you received. The MPP for this area is Laurie Scott. I understand the need for precautions, but this sounds ridiculous as you said. I have heard so many horror stories from nursing homes, not something I am looking forward to ever having to access.

Thank you and I will not for vengance but awareness

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Woo Hoo !!

WTG Big Cliff !!!

Hats off to you !

Thanks to all for your support, thanks for the advice and yes Randy there are some good old fashion people on this board that have morals and values and are not afraid to role up their sleeves and getter done and it is NEVER taken for granted, special thanks to all and extra thanks to Miami and of course Big Cliff

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