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Super Bowl 49, who do you like and what will you munch on?

Old Ironmaker

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The largest annual sporting event comes this Sunday. Largest in single game viewership world wide and highest dollar grossing annual event. I don't even know what stupid dollar value it is now for a 30 second commercial, I know it was a million a few years ago. Not withstanding all the over inflation (sorry) and hype who do you like Pats or Seahawks.


We have a local get together every year and I try to make a regional food from each teams location. This year it's New England Clam Chowder and a variety of Salmon dishes. It's seems almost every year it's New England Chowder and something else. Last year it was tough picking a dish from Denver, so someone suggested we eat Horse. Didn't happen. I got 4 cattle hooves from the local butcher and it was used as a garnish on the platter of roast beef. I need to find that picture. Some actually wouldn't eat it because they didn't trust me.

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As for chow,it will be a normal sunday evening dinner. Roast of beast of some sort.


As for team cheering,the Pats seem to be coming on strong. The Hawks have a great defence IMO.


It will come down to the 4th quarter.


Now if the Bills were there, Bills all the way. Maybe next season. :whistling:

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Like usual I will vote for whoever the underdog is... I don't follow football at all, so I have yet to know who the underdog is. But I will be feasting upon smoked ribs, rabbit, venison, chicken wings and a variety of other snacks... plus lots of liquid lunch on top.

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I can't remember the last time the super bowl ™ held less appeal to me.

This year it's the toilet bowl ™.


I'll make my ritual chili but I'll likely look for something else to watch and I've never done that since the early/mid 80's (Raiders v Washington?) when I went and played hockey on the outdoor rick at halftime and didn't make it back to watch the 2nd half.

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As far as the overly hyped day where multi millions ( heard it's close to or more than a billion) of dollars change hands I'll remember what my dear Uncle Chuck whom was born in Lexington Kentucky and raised in North Tonawanda in western NY said one Grey Cup Sunday. As we sat waiting for the kick off that Sunday that was sometime before 1959 he simply said, " I wish we had something like this ( Grey Cup week) for our leagues in the states". That was in the days the CFL eastern and western conference championships were a 2 game total point playoff series. I'm either getting old or remember everything I have ever heard from birth.


As Rodbender said the team I have a square on or my measly dime bet on is the team I want to win the Lombardi. Or if the Bills are in I pay money to have my heart broken, again and, and, and again.

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Like usual I will vote for whoever the underdog is... I don't follow football at all, so I have yet to know who the underdog is. But I will be feasting upon smoked ribs, rabbit, venison, chicken wings and a variety of other snacks... plus lots of liquid lunch on top.



What time should I (we) be there, and what can I bring besides a hunger?


The betting line started with the Seahawks as 2 point favorites, the last time I looked the betting line has swung to the Patriots as a 1 point favorite. They are taking this one as a pick em.





I love Superbowl. Leaves a lot few people on the ice.


I remember driving home from a 12 hour day shift at around 6PM on a Super Bowl Sunday and not seeing a car on the road from Industrial Drive to downtown Hamilton where I then lived. It was one of those " last man on earth " feelings and it sure was strange for sure. I looked out from my view from the 36th floor and not seeing a car anywhere. Eerie feeling.



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You folks are making me hungry. I had to read the Pot Brownie suggestion a few time before I got it. Super Bowl Sunday is the day domestic violence calls to the Police are the highest of the year. If everyone ate or smoked pot instead of drinking shots and chasing them with beer or some other imported powder or pills domestic violence would drop instead of rise. I don't smoke stupid stick but can tell you when I worked the doors at the bars way back when Moses was a teenager and we had the bar after I left the plant I never, ever, not once had a problem with someone high on weed, even at the steel company come to think about it.


One puffer fell asleep one night and the staff never checked the stalls before closing, a big, big no no. Forget the safe you can have 10 grand in food and booze there for the taking. The motion detector triggered an alarm at 5AM and I got a call from the security company as well as the building super, I told the security company to silence the alarm and call the Police as I was an hour away. The cops could clearly see someone quietly sitting at the bar. When I got there 45 minutes latter (one Cop mentioned that, sharp young lady) there was what I thought was the entire downtown division of the city Police dept. outside. I called the bar but the intruder didn't answer. I went up to the window to see if I could see who it was and this with a strong protest of the staff Sgt. It was a young puffer who I called Johnny Chicodia, I'm not sure of the spelling but chicodia means dandelion in Italian, or in other words "weed". I opened the door and asked what the f*#k sakes was he doing. He fell asleep before closing time and then when he woke up everyone was gone. He went to let himself out the alarm went on and he was trapped and frightened, really felt for the poor kid. He didn't answer the phone because he remembers me saying absolutely no one was allowed to go behind the bar besides staff. So I sent the cops away and got the $100.00 fine for a false alarm. I could have had him charged with trespassing and save the 100 bucks, no way, this kid wouldn't harm a fly and if anyone was going to get a goof tax it was the bouncer who didn't check the facility before lock up.


Anyway I made Johnny and myself a big breakfast and he left. But not before he asked of it was OK to fire up a blunt, I said are you nuts? He replied " There's no one here Dude" I'm here Johnny Chicodia, I'm here!!


Now that's a thread hi jacking for sure.

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Mani2bass, I think that was the Carolina New England game, yes had to be 2001. We served Carolinian BBQ pulled Pork and Crab Rolls. No way I was feeding those Hamilton hooligans Lobster, they would have eaten us into the poor house. But it was real crab, I don't know what ocean it came out of though. Actually had someone drive down to Niagara Falls NY and got the real deal Crab Roll buns. That was a great game regardless of the half time Tom Foolery. Wardrobe malfunction, yea that was a new one.


No one caught my mistake that Denver played the Pats for the Super Bowl. Can't happen can it?

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Hate both teams.......but I guess with Lynch, I hate the Sea Hawks even more.....so I guess go NE.


The NFL should make NE play with a over inflated ball for this game.


BTW we are having what I would at any game...........HOT DOGS done on my open fire from my wood burning stove. Also French Onion soup that a member here shared his recipe with me....I think in a previous life he was a CHEF ! ! !............can anyone here guess who he is ? ? ?

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