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Worst place to get a bug bite..NF

Toad Hunter

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ok- so (leaving the genitals out of this one) -being the season and all, and being the avid out door enthusiasts we all are, I am sure we have all had em... So I was curious, where would everyone say is the worst place to get a bug bite.. I always seem to be a buffet and this year is off to a "great" start. (must be all the expensive beer in my veins).

I would have to say the knuckle.. any knuckle. you can never seem to get a "good scratch".

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The worst is on your eyelid from a blackfly while you are sleeping in a tent !!!!!!!! The next morning it was like I got hit with a baseball bat !!!!! My eye was swollen shut and a big bruise it was nasty !!!! Took a few days for it to go away !!!!! And the itch was brutal ......

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Eyelid sounds horrible. Knuckle IS super annoying. Neck is torture. They always bite close to the collar. Which is constantly scratching the bites making them swell and get painfully itchy. Can't go shirtless when the bugs are thick.

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The horseflies always go for my toes when I'm wearing sandals, those bites kill!


My dog got stung by a bee right on her bum a while back. Now all I have to do is make a buzzing noise and she jumps around wildly in a huge panic LOL!

:rofl2: Now that painted a vivid mental pic for me this morning !! Dogs are so silly. My worst spot is behind the knee. Hard to scratch, and the skin is sensitive there and gets all irritated after scratching for days.

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You said no genitals... well... fair enough. The worst is when you're droppin a load and black flies swarm your arse. The chafing... the horrors.


Yup I have been hit by mosquitos down there and it's down right nasty. Every time you sit down!! I also agree about the knuckle though too.

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""My dog got stung by a bee right on her bum a while back. Now all I have to do is make a buzzing noise and she jumps around wildly in a huge panic LOL!""






That's funny right there, I don't care who you are!


On a more serious note, my dog got into a ground nest of yellowjackets a couple years ago & got the crap stung out of his face. To this day, his right side jowel droops, & his eye doesn't close all the way. Dam bees..I HATE 'em!

Edited by Rodwrap
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Guest ThisPlaceSucks

right now i can't tell where is worst! the past 2 weekends i have been absolutely destroyed by bugs while out fishing and i feel like my skin is on fire.

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For me its not so much where, but by what.


Blackfly bites don't itch me too bad for some reason, skitters itch but go away quick. A deerfly bite on the toes has to be the worste. Especially once your back to work, and have to wear safety shoes/boots. Pretty hard to scratch those ones!



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The horseflies always go for my toes when I'm wearing sandals, those bites kill!


My dog got stung by a bee right on her bum a while back. Now all I have to do is make a buzzing noise and she jumps around wildly in a huge panic LOL!

I kicked a hive once walking in a field, I ran all the while flailing away at myself. My buddy thought I was having a "episode". I only ended up with a handful of stings. For a long time after that I would "hear" a buzzing every time I walked in high grass fields.

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I am one of those lucky people who don't get any reaction, other than bleeding when the blackflies take a chunk. I don't even react to bee and wasp stings anymore.


I was stung a lot as a kid, even stepped on a yellowjackets nest that was in a beaver lodge while fishing and had stings from my sock line to my underwear line because I was wearing shorts. It was 2 weeks before the swelling and itching went away, but that the last time I remember having a reaction to any kind of bite or sting.

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Since all of the good places to get bit have been covered. I HATE it when you are drifting off to sleep and there is one stupid mosquito that makes a run at your ear and the buzzing noise gets really loud and then quiet.



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