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How should I handle this?

Big Cliff

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Not a good idea at this point as it's obvious the guy is scamming you Cliff. Offer of money can be perceived as admission of guilt. In a parking lot, it's considered common courtesy/sense for drivers of other vehicles to assist/allow vehicles backing out of a parking spot.

Did the guy honk his horn to let you know he was there??

Did not honk horn or anything and to be honest I was a little suspicious that perhaps he didn't have insurance because of the way he was insisting it wouldn't be necessary to get the insurance company involved. I think I might just send him a letter asking for the name of his insurance company and policy number. I know he is trying to run a scam here and that is the part that makes me want to fight back!

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His problem now. He can go through his insurance company and if he failed to report at the time of accident, he has nothing. Insurance wont do much for him now.

If you wanna be a nice guy, offer him what you think is fair and that he can use his other avenues if he is so inclined. To me, 200 is fair for a dent on a crappy civic...well actually, 0 is more fair since he is trying to milk your kindness and screwed himself by not reporting it initially.

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My girlfriend and I were backing out of a driveway and she backed in to 2003 Honda. Being honest people we stopped, got out looked at the damage which there was none, on either vehicle. Went to the house and got the owner to tell them what happened and for them to see there was no damage, not even a scratch, we both agreed. We parted ways 6 months later I get a call from my insurance company saying that the owner was putting forth a claim of 2200.00 dollars for damages done by my car. The best part is he was claiming damage on the wrong side of his vehicle. I told my insurance co. I had no idea what they were talking about, and never heard another thing about it ! I wouldn't even respond, you tried to do the right thing and look where it go ya. I will say though that autobody repair is a lucrative business with outrageous prices sometimes!

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call him back and say, you said it wouldn't cost much it was only the door

I was wiling to pay a couple of hundred bucks but that amount is silly

tell him you spoke to your insurance company and they said parking lot mishap, each insurance company pays for their own clients repairs

your repairs were 200 bucks, it's up to him to contact his own company


or take 200 bucks and call it settled

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Well before you get too carried away calling him a thief... and yes Cliff like others have said let the insurance company deal with it..... did you stop at Licks Burger on the 400... seems to be a common game there. Gal with a duck taped on bumper backed into Leah while pulling my Lund home last year.. and thankfully only got the rear passenger side door... this was a $2145 repair including the $68 bracket to fix the running board.


Oh.. you can't see the dent in the first picture.. it's clear in the second .. lol

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Did not honk horn or anything and to be honest I was a little suspicious that perhaps he didn't have insurance because of the way he was insisting it wouldn't be necessary to get the insurance company involved.


Went through the same thing. The wife and the other driver backing out at the same time.(Always have told her,back into a spot so you can drive out) Bingo bango. Other lady said ,no problem,you pay me to fix. They exchange numbers,thats all. Ya right. She calls 4-5 times asking for money for a quote she got. Ya right. I talk ask for her address so I can see the damage. Hung up quick.






Cliff. Let it go and pay nothing.

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I did a quick search on line about trading in a 2000 Honda Civic but they will not take them so I had to go with a 2001

2001 Honda Civic LX 2D Coupe 160,000 KM I tried over 200,000 but they would not that it as a trade for that many KM's this will give you a idea of how he is trying to put it to you cliff. Like you said you can find a door for that car and put it on and tell him to pound salt.

low price $1,811

high price $2,860

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The exact thing happened to me a few years back at a Hortons. I backed into a parked car on a dark rainy night. I looked at the Mazda I hit and couldn't see a thing. I went inside and asked if someone owned the Mazda. The lady behind the counter did, she told me she was going to call the police I couldn't convince her it wasn't necessary, she actually called 911, they flipped out on her. Anyway we exchanged insurance because there was a 4" scratch on the plastic bumper. I contacted my agent and told him what happened. Turned out the car was 2 weeks old. I had 2 choices, file a claim or pay for the repair. I took a picture on my cell phone that showed nothing, it was useless. I was told by my agent she had 1 year to file a claim. A month later I received a hand written note that looked like a 6 year old wrote asking for $1500.00 they wanted cash. Knowing her address from the insurance slip I found the car and took a pic of the scratch. I called her and told her husband I wasn't playing his game, take the car to any real body shop and give me a quote. They took it to the dealer and the dealer came back with a quote for around $500.00. No problem, repair the car and I would go to the dealer and pay them directly. They responded by telling me they would settle for $400.00, now I was pissed. I insisted they repair the car and I pay for it. Little did they know my cousin works at the dealership (they picked it, not me) and he told me they wanted them to buff it out and give them the difference in cash. Fraud plain and simple. I then got the OPP involved. A simple bump became a federal case. I then got my insurance company invoved for the principal alone. It cost me 500 bucks and they had some questions to answer to the OPP. It's getting me upset just remembering this thing.


This guy doesn't have insurance, a valid license or both, get your insurance involved Cliff and let them deal with it, no matter what it was your fault, you backed into them. Lucky they didn't call an ambulance.


As far as a $100.00 repair, it costs a hundred bucks to open the bay door for a body shop today.

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The only thing she can do is come after you civilly which costs time and money.


Once you agree to pay for damages police won't get involved and in my experience very few insurance companies will get involved without a police report.


They are trying to scam you.


Was wondering when you would chime in.LOL

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Send the estimate back and have them get one that is only for the damage to the door. Tell them you will after approval pay directly to the auto repair shop. If you want them to get up to 3 estimates that is within your reason. Just a heads up though to reskin a door and paint it is between 800 and 1,000 dollars. Due to lawyers and people rights of entitlement you no longer have repairshops pound out a dent and mud it flat any more.





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