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It's a Facebook world that we live in

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I love it lol! I work with some guys who live on facespace. I don't get it. I have an account, but I only log in every couple months. I think you do need a psychiatrist if you post every waking moment to social media.

Edited by porkpie
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I love it lol! I work with some guys who live on facespace. I don't get it. I have an account, but I only log in every couple months. I think you do need a psychiatrist if you post every waking moment to social media.

It's crazy.... Not to mention the amount of drama... I don't need exs stalking me etc. (this happened) not to mention the privacy concerns... Facebook owns all your images you post and can use them anyway they want.


According to a news article I read, Right now in the US Facebook is mentioned in more then 50% of divorce cases....



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FB is a tool like any other, I belong to a few very useful groups.


The drama is a problem sometime and that is why I block notifications from a lot of friends and family and I no longer accept friend requests from younger friends and or relatives and their children.


And the fact that FB is mentioned in 50% of divorce cases does not surprise me at all and people with nothing to hide should not fear FB.

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Lol SirCranksAlot, I think that would be an awesome afternoon out, a couple of red bulls and have at it!


I really like Facebook.


The whole reason it is called 'social' media is because it is just that, it is just another way to be involved with other people (be social). And being involved socially has it highs and lows, drama…yes, people that annoy you yes….but also can be a great way to connect with old friends, keep in contact with relatives…..a long way away in my case and have fun…yup…believe it or not it can be fun….hell people even get laid by using Facebook (so i've heard).


Is there a need for people to post their every waking moment on Facebook, probably not, but the technology exists to do so, so its gonna happen. Has it made people less social? it would be easy for me to say yes as a person who did not grow up with all this stuff….but has it? Well it certainly has enabled (empowered even?) people to be social in a totally different way to what was possible when I was a kid.


I post a lot on Facebook, sometimes I love it, sometimes it infuriates me….A LOT LIKE THIS FORUM…..so whats the difference? Heck…I am in contact with members here and on Facebook.


Like all new technologies there are pros and cons.


You can't escape the fact we live in a time of instant connectivity, different from when I was growing up for sure,

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I use facebook and im not even sure how many friends I have on there? Maybe like 50? They are almost all friends I conversate with regularily or I can keep in easy touch when they move. I also have family on there that live away from me.


Its a great way to keep in touch IMO.


also I do post alot of pictures, but thats for a few reasons.


One I have a horrible memory so its nice to look back on once in awhile.


two it gives my family a look at what they miss, and vice versa. Kids grow up fast man its nice to see regular pics of nephews nieces etc.


and some of its just comedic relief. Alot of funny stuff gets posted on facecrack.

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yes agreed and the are some very good groups,clubs etc. that can be very helpful...I think I have like 39 friends and I have notifications turned off on some of those and I have a whole whack of friend requests mainly from nieces nephews etc that I just ignore because well you know why.... :lol:

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It's awesome for fishing updates & snowmobile trail info and it's been great and I belong to lots of groups and have met some great people & new fishing freinds as well as snowmobiling freinds too! I guess it depends what you are using it for !!! Yes there is some clutter but you can weed through that and only see the stuff you are interested in it's just another tool to use and keep updated on the things I want too see !!!!

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Facebook is for little high school girls.


My idea of being "social" is being out and about with people and sharing real "face time".


The world or facebook, instagram, twitter, text messaging etc makes me kinda vomit. I like to talk to people.


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Love FB. Keep in touch with my brother and sister in another town almost exclusively on FB. I have one friend...an old neighbour who used to watch our kids after school who lives on FB...but she is GREAT to have as a friend because she posts funny stuff she finds all the time.Love her sense of humour. Keep in touch with old high school friends too...even though I moved away from home 31 years ago. Play words with friends....basically scrabble....with friends and family on there daily. Sit at the puter with my breakfast or at midnite when I work 4-12 and catch up for 20-30 minutes a day tops. Don'y let it run my life and don't partake in the drama. I have a grand total of 31 friends. So that pretty much tells you I don't waste time with "strangers".

Edited by crappieperchhunter
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FB lets me have better contact with my extended family who are scattered from Ont to the East coast. I see pix of b'day, anniv., Xmas celebs as well as some of the fish my bros catch (banter back and forth about the fish pic :lol: ). Pix of our grand childrens' fun times etc. I don't accept 'friend' requests from casual acquaintances: I think some of those are generated by 'the system' rather than originating with the alleged initiator. My fishing buddy sent me a request so I explained to him that my FB is a family thing. The way I see it if you are younger than 30 you brag about how many FB friends you have, if you're over 30 you brag about how few.


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