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Really?? Not sure... NF


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A knife would have done a much better job. What was that idiot thinking?


I'm willing to bet he was thinking "that bear doesn't deserve to suffer, so I'm going to do the dirty work and end it's suffering and I might as well eat this meat rather than tossing it in the ditch".


You're telling me you'd put your hands close enough to a wounded bear to slice it's throat? Even if I had a knife I'd still opt for the rock option. Hell, i'd run it over with my truck before attempting to use a knife to dispatch a wounded bear regardless of it's size. A wounded raccoon can easily shred your hands in very short order and I can only imagine what an injured and disoriented bear that's in "life saving mode" could do to any part of your body it got a hold of.

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he shouldve just called animal control and let them do it quick and easy and not beat the thing to death, imagine being injured like that and have some guy smash a rock on your head trying to "put you out of your misery"


There would be nothing quick and easy about waiting for animal control to show up. The bear would have died a slow and agonizing death waiting for someone to come shoot it, possibly started doing the "funky chicken" which could have startled an unsuspecting motorist causing an accident, or injured some moron who got too close to it for a photo to post on facebook.


He ended the suffering with the tools he had on hand. People should be thanking him, not criticizing him.

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I'm all for not letting an animal suffer, but grabbing a rock and attempting to kill it by smashing it over the head wouldn't be one of my choices. Calling the OPP and letting them sort it out would have been a much better choice.

Edited by BillM
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Please explain the difference between dead by rock, and dead by....whatever??


Dead is dead.


Suffering is suffering.


Society is turning into a bunch of bleeding hearts. Think about where we came from people....to live...things die. Get over it, move on.



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Please explain the difference between dead by rock, and dead by....whatever??


Dead is dead.


Suffering is suffering.


Society is turning into a bunch of bleeding hearts. Think about where we came from people....to live...things die. Get over it, move on.



:worthy: x2

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Please explain the difference between dead by rock, and dead by....whatever??


Dead is dead.


Suffering is suffering.


Society is turning into a bunch of bleeding hearts. Think about where we came from people....to live...things die. Get over it, move on.





Thank you for saying Shane.

And ya,some are bleeding hearts.

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Please explain the difference between dead by rock, and dead by....whatever??


Dead is dead.


Suffering is suffering.


Society is turning into a bunch of bleeding hearts. Think about where we came from people....to live...things die. Get over it, move on.




You need someone to explain the difference between say someone shooting a bear and someone smashing it over the head with a rock until it's dead? You need help figuring that out? Wow.

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It's just a stupid move in public. It that happens deep in the bush, hit with a truck or four-wheeler, with no gun in hand, then you dispatch it by any means necessary to avoid suffering, don't call anyone and don't keep the meat, or call the MNR and then try to keep the meat.

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You need someone to explain the difference between say someone shooting a bear and someone smashing it over the head with a rock until it's dead? You need help figuring that out? Wow.


We're not talking about hunting where hunters attempt to kill an animal in the quickest way possible. This is a completely unforeseen event and the result was a wounded bear that was clearly suffering and the man used the tools available to end it's suffering as fast as possible. What is the difference in this situation? The difference is with the rock it was over in seconds and waiting for someone with a gun would have resulted in a much, much longer period of suffering for the animal. To be clear, the only time I support bludgeoning an animal to death is if it was previously mortally wounded.



IMO...you're suggestion of using a knife to finish the bear would have likely resulted in even more backlash.



-the bear was going to die

-the man ended it's suffering quickly

-nobody was hurt

-it didn't cost taxpayers anything

-the man scored some meat


What's the issue?

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You need someone to explain the difference between say someone shooting a bear and someone smashing it over the head with a rock until it's dead? You need help figuring that out? Wow.

Apparently I do according to you. Please explain.....


Dead is dead dude....move on!



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I heard on the Radio this morning the guy was charged by the OSPCA.


2 charges.


"Causing distress to a animal"

"Putting an animal down in an in-human manor"







This is what happens when bleeding hearts witness something unpleasant and feel that their emotions are more important than ending the suffering of an animal. How on earth would letting the animal continue to suffer until OPP or animal control showed up be better for the animal? Apparently an animal should be allowed to suffer to prevent anybodies feelings from being hurt?


"Causing distress to an animal"? Unless he intentionally hit the bear with his vehicle, how could ending it's suffering be considered "causing distress'? Why is it that the MNR found zero reason to charge the man yet the OSPCA thought otherwise? Public pressure from animal rights activists to lay charges?




Let this be a lesson to anyone who would ever consider putting an animal out of it's misery for it's own good. Apparently you're expected to turn the other way and allow the animal to die a slow and agonizing death to ensure some idiots feelings don't get hurt.

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I see, so its humane to let an animal roll around on the ground suffering for however long it would take the cops to get there, but it's not ok to end it's pain moments after it receives a more than likely fatal impact from a car with a tool at hand. I don't know about you guys, but every time I've had to call the police, the response time isn't that great unless a person is in bodily harm.

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I called the cops once to put down a deer that was hit by a car. I told them I would put it out of its misery if they would allow me to...I had a sledge hammer in the truck. They said no, wait for an officer. I waited for about 40 mins while this poor deer hacked and gagged, spit blood, and kicked non stop trying to get up with two broken hind legs. When the cop fimally arrived, he was too afraid to shoot it, so I ended up using my sledge. I was livid with this cop.


Another time, a guy at work hit a deer on his way in, just around the corner. He called the cops, I went to track the wounded deer. There was snow on the ground, so tracking was easy....found it about 100yds off the road, still trying to run with no rear legs working. The cop shows up, so I ask him if he will put it down, he agrees that's the best thing to do, and opens fire....5 shots later he still hasn't touched the deer. Pathetic.


I'll bet this guy gets off scott free. The only reason he has been charged is to settle down the bleeding hearts that are making a fuss over nothing! Don't these people have anything else to do?? I'll also bet we don't hear a thing in the media about what happens. This province is really starting to drive me nuts!! Nothing but a bunch of bleeding heart sissies.


The bear was going to be dead either way, this is all nothing but Bull to make the tree huggers happy! GRRRR.....drives me nuts!



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We are all 'bleeding hearts' to a certain degree if we don't want to see an animal suffer.


As I said before, as a general rule, just don't kill anything with your hands/tools if you are in public. ...It's just one of those things you don't do... nobody cares if they don't see it, funny as that is.

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Shane hear ya bro


,the wife was home one day when a deer was struck by a car just outside the house.. Cop arived and couldnt shoot it. Had another officer come by to do the deed.First officer was in tears. I can respect that. I was pissed she didnt call me. LOL Fresh meat.LOL I would of dragged it off the road,slit it,s throat and be done with it.


Not everyone is brought up this way Hell,I was one that never thought I could take the life of game. I wasnt forced to,I was brought up to try. Once you get over the kill and meaning of the harvest,it,s all good. When you see an animal down and suffering,the only thing is to put it out of it,s troubles.


Some need to learn.

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What it really boils down to is peoples sensitivity to death...no point in getting upset about people that cannot handle seeing such things...hell i hunt and fish and i'd have a hard time doing 'the deed'.


That being said it was definitely the right thing to do and am confident both those ridiculous charges will be dropped. The sensationalization of this story is unbelievable...feel sorry for the guy!

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We are all 'bleeding hearts' to a certain degree if we don't want to see an animal suffer.


As I said before, as a general rule, just don't kill anything with your hands/tools if you are in public. ...It's just one of those things you don't do... nobody cares if they don't see it, funny as that is.

I don't consider myself a bleeding heart. I have waaay more respect for any living thing than a bleeding heart does. I would also bet my paycheck I put a lot more back than I take. I'd also bet I put a whole heck of a lot more back than some dumbass telling me that putting A suffering animal out of its misery is the wrong thing to do.


I will admit there is a moment, after I harvest an animal, that I get that feeling, but I respect the animal, and I'm very grateful to have it.


What I call a bleeding heart is someone who thinks I'm a bad man because I kill animals......they have no idea.



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