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An open letter to Justin

Big Cliff

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I was going to comment on how deep Canada is stepping more into socialism everyday but then the conversation went into another direction, that being dope............so I said to myself "self this thread is no longer making sense" so I then ponder the OP's statement and what his message was............then I read where he was responding to dopey questions too.......HUH....go figure.........LOL


So I have come to the conclusion that politics in Canada and Dope is pretty much the same thing and just go with it....... :)


Smoke them if you got them........... :canadian:

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I think the world of you and I love most of your posts but I think you need to take a closer look: Our "government" already dictates so many aspects of our lives and taxes and many more.


When you really look at it they already dictate so much of what we can or can't do! Seat belts, life jackets, safety kits in boats, motorcycle helmets, they tax the heck out of tobacco (but they also tax the heck out of stop smoking aids).


Such a contridiction, tax a woman's sanatiry supplies, tax food, it's almost to the point where they tax the water we drink and the air we breath, You need a licens to fish hunt, hunt certain species, own a gun, buy a property, sell a property get married, die.....


Our democracy is sounding more and more like a dictatorship every day!


Agreed Cliff. :good: One word solution "Libertarian"

Edited by Old Man
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Quite a few families are ruined by spending food money on drugs. Children neglected because mom and dad are wasted. The elevation from pot to other drugs on some people wanting to forget their wasted life.


Deaths from smoking pot impaired people have accidents just because it does not say due to pot does not mean it didn't contribute to life costing mistakes.


Thinking that nothing bad happens to pot smokers is to hide from the negative side of something you want approved. Look at the issue with your eyes open weigh the bad with the good then make the decision to make pot a recreational drug. I personally do not have a dog in this hunt pot smoking nor alcohol have any room in my life both make me uncontrollable with any volume and I accept that .



families ruined by buying pot? Please name a few ..... :)


your prohibitions views are old and outdated. :)

Edited by GbayGiant
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Aww John come on how do I respond to name them? :) Look around you do you think the petty thefts are being done for food? Are pawn shops prospering from people who have extra money? You are right about my views they are old....Logic has been taught since the time of the Greece empire 350 B.C. and before. Tunnel vision will not get pot legalized it will just make those who want it to be legal happy and those who don't grumpy. The fall out from it will not be seen by either but will be blamed on something else. Talk to a police officer ask him what he sees day after day and see if he says "yes recreational pot is a benefit to society" I am betting you will not hear that no matter how many you talk to. Blaming it on them being part of the government or the man is not a sound reply. :lol:




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families ruined by buying pot? Please name a few ..... :)


your prohibitions views are old and outdated. :)

Did you miss my second last post? For obvious reasons I am not going to name names but I am obviously close enough to some to know the details and believe me it has caused a lot of grief to many people in their family!

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Please explain Cliff, please explain the problems it has caused.

Please, let us all know the real issues of Pot and the harm it causes? Don't just say someone had issues. Explain yourself .,,

That way I can try to show the error in that kind of thinking. It's been drilled into everyones mind.


the truth is coming out.


Please explain the issues at hand Sir.

I'l try and quench each thought as you go.


Fair enough ? :)

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Did you miss my second last post? For obvious reasons I am not going to name names but I am obviously close enough to some to know the details and believe me it has caused a lot of grief to many people in their family!

Guys, this has nothing to do with pot. Adults making bad choices are solely responsible for their own consequences. I have said it before and I'll say it again:


If we hold the most responsible of us to only the freedoms that the least responsible among us can handle, then none of us will be free.


I find it strange that so many people think their opinion on my choices matters. I am not trying to force a choice on anyone, and I won't accept anyone else thinking they have the right to force choices on me, no matter what their anecdotal experience leads them to believe.


We all need to live and let live, let adults make their own choices, and hold them alone responsible for their actions.

Edited by Dutch01
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Gbay-some adults choose to buy pot rather than put clothes on their kids backs or food on the table. That's an issue when you look at a family living in poverty. Kids suffer because of the choice made by their parent. Legalizing pot will not change this situation. Now, you can throw alcohol in in the place of pot and have the same results. I work in the social service field and see it all the time.

Decriminalizing pot would be the better way to go. Court costs down and no silly criminal record for possessing a couple of joints.

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Guys, this has nothing to do with pot. Adults making bad choices are solely responsible for their own consequences. I have said it before and I'll say it again:


If we hold the most responsible of us to only the freedoms that the least responsible among us can handle, then none of us will be free.


I find it strange that so many people think their opinion on my choices matters. I am not trying to force a choice on anyone, and I won't accept anyone else thinking they have the right to force choices on me, no matter what their anecdotal experience leads them to believe.


We all need to live and let live, let adults make their own choices, hold them alone responsible for their actions.

as I thought and I would have got there and explained that. Thanks :)

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Gbay-some adults choose to buy pot rather than put clothes on their kids backs or food on the table. That's an issue when you look at a family living in poverty. Kids suffer because of the choice made by their parent. Legalizing pot will not change this situation. Now, you can throw alcohol in in the place of pot and have the same results. I work in the social service field and see it all the time.

Decriminalizing pot would be the better way to go. Court costs down and no silly criminal record for possessing a couple of joints.

you know these people do you? Please...give proof!

Ive been around a wee bit. :)


oh and please... dont compare alcohol to pot.

Thats just silly talk and we want to be adults here right?

Edited by GbayGiant
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I was going to comment on how deep Canada is stepping more into socialism everyday but then the conversation went into another direction, that being dope............so I said to myself "self this thread is no longer making sense" so I then ponder the OP's statement and what his message was............then I read where he was responding to dopey questions too.......HUH....go figure.........LOL


So I have come to the conclusion that politics in Canada and Dope is pretty much the same thing and just go with it....... :)


Smoke them if you got them........... :canadian:

I wonder what the fear of socialism is? It's not communism. And if everything on the "slippery slope" argument were true I think everyone responding to this thread would have OD'd on some heavy drugs by now.


We have the unfortunate distinction of living next to the biggest capitalist pseudo-libertarian state in the world. The only thing capitalism and libertarianism help is the people on top. But it's easy to sell to the people on the bottom because you have the illusion of hope. Did you know the Greeks believed that all of the evils were let out of Pandora's Box except hope? Interesting that hope could be considered an evil, especially by a very philosophical people such as the ancient Greeks. Socialism, on the other hand, rewards hard work but doesn't artificially inflate people's value. If you truly want your kid to grow up rich, don't send them to university to go into medicine, engineering, or arts (duh), have them get a business degree or and MBA. Oh, and make sure they're well connected and from a rich family before they get there.


And as for the "ruining lives" argument: I think it comes down to what people are capable of regardless of what drug or crutch they have. Smoking weed isn't going to ruin the lives of normal people. After reading this thread I think a lot of people would be surprised at how many people they see on a regular basis have a puff every now and then or would be far more inclined to do so if it were legal.

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Capitalism, especially in its advanced stages, is actually terrible for regular people.


If you ran one million computer simulations of a capitalist system to completion, you would get the same result one million times. All money and power concentrated in just a few hands.

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You're asking me to breach confidentiality? I can't do that. But if I walk into a home and someone tells me they don't have dollars for food or rent and I smell pot, that's proof enough for me.

I wasn't comparing alcohol to pot, I was saying that adults spend money on either rather than making the right choices to support their family.

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You're asking me to breach confidentiality? I can't do that. But if I walk into a home and someone tells me they don't have dollars for food or rent and I smell pot, that's proof enough for me.

I wasn't comparing alcohol to pot, I was saying that adults spend money on either rather than making the right choices to support their family.



And they do it when pot is illegal, so, if its legal and we don't spend the enforcement money on enforcement, we can spend it on educating them on wiser choices

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Please explain Cliff, please explain the problems it has caused.

Please, let us all know the real issues of Pot and the harm it causes? Don't just say someone had issues. Explain yourself .,,

That way I can try to show the error in that kind of thinking. It's been drilled into everyones mind.


the truth is coming out.


Please explain the issues at hand Sir.

I'l try and quench each thought as you go.


Fair enough ? :)

My brother lives in Nelson BC. His wife smokes 4-6 times a day. He doesn't smoke or drink. He loves her but the women he married isn't there anymore. She left with the increased pot smoking. She holds down a job in a Financial Institution but she ducks out for a "smoke" just like other people who smoke. He can't live with her walking around in a stuppor day in and day out. Their marriage finally failed and she lost her job. Smoking pot for her was a way of getting out of daily pressures. It's no different than alcohol except it's much more difficult to monitor if you're the employer.


Leglaizing it wouldn't help her. Legalizing it won't help most people but I'm sure looking for to the increased tax revenues that will accrue.

Edited by Oggie
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My brother lives in Nelson BC. His wife smokes 4-6 times a day. He doesn't smoke or drink. He loves her but the women he married isn't there anymore. She left with the increased pot smoking. She holds down a job in a Financial Institution but she ducks out for a "smoke" just like other people who smoke. He can't live with her walking around in a stuppor day in and day out. Their marriage finally failed and she lost her job. Smoking pot for her was a way of getting out of daily pressures. It's no different than alcohol except it's much more difficult to monitor if you're the employer.


Leglaizing it wouldn't help her. Legalizing it won't help most people but I'm sure looking for to the increased tax revenues that will accrue.


"It's no different than alcohol"


... Please, explain how Alcohol helps people.

Then explain how Ativan or Valium would have been a better choice for your bros wife.



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