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Wind Power is NOT a good thing!


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Yet people continue to vote for the Liberals, whose goal is to build as many wind turbines as possible which will continue to encourage more businesses to leave Ontario due to the ridiculously high electricity prices. Wind power is the least efficient and most expensive means for providing electricity. The result is Ontario has the highest unemployment rate in the country, the highest electricity prices in North America, and families who will be forced to send their disposable income to hydro companies rather than using it for outdoor activities.


PLEASE do not support the parties who are costing Ontarians well paying jobs and extremely high electricity prices!



The following link has some eye opening facts:



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ahhh windontario..... the P3TA of renewable energy....


i encourage anyone who is looking for info on solar or wind to look beyond the "P3TA" sites...there are many informed sites out there showing both sides of the story....


wind and solar energy may not be perfect....but no sustainable energy is.....

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Yet people continue to vote for the Liberals, whose goal is to build as many wind turbines as possible which will continue to encourage more businesses to leave Ontario due to the ridiculously high electricity prices. Wind power is the least efficient and most expensive means for providing electricity. The result is Ontario has the highest unemployment rate in the country, the highest electricity prices in North America, and families who will be forced to send their disposable income to hydro companies rather than using it for outdoor activities.


PLEASE do not support the parties who are costing Ontarians well paying jobs and extremely high electricity prices!



The following link has some eye opening facts:



Well, in that case, who is there left to vote for?

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. The result is Ontario has the highest unemployment rate in the country, the highest electricity prices in North America, and families who will be forced to send their disposable income to hydro companies rather than using it for outdoor activities.




I think you are misinformed about Ontario's electricity rates.

They may be rising but they will have to increase 300% to catch up to our rates here in the NWT.




And your unemployment rate is around the middle of the pack.



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I think you are misinformed about Ontario's electricity rates.

They may be rising but they will have to increase 300% to catch up to our rates here in the NWT.




And your unemployment rate is around the middle of the pack.



Ahh education, we could all use some - although i am not keen on using wiki but still.


An informed decision is one that is critical


And not based on HOOPLA

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Remember wind power is based in rural Ontario which is affecting rural family lives everyday and wind power was shoved down their throats, no choice no voice, here it is and this is where the turbines will go.


We don't see people from Toronto and the "GTA" with them in their backyards affecting their lives from the background noise, the flickering of your sunrise or sunset through your windows and doors everyday from the shadows of the turbine blades.


Pretty pathetic what our Fiberals have done to this province and the people. Almost to the point of communism.


Blow another billion just to save two seats in the GTA, we as tax payers greatly appreciate it.


This is not an informed decision, it is more like an informed fact,

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Really, there's no perfect way to produce electricity nowadays.

Nuclear is better? Perhaps snow covered solar panels? Or hydro-electric dams that block out fish migration?


I guess nuclear is probably best in Ontario as we won't be seeing any major earthquakes and tsunamis on the Lake Ontario shores.

But yes, I would like to know who to vote for the next election. Do we still have the marijuana party around? lol.

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I guess nuclear is probably best in Ontario as we won't be seeing any major earthquakes and tsunamis on the Lake Ontario shores.


Are you going to bury the nuclear waste in your own backyard??? There are new wind patents and solar patents that are game changers to renewable energies...


i agree....Do NOT vote Liberal...they belong behind bars and if they ever want to save their party...start by locking up McGuilty and McWynnety and payback restitution for the billions pissed away at their hands...

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Who really cares if wind and/or solar are are the way to go? I sure as hell don't. The only reason companies that develop this technology care is because someone else is paying for it but placing the burden of the entire cost of implementation on the shoulders of the people is just plain wrong. Just take a look at how it has affected European countries financially.


Where are the money bag ultra rich? Oh, thats right they invested in the technology with the intention of netting a return.

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I care about renewable clean energy - everyone should. It is one of the most important issues facing the world now.

As for the liberals - they are liars, crooks and self-serving people. Unfortunately, their replacement will be equally as unlikable, greedy...

I do not care for politicians - most high level politicians are owned by big business and scum.

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we have windmills everywhere in Essex county. they even tried at planning stages for l.st clair waters. everyone loves them NOT.

why for gods sake are we being raped . the only benefits are the location owner-farmer and the company with the lucrative contract owner. taxpayers suffer .. .

nuclear power far out performs. as for nuke waste,we store spent nukes here from the usa. why not our own???. guess it really is how far up the food chain you are. canadien joes are not in that equation.

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The whole "how would you like one in your back yard?" Thing comes up time after time and you've gotta make a distinction that the average city dweller isn't sitting on 100 plus acres. Naturally no one wants one close to their house.

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Regardless of what form of electricity you would use, there are price tags and consequences. No matter where it is located, someone is going to be inconvenienced and upset. Anyone thinking differently is living in a fool's paradise

Coal is dirty.

Hydro affects water flows, lake and river levels , navigability and access, fish habitat and spawn.

Nuclear energy has a long list of complaints.

Wind and solar are just 2 more imperfect options in an imperfect world.

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The number one reason why so many people are against wind turbines is the Ultra low vibrations that they emit ...it causes stress to the residents that are unfortunate enough to live close to a turbine with out receiving a monetary value for their greif whereas ...the landowners are making money off of the generated power from them at 10x of what a KW is sold to the public.....The rest of the people just hate to have to look at them...and it gives them something to whine about....

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When solar or wind can provide baseload power it will be much more worth while, if a practical method of power storage can be developed solar and wind will become much more viable, until then it is more of a fashion statement, and Ontario politicians thinking so much of themselves as they do felt the need to be a world leader in green energy even if it is of no practical value to the people they serve.

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Went trolling for Bows and had a great day spent with friends and a few fish. A happy day in fact but just had to respond to this trash.


Green? Makes me chuckle when I hear that word. Just another way to fuel guilt for living in the western world. U think countries like China, India and Pakistan give a rats A$$ about being green? We are paying them to manufacture what was once produced here(Which is mostly junk in quality) and dump tonnes of waste into the atmosphere doing it and we're the ones shamed into feeling guilty? Why should we in the western world feel guilty for what we have built and attained? Why should we be penalized for doing our part? That's a form of extortion to me.


There are clean ways to incinerate our garbage and generate electricity doing it but we choose to pay to truck it into someone elses backyard. Why?


There is clean coal technology that is viable and cost effective but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! We don't dare .China is choking out its own people with dirty coal that's fine. Which planets' atmosphere do all the brain surgeons among us think that air resides in?


Yes we should do everything we can to minimize our footprint going forward but at what expense? Am I to believe we are to go backwards to where developing countries are trying to dig themselves out from? For what reason exactly? The Green movement is just another way to separate us from our money.


We treat waste, recycle everything, use those useless cfl bulbs, install energy efficient windows, high efficiency heating and cooling systems, programmable stats, extra blankets, use rechargeable everything. When is enough really enough?


Take your solar panels and stick them where the sun doesn't shine, your windmills where the wind only blows outward and let me live my life on my own terms. I don't need nor appreciate some big brained, Quinoa eating, over educated meat wad finding new ways to spend my money. They want to change the world they should sell all they own, pack up and take a solar powered sail boat to the other side of the world and spend the rest of their days showing the real environmental culprits how to live up to their unrealistic expectations.

Edited by moxie
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A guy I know lives off the grid and uses a wind turbine and solar to power his entire place. His place is worthy of anyones envy, but that wind mill, so close to his house, would drive me crazy! I see a chickadee move and my eye catches it; a constantly moving windmill would be a huge sensory distraction for me...never been a fan of wind turbines just based on the aesthetics.


Having said that, I support the effort of diversifying our power and not always relying on mining or oil-gas. It's good to support different sectors of the economy. I don't know enough to say whether we are going overboard or not or if the Gov completely mis-managed the system, but in theory, diversifying our power reliance is a good thing. I don't like trailer parks being too close to me, but they are the best option for low-income housing and the property owner can make a decent return on investment.


Occupy Queens Park has found this thread too hahaha

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I'm in for nuclear too ;) I had the chance to work in a Canadian nuclear plant and we do have the technology to keep it 100% safe and withouth poluting the environment.

Ontario is actually paying Bruce Power to keep the reactors running.


"Bruce Power has turned five units off at different times this year to cut supply for a total down time of 40 days. Since the plant is paid about $1 million per day, it cost Ontario $40 million for reactors to idle"

If that's true, windmills are a total waste of money on taxpayers back...like somenone else said here before, somebody had a big interst into implementing them way beyound the "green Ontario" policy and pocketed huge money...why would you invest in more hydro sources when you already have too much :D


someone else also said this here, I thought things like this only happen in comunist countries, I live in one and I know how it is


Edited by iFish4real
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I believe we need to invest in cleaner technology because that's the path we will need to be on eventually but the wind industry is being held back by their lack of movement beyond the traditional windmill concept. They could alleviate some of their probs (birds, pressure, sound etc) by employing double helix turbine technology. It presents a constant shadow so birds are less likely to be diced and there's no pressure waves from spinning blades.


I'd pick nuclear over hydro for the sake of rivers, lakes etc but I don't know why we couldn't build smaller scale plants vs huge operations.


One concept I've read about that uses green tech is not to store power in batteries but to store the potential energy (think massive air compressors for example) that can be released during demand periods. This would solve several problems that solar and wind have to deal with currently.


That we have to wean ourselves off dino is a given, how we do that and how serious we are about it is the question that needs to be answered.

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