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Weight Loss


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Good Luck Pete! All the power to you! Maybe this will inspire me to do something similar. Maybe not as drastic, but I need to do something!


I'm with you Brian...Hopefully my brand new pacemaker will let me get back to walking again...being diabetic I tend to watch what and how much I eat (to a certain extent) but without exercises it is a losing cause as far as weight loss is concerned...

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Last spring I was asked by EA Sports to write a story about myself. You can read it here if you like (they just posted it there and linked it on their FB page): http://instablogg.com/OR3kV4T It was already out of date by the time they published it, but if I re-wrote it now the only things that would change really are the weight loss, which is now north of 100lbs.




I have no doubt that you'll lose weight doing this shake thing. Hoepfully the medical team also trains you on how to maintain it afterwards when you return to eating sustainable levels of food. Good luck...

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Good luck Bud !!!! I have lost 38 lbs since Nov 1, 2012, the day my wife left while i was fishing :-) I decided then that if i was going to find me a new fishing partner, i would have to get lean and mean again.It does take something like that to force me into a new pattern of liveing.I started exerciseing, (i have a tread mil, stationery bike and weights down stairs), and i do it faithfully each nite after i get home. I eat when i am hungry, and if i am not, then i have a light breakfast type of meal.I add lots of veggies to each meal becaus ethey seem to fill me up, and are easy to digest and are low in calories.I have fought the battle all my life, and emotional eating is very difficult to cure with dieting and medication.You have to decide that its not worth being fat, if you are going to die younger.What i am trying to say here, is that it takes more than diets and doctors, it takes a complete lifestyle change to make weight loss a permanent thing.But if i can do it, anyone can, cause i am a wimp LOL !!! Good luck, and keep us posted.There is loads of support on this site.



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Best of luck to you . As others have mentioned, losing weight is easy. I know I have lost about 300LBS since I was a teenager. Unfortunately I have gained pretty much all of it back. The hard part for me anyway if maintaining the weight loss. I wish you all the best with that.


The last time around I lost 97LBS in 3 months, with proper eating and excercise. I have got about 50 of that back :angry:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I have managed to survive my first day. 4 shakes a day for the next 90 days. They do not tatse bad at all really. The vanilla one tastes like melted ice cream and the chocolate one tatses like cow patty and aspertame. Sitting in the fireplace romm last night I was struck by a need to get up and go to the kitchen and make a peanut butter sandwich. This trigger occured while I was watching a movie not a commercial. It happened to me several times through the course of the evening. I am starting to understand that this is not just a weight loss diet of shakes but a diet that also breaks your habits. I stay out of the kitchen as much as possible and I do not sit down for dinner with the family. I will give it a week before I rejoin the dinner table. Down one pound already and I only started the first shakes yesterday. Doe not sound like much but it does provide me with encouragement. Until next week.

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Best of luck to you . As others have mentioned, losing weight is easy. I know I have lost about 300LBS since I was a teenager. Unfortunately I have gained pretty much all of it back. The hard part for me anyway if maintaining the weight loss. I wish you all the best with that.


The last time around I lost 97LBS in 3 months, with proper eating and excercise. I have got about 50 of that back :angry:

Yes CPH losing weight is easy it is breaking the habit/cycle of eating that is very hard. It is almost like an addiction, when something gives us pleasure we want more of it.

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Best of luck. I'm by no means a big guy I'm 6'3" 205 but I' have been on a paleo diet. Or cave man diet for the last month because I was tired of eating crap. I'm always on the road for work and it was fast food 5 times a week. The premise is simple.....the human body has evolved for 150 000 years to digest meat, fruit and vegetables. Only In The last 10 000 years was grain and agribusiness introduced. If a cave man couldn't eat it either can I. I've never felt better. No counting calories, lots of steak chicken fish lobster whatever. Just no grain, watch the sugary fruits and limit potatoes (carbs).

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I eat paleo too - but watch out, it's not a popular stance with some folks 'round here.


edit - and ya, I've never felt better.

I'm no nutritionist, (my own diet is fairly horrible) and if a certain diet works for you great...but the logic behind the 'paleo' diet, the idea that what our paleolithic ancestors ate (which ones? from what part of the globe?) is somehow what we as a species were intended to eat, is silly on many levels.

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Well to be truthful, this diet is high on protein so I am not experiencing any hunger pains at all. I almost forgot to have my last shake last night. I was fearful that I would wake up very hungry this morning but it was not the case. Thanks for the support. On another note, I was amazed at how many of my friends suggested other diets including cave man knowing full well that I had already committed to this one. I do not understand why this is. Is it not better to just support your friend regardless of what diet he or she is on??

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Well to be truthful, this diet is high on protein so I am not experiencing any hunger pains at all. I almost forgot to have my last shake last night. I was fearful that I would wake up very hungry this morning but it was not the case. Thanks for the support. On another note, I was amazed at how many of my friends suggested other diets including cave man knowing full well that I had already committed to this one. I do not understand why this is. Is it not better to just support your friend regardless of what diet he or she is on??


I think most of us were just saying great gob for taking that step as many of us have also had the same realization you did. We need to shed a few pounds and eat healthier.

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Thanks for the Update Pete!


It's all a mind game. Loosing weight is so easy, once you master your mind.


Call them Triggers, or cravings.. What ever. Your body / mind need to get used to a new routine, and once that happens, you will be so amazed at how fast the weight will fall off.


Keep it up man!


As, for some people suggesting other diets to you.. Don't take it the wrong way. They are just letting you know what worked for them. If they feel that what you are doing will be detrimental to your health and well being, I would fully hope an expect my friends to voice their concerns. You just need to practice selective hearing, and do what you feel is best for you.


Keep us posted on your progress!

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Hate to break it to ya, but losing 13 pounds in 5 days is likely entirely water weight, and extremely risky behaviour.


Ahhh... upbeat as always!!


Hey... Squid!! Good luck... now if they only had diet beer..... (well maybe they do.. but I aint drinkin' that!) Im sure you'll be ok!

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I lost 130 lbs 6 years ago.. 1 1/2 hrs walking a day, no change in diet besides no pop and far less candy/chocolate/pastry.


However you do it, good for you!!!! Stick with it, you'll feel 100% better when you do!

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That's a serious drop! How long did that take? 10-12months?


Gettin' skinny, quittin' the ciggies....what's next?

Maybe wheat? Lol


All in all it took 12 months, from there I uncontrollably lost another 20 or so in the next few months, but I lazied up my metabolism and kept the weight for a while, though since summer I've been packing it back on steady despite my efforts to walk as much as before. Guess I'm getting old and the diet may also have to change drastically to keep a healthy weight.

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Good luck with quest to drop some weight, after stepping on the scale after the holidays and weigh in at a all-time high of 212 pounds on Jan. 3rd

I decided it was diet time again.

The only good thing is I seem to be able to lose it just as fast as I put in on.....weighed in today @ 199

Geeze man! Really? 212 and you diet! That's my target weight!! :wallbash:

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Good luck Bud !!!! I have lost 38 lbs since Nov 1, 2012, the day my wife left while i was fishing :-) I decided then that if i was going to find me a new fishing partner, i would have to get lean and mean again.It does take something like that to force me into a new pattern of liveing.I started exerciseing, (i have a tread mil, stationery bike and weights down stairs), and i do it faithfully each nite after i get home. I eat when i am hungry, and if i am not, then i have a light breakfast type of meal.I add lots of veggies to each meal becaus ethey seem to fill me up, and are easy to digest and are low in calories.I have fought the battle all my life, and emotional eating is very difficult to cure with dieting and medication.You have to decide that its not worth being fat, if you are going to die younger.What i am trying to say here, is that it takes more than diets and doctors, it takes a complete lifestyle change to make weight loss a permanent thing.But if i can do it, anyone can, cause i am a wimp LOL !!! Good luck, and keep us posted.There is loads of support on this site.



Excellent work Paul!! It will make you much healthier. I was getting fed up with almost passing out when realeasing a muskie lol

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Our digestive mechanisms are largely unchanged for hundreds of thousands of years. Our food production technology and refining methods have evolved quickly over the last 10,000 years and exponentially in the last 200 years. There are no seasons in grocery stores, we have access to all the sugar we want, all year long.


Diabetes, heart disease, and obesity are running rampant.


Connecting the dots, when they are so perfectly in a row isn't silly, IMO. But let's not sidetrack Squids upcoming success story. Feel free to call me an idiot via PM. :)

Totally agree with you Sinc. Processing and pasturizing is slowly killing us. Sugar is the worst IE fructose. Drinking black coffee is not that bad at all.

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Go for the hat-trick: Wheat, corn, soy. :)

I understand wheat, dont believe I could completely give it up but could certainly use less buns and bread.


Soy I gave up years ago. I'm not religious about it but I do a pretty good job avoiding it.


Corn however, why? The starch?

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When I went on the dump the weight,it was from 235 down to 170.Waist from a 40 down to 34. It took me 5 months. it was all natural. Ate vegies and fish,turkey and chicken. NO SUPLIMENTS AT ALL Did the gym 6 days a week for 3 hours a day. Swam for an hour each day. (The best thing you can do. Working all your body)It was a great feeling. After about 4 months later,I felt it was way to light for me. Worked my way back up to 190. Missed chips,dressing and gravy.LOL.Kept my waist at 36,and boosted my upper body structure to a good bulk of muscle and fat. Muscle alone is not the best. I have gotten a bit behind now,as I,m up to about 206 now.It,s just in my geans. Im not fat,just a bit over weight,but I feel good with it. I feel healthy,


I seen my two brothers about 3 weeks ago. They were always slim,could eat and not put any weight on. Their catching up to me now.LOL


Good luck Pete.

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I did the same diet before my wedding Brian. 215 down to 168. Gained it all back. Then lost it. Then gained it back.


Alex was born 4.5 months ago. 220 down to 174 this morning. I've done it 3 times in the last 10 years. Can't be healthy. But I feel great!


I lose weight fast and I gain weight fast. It all my fault though. I eat like a pig until I hit a breaking point. Then I work out like crazy and eat really well for 6 months. Repeat...

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