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fishing mood swings

Rod Caster

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Just last year(and years before) I averaged 3-4 days per week fishing. I have a fairly demanding job but that never stopped me. I don't have a boat but a canoe/shore fishing was good enough. I got married but my wife is cool and that never stopped me. Then I bought house/property and my NEED to fish rushed to the back of my mind like untied cargo during a flight take-off.

Other than my strong desire to eat fresh fish as often as possible, which will be fulfilled with high perch limits on Nipissing this winter (easily), I lost my mojo for fishing. A few times I even had my wife ask me to go fishing and I refused so I could cut wood or something.


Anybody else have stories or quips of fishing mood swings and what caused them. I know a lot of people get back into fishing after years of absence...stories I'd love to hear.

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rushed to the back of my mind like untied cargo during a flight take-off


LMAO ! (I had a bit of that happen today.. forgot about my unstrapped tackle boxes and gear from the summer when I pulled up into a 1400 fpm climb!)


Don't worry.. good ice will be here soon, it'll all come back to you!

Edited by irishfield
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As a kid growing up my dad was a fishing nut. We fished a LOT.

I grew real tired of it and didn't fish for a good many years.

I eventually got back into it about 20 years ago. Fished almost every day in the summer.

But, again, grew a little tired of it. I like doing a variety of things now, but at the cottage. Puttering with all the things there are to do.
Never bored. When the fellas come up for the weekends of fishing it's usually enough for me.

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i haven't touch a fishing rod since beginning of September... :unsure: . But then again, fall is for hunting, my new discovered hobby :good: Can't wait for the ice season to start :worthy:

Chad, this year i might try Nosbonsing Lake for ice fishing. I will let you know when i'll book and maybe if you're not busy come icefish with us. :thumbsup_anim:

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I've been fishing over 60 years now and have always enjoyed it, but things have been changing for me the last few years and I've been fishing less and less. I used to spend alot of time fishing muskies and for years averaged anywhere from around 70 to over 100 a year with my best ever year boating 115.


I now live in the heart of the Kawarthas and am only 200' from Clear Lake but hardly ever fish anymore, infact I only fished the Kawarthas 3 times this year, and about the same last year. I spend several weeks a year up on the West Arm of Nippissing chasing bigger muskies but thats about it for me these days.


Times change and so do our interests and for me lately, my interest in fishing has been on a steady decline, infact my last time in the boat was 3 months ago.


Truth be known, I've even contemplated getting away from fishing altogether and selling off my boat and all the gear.


But who knows what next season will bring...

Edited by lew
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I stopped fishing for quite a few years. Ten, years ago I started again and would go about 3 times a week at least. All shore fishing never owned a boat. This year work, and weather have conspired against me. It has been the old if I have time, the weather has meant going would be a waste of time. Which never used to stop me before. LOL.


I do miss being out but don't get too worried about it... Hoping to hit the streams one more time before they freeze from some chrome though.

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I have never lost the desire to fish ever. I hope i never do because fishing has always been the one constant in my life. The one thing i can put all my focus into without distraction. The one thing i feel i understand better than anything else in this crazy world. Everybody has something, this is mine

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When I got dunked in the lake I lost interest. I've been out twice since July and both reports I posted on here.


I'll be totally honest though, the lack of interest has to do with the area. I think about lakes all the time in Ontario, where I'd fish, what I'd use but I really really don't feel like learning about Alberta's lakes and tribs this winter.

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Life seems to dictate when i can get out fishing. This has been the first year in about 5 where i havent gone out atleast once on a weekend. I can probably count on both hands how many times ive been out so far this year. Im going to get out a lot more this winter though..ive got the itch to go and work is starting to slow down a little bit so i wont have to work every Saturday.

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Put in 117 days in 2011, another 117 days in 2012 and right now sit at 117 days this 2013. Not an evening after work kinda angler either, those are usually 4 to 10 hour days on the water averaging out at two or more a week. Working in the ER 3 out of 4 weekends during when most of my friends get their time to do things together, I am at home midweek having completed the 12 hour mixed day and night shifts in 3 days and the kids are gone 8 hours to school. If it wasn't for fishing the arse would be even bigger from sitting in front of this computer. The only time motivation is lost, is during and immediately following tough stretches of nightshifts, directly after a long and tiring trip, after too much of one kind of fishing, and during the month of December. There's much still new around here and plenty yet to explore. Every day out is an education and exercise. Health is OK, don't often rely on any need for company, so may as well be out there living to fish.

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I used to fish a lot. I worked as a full-time outdoor writer for more than 25 years. Over the course of that time, I fished an average of three or four days each week. Every week. 52 weeks a year. Year after year after year.


Some times I fished five or six days a week. There would be stretches where I would fish every single day for two or three weeks straight. I can't even begin to tell you how many frequent flier miles I racked up in that time, or how many miles I logged behind the wheel of various vehicles driving to and from fishing spots every year. Used to buy monofilament by the case (12 x 3,000 yard spools) and would always burn through a half-dozen cases each year. It's proably safe to say that for more than two decades, the vast majority of my meals were served through drive-through windows. Just ask my ex-wife.


After a couple of decades at that crazy pace, I burned out and didn't touch a rod again for almost five years.


But eventually, the interest in fishing comes back.


I think fishing, like everything in life, is all about balance. Some times, a little break just makes you appreciate it all the more.

Edited by Craig_Ritchie
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I'm probably 50-60 trips a year average, maybe more, I should keep track in 2014. I'm usually out every weekend at least once and if weather allows it could be 3-4 trips at 5-8 hours each on Lake Ontario chasing anything chrome as of late. This fall has been brutal for weather (winds) on the days I could go and nice when I could not go. A couple of weeks ago my grandfather past away at the age of 93 while down on Quinte. That would be my last trip of the year. Oddly enough I got my PB just a couple of hours before he passed on. Coincidence?? Who really knows, he certainly knew of my love for fishing, many have said that it was just a little something to say thanks for I did in recent years for him, not a bad thought. B) I think we all go through ups and downs when it comes to fishing. Could be anyone of a 1000 reasons. When I give up fishing I might actually get married again....maybe not. :D

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Chad, I put my boat in the water ONCE this year... A few years back it was nearly every weekend.


My family has consumed me this year. Which is not a bad thing!


Once my son is older I think it will change.


Ice fishing is going to be there good and strong though! Gunna try to make it out once a week.

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Fishing is probably my number one pastime. And I get out as often as I can...all year. Like others have mentioned I never got out much when my kids where small...maybe half a dozen times a year. Then later on for about 20 years I worked 12 hour shifts and only worked 14 days a month...I fished well over 100 days a year then. Now I probably get out 50 times a year.


I used to be pretty hardcore at chasing chrome...but it doesn't interest me at all now. Haven't had any of that gear out of the basement for 2 full seasons. Now I pretty much focus on panfish and perch. However I know once I retire I will be fishing more again so who knows what species will be taking up my extra fishing time then.

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I feel the same way.... I bought a brand new boat last spring and used it a fair bit last year. This year..... 5 times maybe ????? That number might have changed if I had a tow vehicle. I sold my truck last winter and have yet to replace it. I hope to do that over the winter.


I got into remote control helicopters and that took up a huge amount of time and $$


Plus we had a baby last year.. and that drained my time aswell, but once the boy gets old enough to go fishing, Im sure we will be out more.

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