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Like I always do on my BDAY


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I book the day off and go fishing. Turning 50 is like I was 25 again. BIG DEAL.


This spring it,s been really hard to find tribs that are flowing clean. All reports were there are none to fish. So my thinking was,what ever,I am going fishing. I had a plan set and stuck to it. 4 stops.


Up before the birds started singing,I was on my way. Top up the tank at a $1:36,grab a java and a bagel and Im gone.


-2 to start my travels but there was an east wind that I knew was going to play a big part in my plans.


Make my first stop. Couple of locals are sitting there watching their rods sway in the brisk winds. Im not one that wants to sit in the car and watch rods that are swaying. I,ll hit this spot on my way back. So off I go to #2 spot. I arrive to see only one car there.Cool. The water is flowing,but colour is fish able. Walk out to the mouth and I,m greeting with those darn blustery east cold winds. This guy too,was watching his rod swaying around.Mor like his rod was bend,and his line was like miles away from where his bait was.LOL This is not fun to me.So,off to #3 local. Ok water is flowing,colour not to bad. Get out of the car and see two river anglers clinching to their new hot timmies. Winds blowing in my face,tears are forming. Back in the car I go. Dang it .


Get to #4 spot. Park. Look at surroundings,open window,hear little wind. Get out,study water and flow. Ok,I am here. Lets fish.


Get the float rod all rigged. Oh what a feeling knowing your going to be holding your long rod again.


There were a few other anglers there and it was so comforting to see them say good morning and welcome. WHAT???????? Oh I forgot,it,s north not south.LOL


So I spent the remainder of my morning and afternoon drifting with my fellow anglers. Good conversations and sharing stories.. I over cast and caught one of the byes lines. Oh me bad. No worries he says. WHAT?????????? Bring the lines in,I decide to break off my line so he didnt have to retie. He said no,we can untangle. WHAT??????????

I still cut my line and retied.


I had one good hit,set and on and off. My roe bag was raped.


Driving home I couldnt stop thinking about these guys. It was like fishing with buddies that I have fished with for many years. Hell,Im not that polite to Terry for cripes sake. I would of made him cut his line.LOL


It was so refreshing.






Then again,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


When you turn 50,they know not to mess with an old man. LMAO


Some pics from today.















Oh wait,theres a story I have to tell


Now, Im not one of those " I own the river guy" but there are still those that are offended with float fishing guys. This is a first for me. A local older fella shows up. I thnk nothing of it until he starts blasting us guys that are float fishing.


His exact words,,,


You ^&%^ float drifters .


I just looked at the other guys and no one said a word.


He left and we kinda chuckled. Not in a disrespectful way. Was more like,he could of fished here. His loss.


Back at it again in the early morn.





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First of all, HAPPY BDAY! Nice pics and scenery, sounds like a blast! Always nice when humans act civil hey? Fishing is fun, all people should act like your crew today. Kinda sucks you got striped but i understand that feeling of gettig out and casting again! It's what i imagine smoking crack is like lol, always chasing that high. I hope you get a few good ones tomorrow dood!

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Happy 50th B. Sounds like a better day than being at work on your birthday right! Even though no fish were landed, you got to meet some new, friendly fishermen, cast a line or two, and even have a fish on! What could be better (besides actually landing the fish)?



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Thanks gang.


Managed to get out again the next morning.


Fished til the rains came.


Water is very cold.LOL






Stopped at the ladder again. No fish seen. I noticed the live cam this time. Numbers ae very low.



Edited by Misfish
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