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Carbon Tax

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This is becoming stupid.

I am disgusted.

Increases (Hydro) that this Party of the People throws at us Ontario folk to cover the shortfall of their ineptness and dubious decisions the past 5 years. They screw up and we pay.

Those who voted Liberal must be in awe.................or asleep.

Now gas at 4.3 cents per litre + $5 for Natural....................

It's becoming increasingly difficult to live in the province of my birth, where my beloved parents are at rest because reality with this Government is clearly more absurd than any fiction imaginable. I'm beginning to think Liberalism is a mental disorder.

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Ummm...didn't we just spend billions closing coal plants a replacing them with gas to lower the carbon?


And I could take a pretty good guess at some of her supporters in here that won't admit it outright :whistling::whistling:

Don't lump me in there, I didn't vote for her! (Or her predecessor)

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Wynne just announced a 4.3 cent a litre tax increase in gas and $5 more per month for natural gas home heating. This looks like a tax grab disguised to reduce green house emissions.



You can tax me all you want...just don't give it a stupid name like carbon tax or environmental tax ...we aren't that stupid

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Right after ice fishing season.

Ontarian's don't know what that is because of all the carbon in the air that keeps ice from forming. :jerry: :jerry: :jerry:



There's a lot more than carbon floating in the air and it seems to keep brain cells from forming too


Good answer though

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Ummm...didn't we just spend billions closing coal plants a replacing them with gas to lower the carbon?


And I could take a pretty good guess at some of her supporters in here that won't admit it outright :whistling::whistling:


many years ago I was involved In a published report on where our pollution comes from!

The Ohio Valley back then they burned a lot more coal than we did! It moves with the the jet stream, note our current weather movement.


DRIVE CLEAN (1999) was the same and involved in that too. cars don't palute as much as they did but the test still survives. And will forever, tax grab.


This government is a joke as was the last one and some of our fellow citizens continue to support them.

But then will the next one do anything? NO, that money is coming in will not be retracted.


Just imagine one of us giving up part of our pay :(

I answered a question to the NDP and any correspondence I received after that was, can you Donate to block the Liberal Bills!

I finally told them to use their own money as I do when I go to work! They stopped asking!



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Provincially, the only people I know who voted libs were folks getting paid by the libs by working for them.

I cringed on my provincial ballot when I checked Conservative....but reminded myself (and continue to this day) that federal and provincial politics differs greatly.


But we have a tremendous amount of public servants in this province, the majority of which are teachers, who will ensure the Libs remain in power.

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