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A fall from grace (the Duck Dynasty)


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I visited the Potomac River this summer. It didn't strike me as a great place to brink a boat. Maybe there are some slower sections down stream?

It depends on where you are it ranges from a river we use jetdrive boats on because it is shallow up to 28ft Cruiser I have on the lower Potomac river. The areas are only 60 miles apart by road. It can also be run down to the ocean in 4 hours. The upper Potomac is rich in it's small mouth bass and channel catfish. Lower down below Great Falls you can pick up walleye in a very few selected areas as well as some trophy small mouth. You continue down river where it is still freshwater and will fish for large mouth , striper bass, shad, 4 different species of catfish including the 60lb + blue catfish and the fun to catch snake-heads. We then enter into the brackish to saltwater and then you can fish for 10 different species that are fun and great eating. To fish it effectively you actually need from a canoe to a 30ft bay boat. If you are getting back down here shoot me a P.M. if our schedules are good we can go for a blast or I can give you a few tips on the area.




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It depends on where you are it ranges from a river we use jetdrive boats on because it is shallow up to 28ft Cruiser I have on the lower Potomac river. The areas are only 60 miles apart by road. It can also be run down to the ocean in 4 hours. The upper Potomac is rich in it's small mouth bass and channel catfish. Lower down below Great Falls you can pick up walleye in a very few selected areas as well as some trophy small mouth. You continue down river where it is still freshwater and will fish for large mouth , striper bass, shad, 4 different species of catfish including the 60lb + blue catfish and the fun to catch snake-heads. We then enter into the brackish to saltwater and then you can fish for 10 different species that are fun and great eating. To fish it effectively you actually need from a canoe to a 30ft bay boat. If you are getting back down here shoot me a P.M. if our schedules are good we can go for a blast or I can give you a few tips on the area.





Um, excuse me! Is this a fishing thread?


Some nerve!



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Why is it always the hardcore religious folks that always use a thread like this to preach to the rest of us? Seriously, enjoy your life, I'll enjoy mine keep your religious Bull to yourself.

Why does it bother you? Someone can have an opinion on gays, politics, fishing etc, but not religion? If you dont like it, dont read it. This entire post is about Phil, and his comments on what he believes. I suggest you dont read further.
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Why does it bother you? Someone can have an opinion on gays, politics, fishing etc, but not religion? If you dont like it, dont read it. This entire post is about Phil, and his comments on what he believes. I suggest you dont read further.


There's a big difference between having an opinion on religion and actively thumping the bible on a fishing forum. So you're religious, I don't care. The holier then thou attitudes and regurgitated bible verses are a bit much.

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I'm actually a big fan of the Robertson Family! I enjoy their antics and happen to think Phil has some very astute comments and ideas on life.

I don't agree with everything they say or do, but overall, I find them refreshing on TV.

I think Phil has every right to his opinions. A&E can't have it both ways. Either they want their 14 million viewers every week....or they don't. With Phil, you get what you get. I somehow doubt he is about to be anything other than himself.

I admire his family for standing by him.


I don't consider myself a deeply religious man by any stretch, but I enjoy their family get togethers at dinner time....scripted or not. Probably why I enjoy listening to Al Linder at the end of his show. He does not push it on us, just throws it out there because he can. I respect Al Linder, and because of this, i listen to what he has to say.

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I think his family standing by him is a given and whatever decision A&E makes (keep or cut bait), they will have to live with either way. They're kind of in a no win situation imo, entirely of their making.


I'm agnostic and have MANY friends who are fairly deep in their convictions/beliefs but they don't try to bring me into the fold and I wish many more would do likewise. I also don't harp on them about why I'm not convinced of a greater being so we all get along great like peas in a pod ;)

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If a politician said it, not too many would support it.


Their jobs are very similar. The public pays his paycheck, and everyone else attached to the show. He is speaking his mind, and nobody debated that. Articles and interviews weren't retracted and Phil was not fined or arrested. Nobody's free speech was in jeapordy. Just a guy's job who works entertaining the public. So offending a good chunk of his fans probably wasn't a good idea, true or not.

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I'm actually a big fan of the Robertson Family! I enjoy their antics and happen to think Phil has some very astute comments and ideas on life.

I don't agree with everything they say or do, but overall, I find them refreshing on TV.

I think Phil has every right to his opinions. A&E can't have it both ways. Either they want their 14 million viewers every week....or they don't. With Phil, you get what you get. I somehow doubt he is about to be anything other than himself.

I admire his family for standing by him.


I don't consider myself a deeply religious man by any stretch, but I enjoy their family get togethers at dinner time....scripted or not. Probably why I enjoy listening to Al Linder at the end of his show. He does not push it on us, just throws it out there because he can. I respect Al Linder, and because of this, i listen to what he has to say.

Im with you on that one R/T, I thought the show looked rediculous until i watched it, family values are very important to the Robertson families, and its damn nice to see now a days, as for Al Linders little scripture piece at the end of each show, again I find that very enjoyable, as its again very short, and Al knws how to grab peoples attention, but not over due it at the same time, I also enjoy Jim Stewarts religous note at the beginning of each catalouge year for Rollie and Helens Musky Shop, almost as much as the tackle inside, and its the first page I look at when it arrives at my door. Im not a religous person as well, but it certainly is heart warming to hear and read something positve

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I am also not a religious person in the conventional sense of the word. I think most religions have a good heart, at their core is a set of values that I agree with, love, tolerance, selflessness etc…etc. But i cannot ignore the way that people use parts of religion very selectively to justify ignorant, hateful, intolerant, hypocritical and bigoted views they hold with no need to question those beliefs because of 'FAITH'.


As far as i can tell most of the storm here is over this guy saying that homosexuality is a sin. I could not disagree with this more wholeheartedly. Here is a perfect example of what i was just talking about above.


Was Phil being hateful/homophobic? I've certainly heard worse, but to say this is ok…IN MY OPINION….because it is informed by faith in a particular religion does not wash, some very nasty things (note i refrain using the word 'evil' because of its religious baggage) have been done in history that were quite ok at the time because this or that deity said it was.


Things change over time, I remember as a kid stuff that was blatantly racist and sexist was acceptable on TV, this is no longer the case because people campaigned to change that, challenging the power structures(read religion among others)that perpetuated these hateful, bigoted myths.



So…back to what Phil said……there is a clip on youtube that I love. Because 'sin' implicitly implies choice, i think it challenges Phil's religiously informed opinion on homosexuality , ( the same way that other 'opinions' have, overtime, been challenged and changed for the better)




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Im also tired of people calling the guy a geniuous and well educated man. He made a duck call 30 yrs ago, that is all. Once his duck call cures cancer or ends the Palestinian Israeli dispute is when I'll call him a genious.


Just like the media, you might want to look at the facts BEFORE typing ;)



As a high-school athlete, Phil earned All-State rankings in football, baseball, and track, which afforded him the opportunity to attend Louisiana Tech University on a football scholarship. There, Phil played first-string quarterback – ahead of Terry Bradshaw, who later went on to lead the Pittsburgh Steelers team to 4 Super Bowl championships. Phil said, "Terry went for the bucks, and I chased after the ducks." After receiving his Bachelor's degree in Physical Education and a Master's in Education, Phil spent several years teaching in Louisiana schools. Acclaimed as an excellent teacher by his students, Phil came to the conclusion that his time and talents would be better spent in the woods.



I dunno about you guys, but I'm thinking the part in bold kinda means he's educated...likely more educated than the majority of people calling him a dumbass redneck :D :D

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Just like the media, you might want to look at the facts BEFORE typing ;)



As a high-school athlete, Phil earned All-State rankings in football, baseball, and track, which afforded him the opportunity to attend Louisiana Tech University on a football scholarship. There, Phil played first-string quarterback – ahead of Terry Bradshaw, who later went on to lead the Pittsburgh Steelers team to 4 Super Bowl championships. Phil said, "Terry went for the bucks, and I chased after the ducks." After receiving his Bachelor's degree in Physical Education and a Master's in Education, Phil spent several years teaching in Louisiana schools. Acclaimed as an excellent teacher by his students, Phil came to the conclusion that his time and talents would be better spent in the woods.



I dunno about you guys, but I'm thinking the part in bold kinda means he's educated...likely more educated than the majority of people calling him a dumbass redneck :D :D



Im sorry, but getting a degree in gym teacher 101 does not make you well educated.


And yes, the redneck is still less educated than some people here

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Im sorry, but getting a degree in gym teacher 101 does not make you well educated.


And yes, the redneck is still less educated than some people here


So what you're saying is they simply hand out bachelor and master degrees at universities and any dummy could get one?


I fail to understand how someone who is qualified to teach students could not be considered educated?

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By the way, the issue isn't that Phil said he doesn't support gay marriage. If he simply said he believes marriage is between a man and a woman then nobody would really care or be surprised. The problem seems to be with how he expressed himself. For example, these are some quotes from Phil:


-"They (homosexuals) committed indecent acts with one another," and "they received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion," adding "They're full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant God haters. They are heartless. They are faithless. They are senseless. They are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil."

-Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there. Bestiality, sleeping around with this woman and that woman and that woman and those men. Neither the adulterers, the idolaters, the male prostitutes, the homosexual offenders, the greedy, the drunkards, the slanderers, the swindlers – they won't inherit the kingdom of God. Don't deceive yourself. It's not right. ... We never, ever judge someone on who's going to heaven, hell. That's the Almighty's job. We just love 'em, give 'em the good news about Jesus – whether they're homosexuals, drunks, terrorists.

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-"They (homosexuals) committed indecent acts with one another," and "they received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion," adding "They're full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant God haters. They are heartless. They are faithless. They are senseless. They are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil."


Now there's an 'educated ' opinion!!! :wallbash::rofl2: . Maybe one day someone will confuse him with some facts.

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I am also not a religious person in the conventional sense of the word. I think most religions have a good heart, at their core is a set of values that I agree with, love, tolerance, selflessness etcetc. But i cannot ignore the way that people use parts of religion very selectively to justify ignorant, hateful, intolerant, hypocritical and bigoted views they hold with no need to question those beliefs because of 'FAITH'.


As far as i can tell most of the storm here is over this guy saying that homosexuality is a sin. I could not disagree with this more wholeheartedly. Here is a perfect example of what i was just talking about above.


Was Phil being hateful/homophobic? I've certainly heard worse, but to say this is okIN MY OPINION.because it is informed by faith in a particular religion does not wash, some very nasty things (note i refrain using the word 'evil' because of its religious baggage) have been done in history that were quite ok at the time because this or that deity said it was.


Things change over time, I remember as a kid stuff that was blatantly racist and sexist was acceptable on TV, this is no longer the case because people campaigned to change that, challenging the power structures(read religion among others)that perpetuated these hateful, bigoted myths.



Soback to what Phil saidthere is a clip on youtube that I love. Because 'sin' implicitly implies choice, i think it challenges Phil's religiously informed opinion on homosexuality , ( the same way that other 'opinions' have, overtime, been challenged and changed for the better)





That same excuse can be used for pedophiles and bestiality. Im sure you will say that their sexual preferences are a choice. I dont see the difference. Feeling a certain way, and acting are two different things.

Plain and simple, they are all choices.

It wasnt very long ago that bring gay was socially unacceptable, and considered wrong by 90% of the population. Now that it is acceptable by a larger portion, how dare anyone share their opinion on it, unless it is in agreement.

Everyones sense of self entitlement and rights these days is absolutely pathetic. Prime example being the Prostitution laws that were just struck down because it violated the rights of the prostitutes... Seriously?

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