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Taking a leak in my yard...legalities


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Does anyone know if it's against the law to pee in your own yard?


Assuming I have my back turned to anyone who might be watching (and am therefore not "exposing" myself) am I breaking any laws if I occasionally relieve myself on my own property which is well within city limits, in a fairly busy residential neighbourhood?


It's not that I've run into problems in the past or want to constantly urinate all over my property, but today I was cutting my grass after drinking a few beers and couldn't help pondering this question about half way through the job.


Just curious...thanks.


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when you gots to go you gotta go


I would say if they can't see the little guy, then you are not exposing yourself..

there is that public urination thing, is there an expectation of privacy in ones back yard

I would say if they can see you, you could be in trouble..

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It is the fact that your willie is exposed not if someone can see it. The cops can write the ticket for public urination and exposure if it is visible. You can also get a ticket for lewd acts in public if you wiggle or touch it in any manner that is not needed to urinate. This ticket can be written in the outback just as easily as in the city.





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It is the fact that your willie is exposed not if someone can see it. The cops can write the ticket for public urination and exposure if it is visible. You can also get a ticket for lewd acts in public if you wiggle or touch it in any manner that is not needed to urinate. This ticket can be written in the outback just as easily as in the city.







I'm a little confused. You say, "It is the fact that your willie is exposed not if someone can see it"...then go on to say, "The cops can write the ticket for public urination and exposure if it is visible". Those two statements seem to contradict one another. Also...the definition of exposed (in this context) is "to make something visible, typically by uncovering it". How could someone claim I exposed my genitals if they never saw them?...if they weren't visible, they weren't (by definition) exposed. As far as not be able to "wiggle or touch it in any manner that is not needed to urinate"...if no one can see my Johnson...how can they tell whether or not I gave it an extra shake or two? Not that it matters...I don't plan on masturbating in my backyard anyway, I just want to take a squirt...and I'm quite able to do the latter without doing the former.

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well you gotta wiggle!!! i had to write some type of poem in high school:


shake it off,

do a little dance,

but no matter what you do,

last drop is always in your pants




on a side note, i've heard you can now be ticketed for urinating in provincal parks? apparently the PH from the urine is upsetting the natural balance, I've heard this last time hiking the bruce trail

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I'm pretty sure that you can't even drink a beer in your own yard if the public can see you. At least that's what the OPP told me in Red Lake a couple of years ago.

then all the sidewalk bars in ontario are in big troubl

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I think that cop had one too many.

What about all the guys that do it over the side of a boat. The ph would really be in trouble. Geez, maybe that's why some busy lakes are so weedy! LOL

I'm pretty sure that you can't even drink a beer in your own yard if the public can see you. At least that's what the OPP told me in Red Lake a couple of years ago.

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I'm pretty sure that you can't even drink a beer in your own yard if the public can see you. At least that's what the OPP told me in Red Lake a couple of years ago.



That doesn't sound right to me. Why would it be illegal for me to drink a beer on my patio but not illegal to do so the patio of a bar?...both are in full public view, what's the difference? I'm pretty sure I can drink as much as I want anywhere on my property, and unless I cause some kind of disturbance, there's nothing I can be charged with. Unless I sell my house in Canada and buy one in Saudi Arabia, that is.

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If I go into a store and my fly is down it is not a crime but is an accident. If I am in the store and turn my back to the public and unzip and urinate in a pot rezip and no one saw the stream or my zipper down however a cop comes up and sees the wet planter and heard my zipper being pulled up he can write the ticket. You will go to court and fight it but the cop only needs probable cause to write the ticket it is up to the judge to make the ruling. Exposure can be charged without seeing the actual bits if a girl has her back to a cop and opens her shirt he can write the exposure ticket even though he did not get to see the bits of her. If he writes the ticket for urination and or exposure and you go what the hay and wiggle said digit at him it becomes a lewd act thus another charge. Mind you this is all tongue and cheek here and it would be a waste of the courts resources for the ticket to be written if you discreetly water a plant in the back yard. The legalities of the law are fun to ponder and are in most cases if the letter of the law was followed strictly we would find ourselves with at least a dozen tickets a day.





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The open container law can be charged in the yard if you do not have a liquor license with an outside open container permit. You can not go to an indoor bar and finish your meal pay your bill and walk out with an open beer. You are also confined to an area of the outdoor porch bar which does not allow you to walk down the street even though you bought the beer outside on the porch. Welcome to the wacky world of legalities. lol




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Canada is a great country and I love it


But we have some TERRIBLE laws here.


Makes me think of when a friend of mine had his house broken into in the middle of the night. He was in his bedroom with his wife, his 2 kids in the room next to his. The burglar was roaming the basement when my buddy heard something, he gets up and proceeds down to the basement. Long story short, the burglar caught a beat down. My buddy zip tied him and called the cops. Guess what? He was sued!!! The burglar pressed charges on him and won!

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Public urination is a common charge in university towns and club/bar districts, where inebriated youth commonly urinate on people's property, like car door handles and business front doors. In some instances you could be charged for doing it on your own property, however it would vary by municipality. It's unlikely to happen to be honest, unless your peeling on your neighbours car at 3am, and your caught in the act, while officers are attending the blowout base thumping party at your residence. Somehow I doubt that will be the case, so be discreet and you should be ok!

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If I am in the store and turn my back to the public and unzip and urinate in a pot rezip and no one saw the stream or my zipper down however a cop comes up and sees the wet planter and heard my zipper being pulled up he can write the ticket.


Exposure can be charged without seeing the actual bits if a girl has her back to a cop and opens her shirt he can write the exposure ticket even though he did not get to see the bits of her.




In the first example...you'd be charged for the act of urinating in the pot...not for having pulled out your dawg. I'm not asking about taking a leak outside of the bathroom in a public place such as a store that belongs to someone else...obviously that is something you can't do and the situation you described has little to nothing to do with the situation I am asking about.


I'm even more confused about your second example. First of all, I thought women in Ontario were allowed to go shirtless, just as men can do. Secondly, if the woman had her back to everyone present, not just the cop, and opened her blouse but no one was able to see her "exposed" skin, what crime did she commit?

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The open container law can be charged in the yard if you do not have a liquor license with an outside open container permit. You can not go to an indoor bar and finish your meal pay your bill and walk out with an open beer. You are also confined to an area of the outdoor porch bar which does not allow you to walk down the street even though you bought the beer outside on the porch. Welcome to the wacky world of legalities. lol





I'm sorry, but like heck I need a "liquor license with an outside open container permit" to drink a beer in my yard. I'm not a proprietor of an establishment that sells liquor to the public...I'm just some guy who owns property and likes the taste of a cold beer on a hot day. I'd love to see a cop try and charge me for having an open container of alcohol in my front yard...because I'd fight it and win and then shove the ticket in the cop's face and say, "Nah nah nah nah nah nah...told ya so!" Maybe I'd get charged for that...but I'd skate on the open container beef.


In the bars in the city where I live, you can go back and forth between the indoor and patio sections all you want regardless of whether or not you have a drink in your hand. Of course you can't leave the "licensed" area of the patio with a drink...just as you can't walk out the front door of the place with a drink. What's "wacky" about that? Just as importantly, what does it have to do with peeing in my yard?

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