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A smoking question,not fish smoking. UPDATE NOV 05 14


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Thanks everyone for your input. Im on the fence here still even reading all the replies. How bad do I want to quit is the mind game. I can go to work and leave my sticks at home and not smoke all day. When I get home,I will smoke but not crazy. I can smoke a pack in two days,BUT,when Im fishing,a half a pack is not a problem in 6hrs . This is where the e cig would be very helpful IMO for me.


If the mrs,s stays on this e cig,I will try and go cold turkey,as there is no smell and that may help with the trigger system in my body. She has commented that she does feel better and not so heavy in the chest. A lot less coughing in the mornings.




Let me know how that mist thing goes. And good luck to you.


I,ll keep you all posted on how things go.


Thanks for caring.



Edited by Brian B
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From what I understand, a lot of the materials in the e cigs are even more addictive than nicotine. They come from china and are not healthy for anyone. Do your own research and make a decision. Best way to quit in my opinion is to man up and put the cigarette down. Mind over matter.

I'm sorry sir but you are incorrect. Not everything is made in china, Infact most juice is not.

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I used the gum to quit tastes like crap and takes upto 20 minutes to kill the cravings to get into the bloodstream but it was enough, been stick free for 8 1/2 years. regardless of what method you use there will be some discomfort adjusting, need to keep the goal in sight, gets easy month worth the cigs is easily a new stradic, need a new stradic don't you?

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I'm sorry sir but you are incorrect. Not everything is made in china, Infact most juice is not.

Look at wiki regarding electronic cigarettes. Most are made in China. There are also a lot of articles that back up the fact the most are made in China. After all, thats where they were invented.


Who said anything about juice?

Edited by VXP
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the news report really did not make it clear

Nicotine is Nicotine

but most kids and young adults are not putting Nicotine in them , there are many flavours and other things that no one know what the ingredients are
or the health affects are
but Nicotine we know

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I smoked in my late teens and 20s. My work stated we could not smoke in the "darkroom" I developed film for advertising ads.

that slowed us down and the final blow came in 1977 whe I was having my first child. NO MORE.

I then had a few over the years but in 1982 it was my last.

Brian do what you can to get rid of it.

I have two son in laws who have the habit and are not allowd to smoke on my property and they are good with it! I told them no more butts on my lawan. Wish they would quit, not good for their kids.

keep up the good work, it takes time but it can be done, I know.



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I started using e cigs or vaping as some like to call it about 2 months ago and I love it for several reasons.

To buy a kit and a months worth of juice cost me 90$ less than one weeks smokes.

It now only cost me about 15$ a month. Huge savings.

Within 3 days I could breath better and my energy level was great I was also sleeping better probably because I could breath better.

Now food taste great my sense of smell is better my sinus's are clear and I swear I can hear better.


As for the negative effects of the juice the jury is still out but Health Canada has said nothing more than more studies have to happen in order for them to make a final judgement on the product.

Heath Canada also said that a product such as e cigs is far less harmful than smoking tobacco.

Heath Canada is on the fence and probably doesn't want to deal with the politics of government and tobacco companies.


The American Journal of Science endorsed e cigs saying that they are no less harmful than having a cup of coffee other than the fact that nicotine is extremely addictive and hard to kick.


Nicotine in it raw form is no more harmful than coffee .


Juice ingredients (mine)

Propylene Glycol vegetable glycirn natural and artificial food coloring nicotine.


Reports from Australia Europe and China where these products have been available for 20yrs claim a 70% success rate among long term smokers.

It is also reported that among long term users of e cigs heath risks do arise.



It will help you quit smoking if you want to.


Not regulated and yes it can be abused by kids or people addicted to other drugs?


The long and short of it is do your homework and you have to want to quit smoking.


If the idea of e cigs/vaping is something you would try I would recommend the Ego-650.

This system allows you to monitor the amount of nicotine you ingest and counts how many times during the day you use (puff) the e cig

The juice is available from nicotine strength of 24(very high) 18 /12/8 low in some cases as low as 4.


Good luck.





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I can suggest one thing with respect to quitting smoking. A big part of it is your behaviours. Try changing things up and breaking your smoking routine. For example, you might smoke as soon as you wake up or with your coffee. Don't do that and wait an hour or so afterwards. Little things like that can make a huge difference when your trying to quit. Ultimately you slowly ween yourself down and hopefully stop completely. So, at first you're not really quitting so it's easy to do. It's a good start and should help.

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The best and only way to quit for good is to wake up one morning throw away whatever you have left and start a new life. The cravings go away after a few days but the associations take much longer. You have to change your life............change those things that you associate with having a cigarette. My toughest one was weekend mornings in the summer, get up early make a pot of coffee, grab the newspaper and my pack of cigs and head out to the deck...


It's not easy, but damn, it's worth it.


Do it for your family Brian, tough it out and you will get there.

I can't agree with the underline comment.

Great it worked for you but others have quit in different ways.

I believe quiting mostly depends on motivation. If you want to quit bad enough you will. If not fully commited you will likely fail. What motivates one person may not motivate another. I've seen some quit over price, health issues/concerns, tired of inconvienience ect. or in my case not being able to sleep for more than a couple of hours before waking up for a smoke. I was a 4 pack a day plus smoker. Cold turkey worked for me but do what ever works for you. It's been 32 years since I quit.

Congratulation Brian on your start of the process.

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  • 1 month later...

First off, thanks to all for your praise and helpful tips to getting off the stick.


Here,s what has come from the start til today.


I made a visit to a well respected vape shop here in town. I told him what my plan was. Start at the high and get to the low as soon as possible. He said cool I can help. He was a smoker for 25 years.


I started off with 18 nic. Cowboy smooth.Closes thing to a real stick. I used that little bottle up in a week. They say one small bottle is equal to a carton. I then went to the 12 nic the week after. Vaped that in a week and then went to the 6 nic the week after. Stayed with that for 2 weeks. It was getting to the point I couldnt handle that. Up in the morning,haul on the vape and start hacking. Was it working? I had told the owner that was an outdoors guy. Lots of fresh air and working out.


He told me, I was weening off faster then those that sit around and haul back doing nothing, and my body was starting to reject the need for nic. Today was the last of the nic I had left. I have a bottle of nic free here and still haul on it. It,s just that hand to mouth habit thing. Im sure in time,it will go away. But for now,I,m now vaping nic free and I,m feeling great tonight. 4 weeks ago, I was a doughter of this , but it has made the transition from quitting the sticks easy for me.


So when I go to fill up the new ride,I,ll be thanking myself that I did myself good. Not saying to myself,man there,s a $100 and I still need to buy some sticks still.


No,it will be,there,s a $100 well spent to fill,and I have extra $$$ to spend on some tackle or hunting stuff.


It seems the last 6 or so months,I wake up a happier and happier man these days. To bad I wasted all that money .


Oh well,the future looks brighter. That,s all that matters to me.


Looks like life starts over at 50 for me.


If I fall of the wagon,feel free to beat me down. I don,t think I will be though.


Thanks again.



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So far a great outcome Brian, new ride and a new life. If you talk to 100 people there will be 100 answers as to what is the best way to quit, most quit experts smoke. They are well experienced at quiting, we quit all the time.


October 14 is my quit date, my 60th bday. I've been smoking for 25 years, yes I started at 35. They should write a book about how my noggin works or doesn't work. I quit for a entire year 3 years ago, cold turkey was finally the ticket for me. I was told sometimes it only takes 1 to start up, I didn't believe that, I do now.


I want to quit now, again!!!!! that's the key I think. The hardest thing is staying quit. My 87 year old father quit 47 years ago, he says he still wants one occasionally, wow.

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Congrats Brian.


I am in month 4 of my cigarette free journey using the same tool (e-smokes). It worked for me since the first puff and I just knew it would -- havent touched a smoke since. Was a 20+ year smoker before that.


I'm not sure I am ready to give up the vape yet though.


I would encourage others who are trying to quit and have tried other methods (I wanted to eat the patch) to give this a shot.

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Good job Brian. Im going to look into these things. Heard a lot of success stories about them. The hardest part for me is the habit....i think I could beat the nicotine, but I need something to do with my hands when I feel like a smoke....nasty, filthy, rotten habit. I gotta kick it too!! Maybe this is just what I need.



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