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O'Leary Calls out Wynne - NF


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Hmmm, let's see, an entrepreneur who has his finger on the business world takes the government to task on their new tax grab and folks are complaining that they don't like the guy.

Not saying I am a fan of his, but from a business perspective, he hit the nail right on the head. It's not like we have any history with our current government wasting OUR money on projects administered by the public sector! LOL

Sorry you guys don't see that.


I totally agree, this female dog is special interest group that Ontario voted in and she's quickly killing everything from agriculture to automotive etc etc as we knew it

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I totally agree, this female dog is special interest group that Ontario voted in and she's quickly killing everything from agriculture to automotive etc etc as we knew it



yep, because we really needed that 407 extension that took out thousands of acres of valuable farmland

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He is arrogant for sure but he will be listened to. The more people that call out this liberal governments over spending the better. Do the math on that provincial debt. Per adult taxpayer it's a crazy insane number in a low growth world. It's just plain dumb. And that number does NOT include the locked in future overpayments we will make for power prices and the pass through of carbon tax by companies. The more people like O'Leary use their influence the better. Now if the voters would just pay attention.

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So what's that crazy insane number canuck? You said it, so you should have already done the math.


Some of you guys seem so passionate about this stuff, why are you whining about it on a fishing forum and not actually trying to do something?

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LOL....and you think that our current "serious" political "leaders" are sound fiscal managers???? We have a provincial "leader" who is turning Ontario into a fiscal third world country and a Federal "leader" who is.......well words fail me without some adjectives I would rather not use....

Government represents more than the economy. If oleary was the finance minister or a leading economical consultant I could handle that, but he is way less qualified to lead a full government and a society than any current candidate. I have little sympathy for double-talking and money wasting politicians, and I have just as little sympathy for rich businessmen.


I dumped my ballot in the last provincial election so I have no heart for our current government.

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You need to call the opposition. They ran a turd candidate Hudak. Now they elected a twin turd to be pc leader.


O'Leary in the best market run lost money with his mutual funds. Let me rephrase that investor loss money in O'Leary funds in the biggest bull run sense the 20's. The guy is a moron he wouldn't run a lemonade stand for me.

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The biggest problem with the last elections (both provincial and federal) isn't that the Liberals won, it's that there wasn't any viable alternatiave. Not saying that O'leary is a good alternative but we at least need someone to stand up and chalange the liberals. I do think he would (and is) doing that!

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Actually there was a viable alternative.

Its just that Hudak scared everybody by saying he was going to eliminate 100,000 govt jobs and everybody freaked.

Nobody heard the part where he said it would be done by attrition, not layoffs.

If a couple voters would actually listen and think we wouldn't have what we have today.


I remember back in the 80's when Joe Clark got a minority govt, brought out a budget.

To fill my truck went from $17.00 one day to $24.00 the next.

The Liberals freaked and voted against it and called an election. They wan and gas went back to $17.00 a tank, 6 months later I was paying $26.00 a tank. Thay are sneaky.


MdGuinty wanted to save the planet single handed so he got his green energy program. No care for if we want it or what it costs, he is dead set on saving the planet.

Cept, we are paying and the rest of the world isn't on board.

Now Kathleen is carrying his legacy...no care for the cost. Steel mill closing is a good thing to here because it saves the planet.


If the rest of the world was on board, great, but we will be done in by it. We have done enough, let the rest catch up now.

We will not save the planet on our own and setting an example anymore will break us...

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So what's that crazy insane number canuck? You said it, so you should have already done the math.


Some of you guys seem so passionate about this stuff, why are you whining about it on a fishing forum and not actually trying to do something?

As I understand it, the current debt for each person living in Ontario is $22K and rising every day!


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So what's that crazy insane number canuck? You said it, so you should have already done the math.


Some of you guys seem so passionate about this stuff, why are you whining about it on a fishing forum and not actually trying to do something?

Its actually 23,000 dollars, been reported all over the place..40% of GDP...but hey, its for the planet...we can afford it

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Here is your Ontario Debt Clock:




and you have to add that number to the National Debt Clock:




The shocking thing is that the Ontario per capita debt is 1.5 times the national number......



Human nature dictates that's the population is all for cutting spending as long as doesn't affect their lifestyle. As a result we as a population will never elect anyone who tackles the deficits & debt head on. It's far more palatable to just line up at the trough for our 'free stuff' hoping someone else foots the bill and pretending that everything is hunky dory. It's kind of reminiscent of how the people of Greece have handled their debt crisis.

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:dunno: Why is everybody shocked by this....how long have we had a Liberal government in power now...the past election all we had here was people bashing the only fiscally responsible party and now we have Liberals at the federal level....give Trudeau another 12 months and we`ll really be up the creek....who voted Liberal....lets have a show of hands... :wallbash:

Edited by lookinforwalleye
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I would like to take this opportunity to vehemently disagree with that. There's no way a man (Trump) who inherited hundred of millions of dollars and has declared bankruptcy multiple times knows any more than your average house cat about money. I've heard said by some people who actually are smart about money that if he had simply sat on his inheritance that he'd be better off today than he actually is.


And Kevin O'Leary is a blowhard who likes to talk a big game. I think a lot of people over-estimate how much he's actually worth. He was probably the least wealthy of all the dragons on Dragon's Den.


I'm not saying he's wrong about what he wrote in that open letter, but I think if anyone one of us on this forum sat down for a little while we could have formulated that letter. He's not saying anything revolutionary or anything we don't already know.


Beat me to it. :good:

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I'm all for calling out politicians (and there are serious issues here) but this guy is only concerned with his brand and his money, full stop. He has no other priorities. Every breath, every deal, every statement is $ and shine.

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:dunno: Why is everybody shocked by this....how long have we had a Liberal government in power now...the past election all we had here was people bashing the only fiscally responsible party and now we have Liberals at the federal level....give Trudeau another 12 months and we`ll really be up the creek....who voted Liberal....lets have a show of hands... :wallbash:


Wynne is awful, there is no question. She is probably the worst politician I can remember in my lifetime. But the notion that the PC party is any better with money is not accurate.


Between 2006 and 2015 Steve added $127.02 BILLION dollars (in 2011 dollars) to the national debt, and yet I hear guys on here saying our grandkids will be paying for Wynne's debt. Clearly, they have both run up a bill that we can't afford, yet some people here bought the con propaganda.



This is from a post I made on a previous thread:


Net adjusted deficit/surplus (2011 dollars)


Stephen Harper (2006-2014): $127.45 billion net deficit over his term


Jean Chretien (1993-2004): $107.97 billion net deficit over term


Brian Mulroney (1984-1992): $464.8 billion net deficit over term


Pierre Trudeau (1980-1984): $185.23 billion net deficit over term


Joe Clark (1979-1980): $38.6 billion net deficit over term


Pierre Trudeau (1968-1979): $72.16 billion net deficit over term


(Source: Finance Canada, Statistics Canada, Bank of Canada, Parliament of Canada, IMF as reported at "http://www.cbc.ca/beta/news/multimedia/canada-s-deficits-and-surpluses-1963-to-2015-1.3042571")



My question for you is this: If every PM, PC or Liberal, adds to the debt every year as proven above, how can you argue that it is the Liberals who will bankrupt this country?


The way I see it, Canadians, will ALWAYS, ALWAYS get screwed by our politicians, because they sell a narrative of "us versus them" to low information voters who buy in without checking facts.


Full disclosure: I voted PC provincially and Liberal federally in the last election, in the interest of transparency.

Edited by Dutch01
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I would love to know what % of Wynnes votes came from the gay community, not because they thought she would be good at the job but because she came out saying she was a lesbien. (just for the record I don't have any problem with anyone's preferances as long as they don't try to impose them on me.)

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I would love to know what % of Wynnes votes came from the gay community, not because they thought she would be good at the job but because she came out saying she was a lesbien. (just for the record I don't have any problem with anyone's preferances as long as they don't try to impose them on me.)

This isn't much different than wondering how many votes she got from women, or white people. I don't think we'll ever know because they don't keeps stats on that I don't think.

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Wynne is awful, there is no question. She is probably the worst politician I can remember in my lifetime. But the notion that the PC party is any better with money is not accurate.


Between 2006 and 2015 Steve added $127.02 BILLION dollars (in 2011 dollars) to the national debt, and yet I hear guys on here saying our grandkids will be paying for Wynne's debt. Clearly, they have both run up a bill that we can't afford, yet some people here bought the con propaganda.



This is from a post I made on a previous thread:


My question for you is this: If every PM, PC or Liberal, adds to the debt every year as proven above, how can you argue that it is the Liberals who will bankrupt this country?


The way I see it, Canadians, will ALWAYS, ALWAYS get screwed by our politicians, because they sell a narrative of "us versus them" to low information voters who buy in without checking facts.


Full disclosure: I voted PC provincially and Liberal federally in the last election, in the interest of transparency.



You forget the part where at the beginning of Harper,s term he proposed a balanced budget but didn't have a majority to pass it. The Lieberals said they would vote him out if he didn't spend money, so he did

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This isn't much different than wondering how many votes she got from women, or white people. I don't think we'll ever know because they don't keeps stats on that I don't think.

They keep stats on EVERYTHING

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You forget the part where at the beginning of Harper,s term he proposed a balanced budget but didn't have a majority to pass it. The Lieberals said they would vote him out if he didn't spend money, so he did

This is not the narrative that former Finance Minister Jim Flaherty was selling when he spoke to the Globe in 2014:


"The next day, at the citys Delta Bessborough hotel, Mr. Flaherty met with business leaders for several hours. All had a similar message: Their businesses were feeling the pain of a bad economy.


A light went on in my head at about 2 oclock in the afternoon: This is worse than I thought, Mr. Flaherty recalls. When the second day of meetings wrapped up, he placed a call to Prime Minister Stephen Harper.


You know, we hoped we could run a deficit of fifteen or twenty billion dollars and manage the problem at that level. But I dont think so, Mr. Flaherty says he told the Prime Minister. Its deeper and darker and its at all levels of business.


Thats how Mr. Flaherty, a conservative whod risen to political prominence in Ontario as a member of the cost-cutting Mike Harris government, ended up delivering one of the largest deficits in modern Canadian history. The red ink for the fiscal year 2009-10 was nearly $56-billion. When adjusted for inflation, it was on par with the federal deficits of the early 1990s, when Canada was considered a financial basket case.


And Im glad we did, Mr. Flaherty says."


Source: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/stimulus-gamble-how-ottawa-saved-the-economy-and-wasted-billions/article16760149/?service=mobile


They cannot have it both ways. They cannot blame the Liberals and NDP for "forcing their hand" while simultaneously taking credit for having done it at all.


No PM in the data I posted has ever come out on the plus side. Why would Harper be any different?


Throw in his constant erosion of liberty under the guise of greater security, and he is as bad as any PM we have had.

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They keep stats on EVERYTHING

Can you point to them? If they're not publicly released, they are effectively non-existent.


They might do surveys, but since ballots are anonymous there's really no way to collect actual stats.

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I may be wrong, but I don't think that ballots are anonymous. When I called my MPP, they knew right then and there who I voted for after looking up my info on their system.

I also know that prior to this election, during the campaign, folks would come to my door knowing full well who I had voted for in the previous election and asked me to either continue my past support or change to their candidate.


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