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Good on you Jean


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Im for saying close the boarders and no more. Lets take care of our own. No one out there in any other country is going to help us. Hell, even our neighbour to the south are in trouble.


I say close our boarders NOW.



Canada can not save the world. We are in debt, yet we spend/send, millions of dollars to save people from other countries.


Dose that make sence to you all ?????????????

...agree 110% ..makes rock solid sense ..enough bleeding hearts running this country
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I would be willing to bet that Michael Harris is on the CICIS list.


When there's money to be made and an agenda to promote, people will say and do anything to further there own goals.



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When there's money to be made and an agenda to promote, people will say and do anything to further there own goals.




LOL I trust what Michael Harris has accomplished as an investigative journalist a lot more than a fluff piece by some hack from the mop and pail.


Harris has triggered a Royal Commission into the wrongful arrest and conviction of Donald Marshall, when he was able to find the real killer, when the Crown and RCMP didn't bother to look....


His book Unholy Orders: Tragedy at Mount Cashel triggered the Hughes Inquiry into the allegations of sexual abuse the Mount Cashel Orphanage and in both cases what he wrote was FOUND to be true.


So, I find it hard to believe he would risk Harper suing him for writing a book with out checking his sources....

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Nice how the other political hacks take the picture of a 3 yr old lying face down on a beach and use it to garner votes but I wouldn't expect anything less from them. Harpers Conservatives have made mistakes just as others have but he seems to understand how this game should be played both at home and abroad. I shudder to think what Canada would look like after a term led by either of the two socialists on the left. Lets hope we won't find out.



When Johnny Cretan speaks all I smell is crap. The only thing he knew was how to delegate. It served him well but thats all I will give him credit for. Crooked as the day is long.

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Im for saying close the boarders and no more. Lets take care of our own. No one out there in any other country is going to help us. Hell, even our neighbour to the south are in trouble.


I say close our boarders NOW.



Canada can not save the world. We are in debt, yet we spend/send, millions of dollars to save people from other countries.


Dose that make sence to you all ?????????????


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Brian I disagree with you 110%. Opening our borders to those that need a civilized country is who we are and always have been other than a few instances in our darkest history during WW2 with refugee Jews on boats from Europe being denied entry


. My grand parents came here in 1920's from Italy. If someone said no where would I be? You are wrong Brian, dead wrong, sorry.

I agree. My parents came here after WW2. Canada has been and is a nation of immigrants (except for First Nations). Screen and let them in. We are a multi-cultural country, remember that!

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logic a word rarely ever heard anymore.we ,yes that's us canadiens ,at one time were revered amongst other countrys. now becoming the corporate lapdog of the u.s.a. have become boot lickers.. leadership means leading,not swaying to whoevers banner flys,and puts dollars into the coffers..first and foremost is making CANADA the best place to live,for its citizens..with taxation at the highest 42per-cent of every dollar,countless scandals where doo I turn???. our government fleeces migratory workers,and uses citizens as peons to whip middle class out of existence..whomever gets to be prime minister will once again follow corporate orders. vote TELLme who for...... its laughable .sad eh.

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I agree. My parents came here after WW2. Canada has been and is a nation of immigrants (except for First Nations). Screen and let them in. We are a multi-cultural country, remember that!

I've never understood this exemption. they too came here once upon a time. As for politics, unless we as a united people stand up & make politicians accountable for their actions NOTHING will ever change, doesn't matter if it's Orange, Red or Blue.

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I've never understood this exemption. they too came here once upon a time. As for politics, unless we as a united people stand up & make politicians accountable for their actions NOTHING will ever change, doesn't matter if it's Orange, Red or Blue.

And we as a people are so badly fragmented that we will never stand as one, it's the old "divide and conquer" routine, they have been playing the game and it works.


As for Wynne the POO, she doesn't care where they are going to live or what you and I think, she just does what ever she wants because she can! She is in her own words "Lesbian and the Premier of Ontario, how special is that?" ( in that order of importance) I can only imagine how much damage she'll be able to do if Justin does get elected, scarey!!!!!

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All I'm going to say is this, and this is a fact of international relations with warring nations since the Romans figured it out several centuries ago:


There are only three ways to deal with guerilla fighting forces such as ISIS and Al Qaeda.


1. Scorched earth,


2. Never ending fighting and policing, or


3. Leave the situation well enough alone.


All you knuckle draggers who want us over there fighting but not dealing with the consequences of all the people that are displaced really need to look at the situation a little deeper.

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no, no, we must arm ourselves and save the world....buy more war ships and bombers we can't afford....don't forget to heavily arm our "soldiers" (remember when we were peace keepers?) ...


lets join in the US's crusade to police the world....lets just do what big brother tells us to do....


"yes Mr USA, anything you say....we'll join you"... "bend over and spread it you say Mr USA, no problem, how wide should I spread it"?


March 17, 2003: (discussion on whether Canada will join the US in the Iraq invasion in the house of commons)


“If military action proceeds without a new resolution of the [united Nations] Security Council, Canada will not participate.”


Thank you Jean. I'll always admire you above all others.

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oh, just in case you are wondering what our current fearful leader was saying at that time:


Canada’s current Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper -- then the leader of the Opposition Canadian Alliance -- co-authored a letter to the Wall Street Journal telling Americans that he strongly disagreed with the prime minister and supported the war.

“This is a serious mistake,” Harper wrote, along with foreign affairs critic Stockwell Day. “The Canadian Alliance -- the official opposition in Parliament -- supports the American and British position because we share their concerns, their worries about the future if Iraq is left unattended to, and their fundamental vision of civilization and human values."


In 2008, Harper -- by then prime minister -- announced that he had changed his mind and now felt that the war was a mistake.


Harper, a joke then and a bigger joke now.

Unfortunately he has pulled Canada down...which is not a joke.

Edited by Steve
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Michael Harris researched everything in his book Party of One himself. He never has paid anyone to do his research for him. He does it all himself and double checks to make sure its correct before it goes in his books. Anyone who votes the Cons are just uninformed and don't understand what Harper is really doing. In my riding it took 30 days after the election started before a single con election sign was put out. Our Con MP is nowhere to be found. She has been muzzled by Harper for the last 5 yrs or so now. Why would anyone here vote for a clapping seal to represent them in parliament. She cannot speak for the people who have elected her.

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Truthfully I don't mind if they all come here as long as they are screened properly. What I dislike is there are 3-4 locations (Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver & Calgary) where they will all migrate to, I believe Garrett stated it earlier, why not send/put them in the interior to help start building out this country. The Italians were sent to Timmins (amongst others), Germans/Polish to Winnipeg...etc, I see nothing wrong with this. Traveling through small town Ontario I've seen signs for Family Doctors needed, if any of these refugees were Dr. in the homeland & can pass a placement test why not make it customary that they serve in these places for a allotted amount of time before they can move on, Toronto doesn't need anymore Dr. that are cab drivers or gas station attendants. At my workplace our shipper/receiver is a licence doctor in his home country & his credentials would be recognized in the UK but not here!

Another thing that would have to be done without fail is follow ups to be sure they are here, remember a few years ago when crap hit the fan between Israel & Palestine & all of a sudden we had 10000 Palestinians that are Canadian looking for a lift home, I believe CBC investigated this and found 2/3 of those claimants live most of their time in Palestine Only briefly touching Canadian soil as to not cause a flag on their name.

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I suggested the North, as it will bring jobs and help out our First Nations.... The larger the population in the north, the more services that eventually will be needed. We have so much land that's unsettled, why not spread these folks out and help build Canada in the process? Our major cities certainly don't need any more immigration...


Nor does anywhere along the Canada USA border where most of our population live.


I come from an immigrant family myself, screen them just as my family was, make sure they add value to society, let them in and settle up in the



Not sure if my opinion is popular or not... But it's just that.. My opinion.



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I suggested the North, as it will bring jobs and help out our First Nations.... The larger the population in the north, the more services that eventually will be needed. We have so much land that's unsettled, why not spread these folks out and help build Canada in the process? Our major cities certainly don't need any more immigration...


Nor does anywhere along the Canada USA border where most of our population live.


I come from an immigrant family myself, screen them just as my family was, make sure they add value to society, let them in and settle up in the



Not sure if my opinion is popular or not... But it's just that.. My opinion.




Yes, screening them may not be a bad idea.



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