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Given some recent posts about bad drivers....


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It's not right.... But different countries, different states, different counties, different laws on cell phone use.... In Florida it is not a crime. That said the driver also tried to flee the scene of an accident. Full story here



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I can't get the video to work so I don't know everything it shows but I saw it yesterday.


The guy in the truck was wrong and Karma got him good, but with the woman video taping out the back window, then showing her speedometer, then out the back window again, then out the side showing the finger salute and then following the crash all the way, she sure as heck wasn't paying much attention to what was going on around her and was darned lucky she didn't cause a crash of her own.


At least that was my thoughts while watching it.

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I am with you Lew. Regardless of whether it's "legal" or not, there is no reason to play around with your phone like that given the conditions she was driving in.

Maybe instead of filming she could have put the same amount of effort looking for a spot to get over and let him pass. Both in the wrong.

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The link I provided explains why the car did not pull over. Slow trucks in the left lane. Wet and raining road conditions.


That's a 55mph road, she had all kinds of time to pull over and let the truck by... Look at the length of the video for proof. And when he does go around her on the right she speeds up? Riiiiight she was completely innocent in all of this!


Both are idiots.

Edited by BillM
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That's a 55mph road, she had all kinds of time to pull over and let the truck by... Look at the length of the video for proof. And when he does go around her on the right she speeds up? Riiiiight she was completely innocent in all of this!


Both are idiots.


From the start of the video until about 0:57 there are two vehicles in the right hand land preventing the cell phone driver from changing lanes. At 1:02, before i'd consider it safe for the cell phone driver to change lanes, the tailgating pickup swerves into the right lane likely cutting off the white pickup and speeding up beside the lady in the car. In the video, after the truck passes, you can see a slower moving car which would lead to the lady staying in the left lane to pass this vehicle as well.


The lady was in the left lane and passing the slower vehicles in the right lane and the dummy tailgating her was impatient. This kind of crap with people fighting to be in front happens every day in the GTA whether you're going 125km/h passing people going 105km/h or 10km/h in heavy traffic. Happens in town too on Fridays between 3-5pm...

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The only thing preventing her from moving over for an ENTIRE MINUTE was the fact that she was delighted to box in the guy behind her. Some diggers on Reddit found out this wasn't the first time she's pulled a stunt like this.


Both are to blame, to think the lady in this is innocent (Let's not even mention making a video while you're driving) is laughable.

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both idiots.. the guy in the truck obviously


the driver taking the video:


i) operating a cell phone while driving

ii) driving in the left lane and not passing

cruising on the left lane...in Europe you'd get pooled over and ticketed for it, unfortunately it causes lot of things like this in North America...on Ontario freeways is well known that the speed lane is the most right one :D :D :D

Edited by iFish4real
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cruising on the left lane...in Europe you'd get pooled over and ticketed for it, unfortunately it causes lot of things like this in North America...on Ontario freeways is well known that the speed lane is the most right one :D :D :D


They should start ticketing people for that here as well.

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She was playing games. Plain and simple. She was having fun boxing the guy in and when he lost his cool, it cost him.


When it comes to traffic enforcement, I only see two things get enforced. Speeding tickets and accident charges. That's it. Sitting in the left lane and speeding up so people can't pass, running late through intersections, no turn signals, rolling through stop signs, blah blah...none of these seem to matter anymore. I guess the fines aren't high enough to justify the time it take to write the ticket.

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They are equally both idiots and both guilty of careless driving. Her a bit more than him, at least he was watching the road for a bit, her not. And then laugh when he lost control. How mature. Both rednecks. And she got all dolled up for the interview by putting on her best t shirt. She didn't want her name known, just her face I guess. Lost sleep that night, I smell sueage Judge Judy.


I don't know if anyone has driven 41 on the west coast of FLA, also known as Tamiami Trail. I have seen gunfire on that stretch between a truck and a car in Charlotte County. Lucky she didn't get a bullet instead of a finger.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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both idiots.. the guy in the truck obviously


the driver taking the video:


i) operating a cell phone while driving

ii) driving in the left lane and not passing

Glad to see you changed your mind. A couple of years ago I tried to convince you that talking on a cell while driving was a bad idea, and you would have none of it, because you could do it without an issue.

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I certainly don't condone the use of the cell phone but the woman was (a) overtaking a truck in the right lane (b turning left in about 1/2 mile © going at the speed limit. So she wasn't impeding the flow of traffic. According to the report she didn't speed up to prevent him from moving into the left lane---he dropped back to give her the finger. So there was no 'boxing in' involved.

Edited by Knuguy
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I certainly don't condone the use of the cell phone but the woman was (a) overtaking a truck in the right lane (b turning left in about 1/2 mile © going at the speed limit. So she wasn't impeding the flow of traffic. According to the report she didn't speed up to prevent him from moving into the left lane---he dropped back to give her the finger. So there was no 'boxing in' involved.


Are we watching the same video? I can't imagine we are... Also, you're arguing against physics here man, you'll never win.


A) She's doing 55mph (As per her own speedo as she conveniently showed everyone in the video.... aka I'm doing the speed limit, I shouldn't have to pull over for you)

B ) She traveled approx 1 mile in the first minute of the video

C) There was absolutely ZERO traffic besides her until she passes the truck on the right at 0:52 into the video

D) She could have easily pulled over and let the truck by

E) Even at the end of the video she BYPASSES the left turning lanes and continues to go straight... Where's this left turn she's making?

F) She's as much as a d-bag as the guy in the truck.

Edited by BillM
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I initially thought a passenger was taking the video but when I realized she was the one, I was dumbstruck. She's obviously not paying full attention to her driving and damn lucky she didn't cause a more serious accident. If I get stuck behind a piehole like this, there's nothing you can do but fall back and pop the hi beams once in awhile. Very frustrating and I understand why dude did what he did and I actually feel a bit sorry for him tbh. Maybe not the finger however. She could have pulled over easily as dude was able to pull over and pass her.


Then you have this kind of driver who obviously shouldn't have a license to operate a motor vehicle. Very funny.


Edited by woodenboater
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They talked about the cell phone incident on the Today Show this morning and evidently the woman has actually received death threats over all this.


No charges against her though as cell phone use while driving isn't against the law in her state.


As for the guy in the pick-up, the police determined from the video that he wasn't wearing a seatbelt so they charged him with that along with leaving the scene.

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