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2 nights on Nipissing with my Girlfriend!


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I just got back from a great trip to Callander Bay with my girlfriend. We left town on Tuesday and reached our destination around 2. The drive up was good, except for a nasty stretch between gravenhurst and huntsville where we had to pass an 8 car pile up!


We parked the Escape on shore (after spending almost a grand last week after we broke down on the way to the hut on Simcoe..) With the bravo loaded up, we headed out to the hut.





Once we got the hut set up, we headed our for a tour on the bravo. We picked a spot, and punched a few holes. And about 5 minutes later, my girlfriend (Sam) landed her first ever fish through the ice!! This made the entire trip worth while! Seeing how happy she was during and after the fight... It was a special moment for me. (and sad at the same time, because she was out fishing me at this point!!).


We fished there for an hour, and caught 3 eyes.


We toured back to the hut for the night bite. And what does Sam do?? Catches more "fish". Another first, a Mud-Puppy. !! NASTY LITTLE BUGGERS!!! I may have squealed like a girl getting this little demon off the hook... Quick pic, and released to scare the crap out of another angler...




This puppy had a red bloody patch on his one side near his gills. Not sure where it came from. He was hooked in the lip... So it wasn't from me. Must have been caught before.?


The next morning, we fished the hut until around noon. Then we went for a nice snowshoe to the LCBO..


After that, we decided to head back to the hole that we got lucky at the evening before. Except this time wasn't so nice. I let Sam drive the Bravo. And to no fault of hers, we ran straight in to a slush pit!! DAM IT!! It took half an hour, and some completely soaking wet boots to get the bravo dug out. I had to take the sleigh off, drag it out, then turn the bravo around and pull it out.. It was frustrating. But at least Sam got to experience the nasty side of ice fishing! (It aint all fun and games...)


The tour out... Near our hut in Callander



The slush...



My wet socks...




After we got out of the slush, we continued on to the hole. And it was worth it, because we caught about half a dozen more eyes! . I hit another slush pit on the way home, and had to dig out again, it was brutal, but worth it!! Good thing I had spare boots back at the Escape.!



Last night, it was about -33 with the wind chill. But we where toasty warm inside the hut! And hooked up with a few eyes through the nice too, which was nice! No ling though.........


This was in the morning....

Nuf Said.




This morning, we packed up, and headed up to north bay for a greasy breakfast at Burger World.


On the way home, we stopped at Arrowhead Park to go for a skate around the loop. It was Great! Sam hasn't been on skates in about 25 years, and she didn't fall down once!! She actually did really well. We where the only people out skating wearing helmets!!! Loosers we are...... But safe!



Aside from the slush, and the -33 temps last night. It was an amazing couple of days up "North". I have Sam officially addicted to ice fishing. She wants to go out again next weekend!!



Thanks Blair!!!!



And thanks for reading!


NAW ><\\\\>

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Glad you had a good time Nick. Even though I don't run a business renting the hut, I was consumed with "wondering" how you were making out over the 2 days. Thus the many texts for updates.


Open invite to OFC members to use my hut as a hub if you ever wish to come fish Calander Bay for a day or weekend. Just PM me.

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nice report, my fishing partner is on his way to stay at those huts today as well, ill let him know you did well on the eyes.


Its threads like this that make me happy that we upgraded our bravos, i can now deal with slush with a bit of power band. Id probably quit sledding if I got stuck every time i hit slush, cause thats basically what georgian bay sledding is lol.


Contrary to what some have said, any time you can go fishing, and get a good lookin blonde girl to fish with you, you are doing very well.


Solid report.

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Now there is whispers that chads wife may make an appearance at the "hardcore Nip G2G". Which she has done before in the past. I'm really hoping she can make it out. And if that's the case Sam is game to come up again! She's pretty much addicted at this point!

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