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NF - Toronto Police officer charged with 2nd degree murder


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The way I see it, if you disagree with the decision either way, it is up to the courts to decide what the facts of the case are and assign blame/quilt to the appropriate parties. Wait for the trial's conclusion and then go off into your various rants regarding the case.

It is now up to the judge and/or jury not us.

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I agree 100% but the majority of us are overlooked because we do our job

you should feel very proud about that statement Dave....thats all any of us do ...do our jobs and go home every night to our families with out the drama....being in the limelight isnt all its cracked up to be...ask the cop in the centre of this incident...

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sad story all around.


he had a knife in one hand and his dick in the other (seriously)


My boss mentioned this and I thought he was kidding until I read the reports.


a disturbed individual.


so sad that he had to be shot 9 times then tasered (What the hell?)


when he could have just put down the knife and been alive for his family and friends.


this cop was just as nuts by the sounds of it.


but again, we don't know all the facts.


sucks all around

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I find it funny that people think the number of bullets fired actually makes a difference.... If he only fired twice then he was justified? But because he fired 9 times it's 2nd degree murder? After the first bullet it really doesn't matter, you shoot to kill and that's that.

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I am mortified how this kids has been portayed in the media: as some sort of innocent angel horrendously gunned down by a renegade cop. Do we need reminding that this was a derranged criminal? Facts about the case may be blurry, but I can't remember the last time that Canadians sided so eagerly with a knife wielding lunatic.


The cops actions will come under trial. His actions were clearly not "according to the manual"... but can we please stop placing sympathy towards the death of a knife-wielding individual? I hate how the media shows a cute innocent picture of the "kid" instead of a recent, and realistic picture. Let's see how some of you react the next time someone pulls a knife on your daugher, or your wife, on public transit. This board sickens me sometimes.

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I am mortified how this kids has been portayed in the media: as some sort of innocent angel horrendously gunned down by a renegade cop. Do we need reminding that this was a derranged criminal? Facts about the case may be blurry, but I can't remember the last time that Canadians sided so eagerly with a knife wielding lunatic.


The cops actions will come under trial. His actions were clearly not "according to the manual"... but can we please stop placing sympathy towards the death of a knife-wielding individual? I hate how the media shows a cute innocent picture of the "kid" instead of a recent, and realistic picture. Let's see how some of you react the next time someone pulls a knife on your daugher, or your wife, on public transit. This board sickens me sometimes.

thats it ...the kid needed a doctor...not a mortician...the supervisor should have seen this and ordered the men to holster the guns...until it could be properly defused...with a straight jacket ....could have shot him with a tranquilizer anything drugged a drink and set it in the street car...what ever.....this as well as all the recent incidences are not necessary..

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Zero stopping power with a .40 cal Glock. There have been guys who keep going after being hit 12 times.


9 shots were fire only 3 hit him. No camera inside the street car and in some of the footage he appears to still be moving in such a way that he looks like he's slashing with the knife.


Also... The TPS threw him under the bus to appease the public so that there wouldn't be a riot. The SIU charged him because of public pressure but he won't be convicted of second degree murder. He will be acquitted.


What this has done is put a second guess into every cop when a matter of lethal force happens... IMHO this will impact not only the copper and deceased's families but the families of many other civilians and officers because the second thought will cause a moment of indecision putting lives at risk

If I wasn't familiar with your posts and your law enforcement backround I would think you're trolling. I find it crazy that people, particularly those who work in law enorcement, take your viewpoint and some how justify actions such as this. If the shoe was on the other foot and a dozen gang members carrying guns were surrounding a man with a knife and one of the gang members shot at him 9 times and claimed self defense would you still have the same sentiment?




I find it funny that people think the number of bullets fired actually makes a difference.... If he only fired twice then he was justified? But because he fired 9 times it's 2nd degree murder? After the first bullet it really doesn't matter, you shoot to kill and that's that.

You're right he should have unloaded the whole clip just to make sure


Edited by B_Dan
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I agree that the cop should be charged but the kid pulled a knife on the cops so I am not sure with what. My dad always said if you pull any weapon on a cop even if you are fooling around they will shoot you. This is a tough one, I just keep going back to the fact he pulled a knife on a cop. It does not make it right what happened and two families have now been devastated by the actions of a stupid kid and a over zealous cop who should never be aloud near a gun ever again no mater what happens in the end.

When this first happened I asked my 18 year old son what he thought and his only comment was what else do you expect a cop to do when you waive a knife in his face. Now what would have happened if the kid lunged at the cops and killed one of them. Then we would be asking why did they not just shoot him when they had the chance.

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I agree that the cop should be charged but the kid pulled a knife on the cops so I am not sure with what. My dad always said if you pull any weapon on a cop even if you are fooling around they will shoot you. This is a tough one, I just keep going back to the fact he pulled a knife on a cop. It does not make it right what happened and two families have now been devastated by the actions of a stupid kid and a over zealous cop who should never be aloud near a gun ever again no mater what happens in the end.

When this first happened I asked my 18 year old son what he thought and his only comment was what else do you expect a cop to do when you waive a knife in his face. Now what would have happened if the kid lunged at the cops and killed one of them. Then we would be asking why did they not just shoot him when they had the chance.

please watch the video...at exactly what point was the police officer in danger?the kid was in the bus alone surrounded by cops,he deserves the charges

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After the first 3 shots something may have clicked in his head??.. Did adrenalin take over? Something went on in his head and I bet he won't even be able to recall it well.. You really can't judge him by his profile picture because a lot of us have pictures of us out there that might leave the impression that we are mentally unstable...

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He might not have started the day with a plan to kill someone but as the events unfolded I believe he had every intention to kill that teenager and that constitutes murder. Only question is," why is he the only officer charged in this case? Overcharge to appease the public and possibly let him skate or the sacrificial lamb to save the rest. Lets not forget just because they couldn't pin the dirt on him, "BIG" Mike McCormack still smells like a dirty cop and who knows the crap he got away with.



You'd figure our authorities would have been better prepared by watching the world change around them all these years. Just goes to show the idiots we choose to lead us have no idea what the hell they've been doing for the last 40 years. Or does that say something about us instead?



Either way this is the continuation of the crap I rnt on about every so often and its only gonna get worse if we sit on our hands like the authorities keep sitting on theirs.

Edited by moxie
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No need to waste money on a trial. OFC members already know the kids mental state, why the cop shot him, what the cop was thinking, and what his intentions were. :dunno:



Somebody's at fault here and like most cases, it's probably shared. The judicial system will decide the balance. If people were able to feel the true sadness felt by the family of the dead youth or the fear and anxiety that must be consuming the officer's family, I believe the anger and frustration would be put aside and replaced with compassion...for all involved.

Pray for them, right or wrong, they all need help right now.

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You're right he should have unloaded the whole clip just to make sure



Like I said,the amount of bullets fired make zero difference. What happens if they shot....5? Not so guilty but maybe a little bit guilty? See what I'm getting at here? Basing the charge on the amount of bullets fired is ridiculous.

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Zero stopping power with a .40 cal Glock. There have been guys who keep going after being hit 12 times.


9 shots were fire only 3 hit him. No camera inside the street car and in some of the footage he appears to still be moving in such a way that he looks like he's slashing with the knife.


Also... The TPS threw him under the bus to appease the public so that there wouldn't be a riot. The SIU charged him because of public pressure but he won't be convicted of second degree murder. He will be acquitted.


What this has done is put a second guess into every cop when a matter of lethal force happens... IMHO this will impact not only the copper and deceased's families but the families of many other civilians and officers because the second thought will cause a moment of indecision putting lives at risk

It sure does make you second guess the actions of any police officer. :blahblah1:

Cal size means nothing. A scape goat at best!

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I am mortified how this kids has been portayed in the media: as some sort of innocent angel horrendously gunned down by a renegade cop. Do we need reminding that this was a derranged criminal? Facts about the case may be blurry, but I can't remember the last time that Canadians sided so eagerly with a knife wielding lunatic.


The cops actions will come under trial. His actions were clearly not "according to the manual"... but can we please stop placing sympathy towards the death of a knife-wielding individual? I hate how the media shows a cute innocent picture of the "kid" instead of a recent, and realistic picture. Let's see how some of you react the next time someone pulls a knife on your daugher, or your wife, on public transit. This board sickens me sometimes.

I agree. I heard his family (on the radio) saying they came to canada to be free and live safe...yet there kid is pulling knives and was a criminal, seems like a double standard.


I have no other opinion on this, let the courts figure it out I guess.

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Bandits turned into innocent martyrs..... It's what the Toronto media does

Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner here... couldn't agree more!

I have no idea what happened on that street car, but I do hope that we actually find out, eventually.


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I have friends in various levels of law enforcement and even this has me stunned. Some police haven't learned a thing even after the Edmund Yu inquiry (google this). Almost the exact same circumstances (ie-lone person in TTC vehicle). Most people saw Blair's statement the next day as basically saying the TPS messed up bad. I've seen some law enforcement (Boston) with very level heads in very tense situations and this officer was no where near their level. I know I'm judging him but he should NEVER wear a badge again. Ever.


What I'm wondering is how this "policer officer" passed his spych exam?! He should have never been given a licence in the first place!!!!

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I know a few guys in YRP and they were saying that the "innocent kid" was trying to put the bus into gear and drive off. We all know the consequences that had last year when one of their own was killed by a deranged man behind the wheel of a snowplow. I say the kid had mental issues, the parents should have assessed this and done something about it. We rely heavily on our teachers and police to parent our children, and always make them responsible when circumstance go bad. id like to know if the "kid" was receiving psychiatric care, or what kind of boundaries he had as a disturbed teenager. this situation could of went many ways, with the innocent kid stabbing and killing pedestrians on the bus to stabbing a police officer that was doing his job like everyone of us. This is just another spinoff of the truth provided from the Toronto media. Just look at the two pictures that are put in our face every morning..... 6bcb46e3-7c9f-47ae-9607-dc8d8d1ca1d5_Jamsammy-yatim.jpg?w=310&h=465 last time I checked the TPS has photos of their officers that better represent the TPS then a facebook photo. Similar to this photo of the late Const. Robert Plunkett to-robert-plunkett.jpg that was killed by a teenage "kid" in a car.

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looks like the cop is saying "you talkin to me ...hey are you talkin to me?" the media could be trying to perpetuate the image that they care for the people to generate sales..plain and simple....posting an image of a fallen police officer serves no purpose at all....shall i post the images of the three dead citizens from this month alone committed at the hands of the police....this incident and the other incident i mentioned earlier were from last month...bottom line is ...there is something fundamentally wrong with ALL of these incidents...(including the incident of the officer that was rescued from the ditch in Alberta...) Nobody deserves to die at the hands of another (police or otherwise) unless there is an immediate threat to an innocent life...thats what the court system is for...now if Harper is putting pressure on the police to step up their game to impose his will on the people ...then he should just come out and say it in laymen terms through the media instead of sneaking new policy..


being sick in the head doesnt strip a person from being innocent...the system failed this kid and the cop failed his Union...hopefully someone has the foresight to see how much the union spends on this cops defence...so we all know what a corpse is worth

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