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A smoking question,not fish smoking. UPDATE NOV 05 14


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Ok here it is.As I drag on a stick.



We have both smoked since we were young. 14 yoa. Both over 50 now.


The mrs,s got one of those fake smoking things last Saturday.. E smoke or what ever you call them. She has not had a real smoke since then. She keeps asking me to try it. I say no,,there,s chemicals in that crap. LOL Ya I know there,s chemicals in my smoke sticks as well.


So long story short,I finally took a haul and it was very harsh. She assures me,it gets easier. WHAT. Thought I was going to cough a lung out.


I,m all for getting away from paying 10 bucks a pack and getting away from the stink of the sticks. and getting healthier and living the good life,but I have tried 3 times to quit,but put on the pounds. Whats worse,,weighing 230 pounds,or quitting smoking?


. She paid 50 bucks for the full kit . Two rechargeable units and liquid..


More importantly,,the liquid, is what I want to know about.


I have seen many others using this new thing,,but is there more health issues to worry about?


Please don,t give me the, just quit crap. Been there done that. I have given up one demon already. And does it feel so good.. The body needs to adjust slowly here.


Club soda with lime slices and a stick, is working for now. Cuts the edge off. But, would love to get off the real thing if this stuff is SAFE.



Tell me your story about this E smoke thingy.

Edited by Brian B
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Chew on carrot sticks if you have too. I would think some weigh gain would still be better then puffing chemicals into yourself. At least with food intake, you can choose some form of a healthy alternative.


I know folks who used the e-cigs and all went back to the real thing.


Either way... Good luck!

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I have a good friend who is in the e-cig business. He is not just a reseller but actually makes the liquids, you would be surprised just how little is actually in the liquid.



VG 99.9% USP Food grade Kosher Certified Vegetable Based (GMO free, and allergen free)

PG 99.9% USP Food grade Kosher





Hope this helps.



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I don't believe that the liquids are regulated. If you bought from Gerritt's friend you would be OK , but otherwise you have no idea what you are smoking. My brother in law switched to e-cig with no intention of quitting. He felt he was getting away from the tar in normal smokes. I used Champix to quit. If you're not ready to quit nothing works.

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I once herd that smoking is so bad for you that it is the equivalent of gaining 100lbs. When you quit, get on a exercise routine and take a natural appetite suppressant such as magnesium. Feeling good from the exercise will motivate you to keep the butts away.


I have a buddy who has been on that e-cig or whatever for like 2 years. I don't believe it works.


What has worked for me in the past is mental meditation. Look at a calendar and set a date a couple weeks or months out, and then remind yourself daily that this is the day you are kicking the butts. Also, for the first few weeks, don't do things that drive you to have a cigarette. For example: drinking, keeping your stress as low as possible, moderate or no coffee consumption, etc.

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I am using a vapor cig and it works awesome. I havent had a smoke since march andhave dropped down to 12mg of nicotine now. I will be done with the vaporizor entirely by next year.

Edit. I work in construction and used to smoke 2-3 packs a day while now l only occasionly puff on this thing. If it helps me it can help anyone.

My goal is quitting everything entirely and this is a means to an end, not a smoking substitute for life

Edited by Gallie
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Heard on the news that Toronto City council has voted...or will in the near future...to ban the use of all E-Cigs on all City property....for whatever that's worth.


If you're not ready to quit nothing works.


Truer words were never spoken.

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The best and only way to quit for good is to wake up one morning throw away whatever you have left and start a new life. The cravings go away after a few days but the associations take much longer. You have to change your life............change those things that you associate with having a cigarette. My toughest one was weekend mornings in the summer, get up early make a pot of coffee, grab the newspaper and my pack of cigs and head out to the deck...


It's not easy, but damn, it's worth it.


Do it for your family Brian, tough it out and you will get there.

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I quit 3 years ago this September....love it.....whatever it takes is worth it IMO. I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty sure some weight gain is more than a fair trade for smoking.


My boss is a die-hard smoker (no pun intended but......), I've known him for over 20 years and he is the most dedicated smoker I've ever met. Pack or more a day, so not crazy amounts but he loves smoking and freely declares it. He's tried to quit many times, as did I, but I've never seen him more encouraged than he his now with the use of e-cigs. He's been "vaping" for almost 3 months now and experimented with flavours and strengths before he found the combo that he was happy with, he's since been reducing strength and is close now to the 'big day'. He cheated a couple times during this time period but never more than 4 or 5 in an evening and he always went back to e-cig. A few weeks back he cheated and said he hated the taste and actually threw a half finished cig in the fire - I never thought I'd hear of him doing this!!!! WOW!!!! He's normally very grumpy when he quits but this time he's HAPPY!!!! Yes, still getting nicotine but he also did with other smoking cessation products and was grumpy, really grumpy. I've heard him speaking with others, smokers and non-smokers alike about the e-cig routine, it's like I don't know who this person is....lol. This is a guy who should be doing an infomercial for e-cigs and quitting, he's that keen.


Anyway, I could go on and on here Brian but here's what I think. Smoking is a ridiculous habit....think about it. All habits can be broken. This may or may not be the way YOU break the habit but what do you have to lose? For you, a lot if you don't try....I read your reports, life is good. If you're concerned about the cost, you shouldn't be. There is some moderately significant expense up front (at a pack a day this is less than a week of smoking real cigs) but even if it fails to work I can almost guarantee that you will save that money during the time you try therefore this is at worst case cost neutral.


2 other guys in the office tried "going digital"....lol....and failed, they're back to "analog", after many weeks of few or no cigs, so it ain't for everybody but if you don't try you'll never know.


Good luck!!

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The e-smoke works for me. I smoked them nice little cigars for years. My buddy gave me a e-cig last year that he brought back from BC and I have been using ever since. I was off the cigars with no problem. My clothes and car doesn't stink anymore and if I forget it at home that's okay. I am at the office right now and vaping while working. My boss is ok with it in the office. Her opinion is if it keeps me from smoking cigars its all good. a few of my co-workers who started using them to quit smoking no longer use either. I went from 24 mg of nicotine to 12 and now doing 8mg and like I said if I forget it at home, no biggy, Im not dependent on it and have to run home and get it. A bottle of juice costs about 20 bucks and lasts me about 3 weeks to a month. No more hacking and coughing in the morning some its all good to me. I will quit using it when I feel like it.

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Nobody knows the health effects of the e-cigarettes. The UN health agency just put out a worldwide recommendation today urging governments to regulate their use until health studies are done. Although it might seem a bit of an overreaction, I think it's a serious enough issue that it needs to be done. However, If it were me and I was having difficulty quitting smoking, I'd try it. It's not likely to be worse for your health than cigarettes, and the worst case is, you'll probably save money and stop smelling like smoke.


The biggest issue is the children. E-cigs are getting very popular with teenagers. Nicotine is highly addictive. Even if there are no health consequences, which I doubt, I wouldn't want my children addicted to anything.


I can also guarantee the next thing will be THC + nicotine liquids for e-cigs (if they don't already exist). That will be a nightmare.


I find it somewhat humorous there are all these people are up in arms about GMO food, but e-cigs have far more potential to be dangerous.

Edited by FishLogic
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