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Injunction over Spring bear hunt...


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As posted earlier or perhaps another outdoors board there is a solution. Live trap the bears & deliver them to Bay & Yonge St. in Toronto. Or drop them off in a neighborhood school yard. I know for a fact while living in Terrace Bay On the black bears were spotted in the town subdivisions numerous times. I also know first hand seeing bears in a rural area of Sudbury just 3 kms from the main shopping area. While camping at a rather large truck stop north of Sudbury bears would be in the trailer park on a regular basis. The scary part was right beside the trailer park was an ecological tour which invited tourists to follow a foot path through the bush to view the various plant life of this area. I witnessed a mother with 2 youngsters & the family dog strolling down the same path which 2 minutes earlier was occupied by a young male bear!! I shouted to the family - it would be best to return to your vehicle. These tourists had no idea of the danger. This injunction they are proposing is not the right thing to do!

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I say help the bear population migrate south into old ranges, like York region and the Golden Horseshoe, where they were eradicated. Best way to keep the surplus population of citiots in check.

Edited by bigugli
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One of their points is that mother bears will be killed, and the helpless cubs will be left to fend for them selves.... I get that, it's not a good thing..


BUT. How does this spring hunt VS the fall hunt make any difference. Bear cubs are dependent on their mothers for up to 2 years.....

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With the huge reduction in moose tags, I think the addition of the spring bear hunt was pre-planned to give additional opportunities ...I don't see this changing no matter those bored, desperate for meaning in life animal rights groups are pushing. Common sense and canadian tradition will survive this attack imo.

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Our only hope is that all the huggers have a conference up north somewhere and are eaten by bears while they sleep. They are omnivores after all and munching on meat wads with a vegetative core would suit them fine.

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What do hippies have to do with this. It's giant corporations that have all the money and influence.





If I said hey lets put a giant dome over Toronto, and other big Cities ( in the hopes that the residents all suffocate eventually) that are out of touch with the country folk, believe the meat they eat is manufactured, and that people who live in Northern Ontario should put up with bears crapping on their front porches. If I said that, people from the GTA would get upset, just as they'd get upset when people use the term "Citiot" no matter how apropriate it may be at the time. Cause I guarantee that the majority of the people behind these animal rights groups, and the bulk of their donation money comes from Cities. So, in order to avoid that ordeal, guys like me just blame the hippys. Wether they deserve it or not. Sorry if you where offended!

Edited by porkpie
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Man, if you guys really want to see some stupid and very misinformed comments, head on over to some of the anti spring hunt Facebook pages :wallbash:



99% of people against the spring hunt live in big cities and have never been outside the city limits and have zero knowledge of wildlife.

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If I said hey lets put a giant dome over Toronto, and other big Cities ( in the hopes that the residents all suffocate eventually) that are out of touch with the country folk, believe the meat they eat is manufactured, and that people who live in Northern Ontario should put up with bears crapping on their front porches. If I said that, people from the GTA would get upset, just as they'd get upset when people use the term "Citiot" no matter how apropriate it may be at the time. Cause I guarantee that the majority of the people behind these animal rights groups, and the bulk of their donation money comes from Cities. So, in order to avoid that ordeal, guys like me just blame the hippys. Wether they deserve it or not. Sorry if you where offended!


Not offended at all. I guess I used to be a hippie in the old days, but I shot animals and went fishing all the time.

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I was listening to CBC radio about this and the argument that these hippies are using against the return of the hunt is the same argument that the province used when it wanted to end the hunt years ago. I think the hunt will still be allowed because technically it's a "Pilot Program" so they can use that in defense.


I only wish that some of the people against the hunt could come up to my house for a week in the spring. I live at the end of a dirt road, water on my side and bush on the other. We don't have street lights and when there is no moon it gets so dark you can't see your hand in front of your face. If you forget something in the car and it's 10pm, or if you even want to go to the garage to get more cold ones, those are long walks even for me and I've grown up in the north.


I lived in Wasaga Beach for a few years, we routinely took our dogs for walks at 9-10pm, that thought wouldn't even cross my mind here.


I also lived in Thunder Bay while going to school, a buddy and I were walking home from the bar in the fall around 2am and decided to take a short cut. We were walking past a church and I look up, no further than 20ft ahead of us was a huge black bear, stood waist high (and I'm 6ft tall) at the arse end. He/she was walking the same way we were, looked back at us, I slowly grabbed my buddy and walked backwards until we were at a safe distance. Let's just say we took cabs after that.


Up here we don't look over our shoulders watching for potential muggers, we look out for other threats.

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These fools are like big game farm hunters. Always after easy targets. Wanna see real Zombies? Turn the power off and with it the access to information and selfie opportunities and they'd be reduced to a pee soaked, moaning, whimpering mess.

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