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An open letter to Justin

Big Cliff

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I'm not anti weed at all. Legalize it, tax it and be done with it. It won't be any different then going to the LCBO to buy your fav bottle of whiskey.


People just admit why they want it, they like to get a little buzzed. Enough with all the other excuses, it's the same reason I like a whiskey now and again.

Bill, clearly I misread you on this, my apologies. I'll edit my post accordingly!




PS: I like a good rye whiskey now and then too. If you want to try something new, try it on ice with coconut water. Rum is even better like this.

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are there actually people still in the anti camp? Dont get me wrong, im not going to vouch for people doing anything to their bodies, be it weed, liquour or even fast food...but everyone dabbles time to time in some kind of vice do they not? if you dont, well holy crepe good on you!


I think the biggest point of contention with all of this is people driving under the influence...which i will never condone be it, the drink, the weed or the pain killers or any other mind altering substance. i think that has been the biggest difficulty in the whole legalization discussion. Aside from that though, the idea of taxing it like alcohol not only saves on, enforcement, and legal costs, it also removes billions of dollars in funding from organized crime as well as increasing public safety.


All while becoming an additional revenue source for the government...how can you lose?



Manitou, in the essence of the government being so concerned with public safety, ive heard of people having bad trips...and getting in to trouble...dont get me wrong people do terrible things while drinking too...its just all relative i guess.

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Long term excessive use of weed is no different than long term excessive use of alcohol IMO. It does seem to relieve pain and discomfort in some people but I'm not buying that it IMPROVES your health if you're healthy to start with. I'd legalize it and tax the hell out of it just like alcohol.

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Most polls I read still put a third or so of the country in the anti-legalization camp. On the plus side, I do believe that number is going to dwindle further with time.


I agree with you regarding impaired driving, but I don't consider that issue to be related specifically to weed. We should add texting, reading the newspaper, putting on lipstick and every other kind of distraction or impairment to that list (you wouldn't believe the things I see Toronto drivers do!). Driving is a privilege (legally speaking), and with freedom comes responsibility.


I guess that's kind of my point. Hold people responsible for their own actions. Don't hold me responsible for what others might do. Impaired driving can't be the "reason" (excuse) for not legalizing. Impaired driving is dangerous and illegal. Increase enforcement, increase penalties. If we as a society limit the most responsible of our citizens to only the freedoms that the least responsible can handle, we wouldn't be a free society at all.

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Income splitting benefited me, and I was not in a high income tax bracket last year.


My wife of 16 years is a landed immigrant, never worked a day in Canada or gets a penny of pension, although he says he is not touching income splitting for pensions, the loss of splitting would be disastrous for me. The TFSA is really not a big deal, you don't get a tax deduction on the amount you put in like an RRSP, only no tax is paid on the interest or other income earned within the plan, with the puny interest rates of today or market conditions it really don't amount to a hill of beans.

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Legalize it already. For recreation as well. The same bud is used for both situations, if you think its different your sadly mistaken. I don't think these old fart politicians should be making the rules on cannabis when most say they have never tried it. Maybe get a panel of long time cannabis users and scientists to sit down and hammer out a new policy.


It should be regulated and taxed but not over taxed because that will just defeat the purpose of getting rid of the black market. Growing your own has to be included as well. Most people will go to the store to buy it anyways just like tomatoes.


Taking cannabis is a great way to maintain good health. Ingesting the oil is the best way but smoking is the easiest for most since oil capsules are not readily available. Topical cremes and tinctures are going to be a huge part of the business in the near future.


My 80 yr old mother has arthritis in her knee and foot that's been bothering her for awhile. A few weeks ago I ordered her some marijuana cream to put on the affected areas. She has been applying it two or three times a day for the last couple weeks and when I spoke to her yesterday she said she has been pain free for about 3 days now. The cream is infused with cannabis resin and is 100% natural ingredients.


As for me I have been a consumer for forty years and haven't had to take a prescription drug for at least thirty five years and am in perfect health at 55 yrs of age. I also live a healthy lifestyle of course, don't smoke, not much of a drinker, and no fast foods and very little fried foods. Call me what you will but I think the use of cannabis has played a large part in maintaining my good health.


M.D.s quite frankly scare the crap out of me. I look at how unhealthy society is and have to say I give them a failing grade. There the best when it comes to trauma because that is what their trained for. But for nutrition there the last person you should be talking to. They have no interest in curing disease or even want to know why you have it. All they are interested in is managing disease because you are a customer to them. Sad to say but that is how I feel People have to start taking control of their own health if you want to stay healthy. End of rant lol.

There are a lot more old drunks and pot users running around than there are old Dr.s You just might have something there! :whistling:

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are there actually people still in the anti camp? Dont get me wrong, im not going to vouch for people doing anything to their bodies, be it weed, liquour or even fast food...but everyone dabbles time to time in some kind of vice do they not? if you dont, well holy crepe good on you!


I think the biggest point of contention with all of this is people driving under the influence...which i will never condone be it, the drink, the weed or the pain killers or any other mind altering substance. i think that has been the biggest difficulty in the whole legalization discussion. Aside from that though, the idea of taxing it like alcohol not only saves on, enforcement, and legal costs, it also removes billions of dollars in funding from organized crime as well as increasing public safety.


All while becoming an additional revenue source for the government...how can you lose?



Manitou, in the essence of the government being so concerned with public safety, ive heard of people having bad trips...and getting in to trouble...dont get me wrong people do terrible things while drinking too...its just all relative i guess.

Its possible, but ive never seen it personally.


There are other natural substances Im not against either, as long as its not undergoing some sort of chemical additive or being altered anyway

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I'm not anti weed at all. Legalize it, tax it and be done with it. It won't be any different then going to the LCBO to buy your fav bottle of whiskey.


People just need to admit why they want it(Like you just did).. Enough with all the other excuses, it's the same reason I like a whiskey now and again.


The Trailer Park Boys had a movie a couple years ago called "Don't legalize it" (i haven't seen it). They probably know whats best.


I have serious spinal cord injury and bad case progressive-relapsing multiple sclerosis. The stuff was recommended to me for relief, etc.

I don't abuse, barely use. Something called Kush costs me about 50 cents a day vaporized. Better than the doctors prescribed percoset, oxycontin, crap.

Like booze moderation is key. Was told by dudes, moderation in moderation. I guess..

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I don't know where these old fart politicians who have never smoked pot went to school, but I went to U of T '69 to 74, which would correspond to when most of the old farts were educated. 5 years I stayed in a men's residence that housed students taking professional degrees, doctors, lawyers, dentists, engineers, pharmacists, architects and even lowly foresters like me. THEY ALL SMOKED :tease:

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I don't know where these old fart politicians who have never smoked pot went to school, but I went to U of T '69 to 74, which would correspond to when most of the old farts were educated. 5 years I stayed in a men's residence that housed students taking professional degrees, doctors, lawyers, dentists, engineers, pharmacists, architects and even lowly foresters like me. THEY ALL SMOKED :tease:





Found this old pic of you Dave!! :D



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The Trailer Park Boys had a movie a couple years ago called "Don't legalize it" (i haven't seen it). They probably know whats best.


I have serious spinal cord injury and bad case progressive-relapsing multiple sclerosis. The stuff was recommended to me for relief, etc.

I don't abuse, barely use. Something called Kush costs me about 50 cents a day vaporized. Better than the doctors prescribed percoset, oxycontin, crap.

Like booze moderation is key. Was told by dudes, moderation in moderation. I guess..



now thats the best point, when criminals are hoping it doesnt get legalized...something is up lol

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I have a question is there a test that can measure the amount of THC in someones body roadside to measure how/if they are impaired? That is a big question that we need to answer before it is allowed to be deregulated to recreational use in my opinion.




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I have a question is there a test that can measure the amount of THC in someones body roadside to measure how/if they are impaired? That is a big question that we need to answer before it is allowed to be deregulated to recreational use in my opinion.




No, not at all. And cannabinoids stay in the system long since they like fat cells.


Only way I could tell is the pupil test.


But i am positive a simple test could easily be designed to measure cannabinoids in the bloodstream. It wouldnt be hard

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Not quite Drifter, my crowd didn't do the hippie thing, that was the BA crowd with their arts and crafts degrees. Did frequent Yorkville though before it was a yuppie shopping destination and who could forget Rochdale College, I lived just south of Varsity Stadium , about 1/2 way between Yorkville and Rochdale.

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I have a question is there a test that can measure the amount of THC in someones body roadside to measure how/if they are impaired? That is a big question that we need to answer before it is allowed to be deregulated to recreational use in my opinion.






There currently isn't a roadside test, no. Several companies are working on one though. I'm not sutre why that should be a roadblock to legalization. There's currently no roadside test for how long you have been awake, no test for cough medicine or legal opiate's such as oxycodone, etc.


Also, under current law, an officer can charge you for impaired driving under the influence of marijuana solely based on his observations/professional opinion. If you have an accident then they can blood test you as well.

Edited by Dutch01
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But thats a slippery slope.


I might add its very dangerous to operate a vehicle under the use of opiates as well, or other narcotics


Thats important to.


If someone has prescribed opiates should they have their license pulled since they are basically under narcotic influence 24 hours a day?

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No, not at all. And cannabinoids stay in the system long since they like fat cells.


Only way I could tell is the pupil test.


But i am positive a simple test could easily be designed to measure cannabinoids in the bloodstream. It wouldnt be hard



All of the states that have legalized weed have blood tests that are administered when one is suspected of driving under the influence.

The test measures the amount of THC in the system and if above a certain level you are considered impaired just like if you had too much to drink.


Unfortunately there is no roadside breathalyzer type test.

The cops are trained in spotting the symptoms of stoned people.


Even if a breathalyzer is used road side to arrest someone for alcohol impairment they do several tests back @ the station in order to confirm the fact the person is drunk.

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Colorado has answered how to handle quite a few concerns mentioned here and dealing with the issues is a work in progress and constantly evolving. If you want to see how some of the problems with production, licensing and the sale of pot is administered check out Pot Barons of Colorado on youtube.


As for use in public here is a site on how that is handled.




As for driving under the influence, it will be societal pressure more than anything else that help keep it under control. Having draconian laws only goes so far. The big strides against drinking and driving have come from people who stop other people and general awareness. The same thing can work for pot, texting and other distractions. Of course it will still happen no matter what but hopefully to a lessor degree.

Edited by Canuck2fan
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