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Thank you OFC! - NF


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It's been a bumpy ride for my wife's family this past few weeks with my father in law battling against the big C, especially at this time of year, not easy to cope with.


My role this time around was opposite of what it was 3 years ago, when my dad was fighting his own battle... support for my wife and daughter was priority. Suffice to say, the battle ended yesterday at 4h20pm. A huge burden was lifted off the shoulders of the in laws and family knowing his suffering had ended.


Last night, my daughter stayed at my mother in law's home to care for her while we, wife and I went home to have a decent night sleep (not much sleep the last week or so). Want to say thank you to those that sent me condolences via pm and status on main page... Very much appreciated!


Like to leave you with my daughters last thoughts of her grand dad and hope you can understand French:


"R.I.P. mon cher grand-père adoré.. :'(

Aujourd'hui tu nous as quitté pour un monde meilleur et sans souffrances.. J'espère que tu es bien là-haut. Car te voir souffrir autant me brisais le coeur. Se n'était pas facile de te voir dans cet état, ni de te voir partir. Tu étais tout pour moi, je ne peux toujours pas croire que tu es parti pour de bon. Il est tellement difficile de vivre sans ta présence. Je vais énormément m'ennuyer de passer des bons moments avec toi. J'aimerais te remercier encore une fois pour tous les choses que tu m'as apprisent ainsi que les valeurs que tu m'as transmisent avec les années. Une personne aussi exceptionnelle que toi ne se retrouve pas à tous les coins de rue et je suis très fière que tu es fait parti de ma vie. Je t'aime beaucoup mon grand-père adoré et ce à jamais ! ♥"


English version


R.I.P. my adored grandfather.. : '(

Today you have left us for a better world without suffering .. I hope you're well up there. Because seeing you suffering that way, was breaking my heart. It wasn't easy to see you in this state, nor to see you go. You were everything to me, I still can not believe you're gone for good. It is so difficult to live without your presence. I'm going to be bored not being able to spend time with you.

I would like to thank you once again for all the things that you have taught me and the values you have transmitted over the years.

Someone as special as you are hard to find and I am very proud that you were part of my life. I love you so very much my adored grandfather and will forever! ♥


Again, thank you OFC!


Edited by TroutJunkie
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I went through it just 24 months ago with my father and although it wasn't cancer that took him it was probably the toughest year we had gone through as a family and we were glad in a sense that his suffering had finally come to an end.

My condolences to you and your family Jacques and even more so for enduring this once again within such a short period of time since your fathers passing.



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Jacques, you have my deepest sympathy, for you and your familly. Sounds to me, like your Father in law would be proud of the support you provided to your wife,children, and familly, during his battle.Enjoy the good memories, and never be afraid to grieve him Jacques. Its all part of the beauty of love.

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Jacques, sorry for your loss my friend. I cant read French but I'm sure it was lovely. You take care as you are in our families thoughts and prayers.


Nor do I read or understand French. But plugging it into a translator comes up with this....



R.I.P. dear grandfather loved .. : '(

Today you have left us for a better world without suffering .. I hope you're well up there. Because you see me suffer so much heart was breaking. Is not easy to see you in this state, nor to see you go. You were everything to me, I still can not believe you're gone for good. It is so difficult to live without your presence. I'm bored to spend a lot of good times with you. I would like to thank you once again for all the things that thou hast apprisent and the values ​​you gave me transmitted over the years. Someone as special as you do not end up all over the place and I am very proud that you are part of my life. I love you so much my grandfather loved and forever!

My sincere apologies Jacques if this is not accurate text.


God bless

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Sorry to hear that he had Cancer Jacques. It is a tough fight not only for him but the ones who have to watch it without the understanding why it happened to him. I hope everyone can deal with it and trust that someday the answer will be revealed to them. Best wishes for all who were touched by this and I will say a prayer for him and I know you all will be reunited in the future.





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Nor do I read or understand French. But plugging it into a translator comes up with this....



R.I.P. dear grandfather loved .. : '(

Today you have left us for a better world without suffering .. I hope you're well up there. Because you see me suffer so much heart was breaking. Is not easy to see you in this state, nor to see you go. You were everything to me, I still can not believe you're gone for good. It is so difficult to live without your presence. I'm bored to spend a lot of good times with you. I would like to thank you once again for all the things that thou hast apprisent and the values ​​you gave me transmitted over the years. Someone as special as you do not end up all over the place and I am very proud that you are part of my life. I love you so much my grandfather loved and forever!

My sincere apologies Jacques if this is not accurate text.


God bless


Its perfect Spiel....just perfect.:good:

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Thank you so very much for the condolences and wishes, it means a lot to my family and I. I want to say thank you to Skeeter for being so generous and kind for sending a pm with a translated version of the message my daughter had written... Also to Spiel for posting it, thank you Chris!


I've tried several times last night to do it but every time I broke down :( Today, after reading this thread, was able to do it... Updated the first thread. Mélissa and her grand father had a very special bond and she instinctively wrote a message about her feelings at the time this had happened... I'm so very proud of her :worthy:


Last night, wife, daughter and I had our very first meal together in a long time and it was great to be able to sit down at our dinner table and enjoy :)


Thanks again to all from the bottom of my heart!


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jacques,sorry for your loss my condolances to you and your family


Thank you Doug!!! Very kind of you.




Father in law was very passionate about art work... His specialty was photography, painting and carving. This passion drove him to create all kinds of unique pieces for his kids and grand kids. He was so great at it that I just had to share some of his work with you all (and this just a fraction of what he has accomplished) but first some details that is important I mention.


He was an advertising manager by trade, working for private local companies, creating what he could and doing his job. Some may remember a company from Ottawa, Marisson Lamothe Inc. who was mainly producing bread back in the 60's.... you can read all about it here


Marisson Lamothe Inc.


One of his idea that he created and was adopted by the company was a plastic tie that kept the plastic bags closed for the bread when they came out from the assembly line :worthy:


He then moved on the work for another local company called Dustbane... You can read all about it here


Dustbane Products Limited


Here again, was in charge of advertising, producing a whole lot of stuff that he enjoyed immensely.... I remember one night, coming to see his daughter (my wife) and showed me one of his prototype vacuum that he had to build out of plasticine for his meeting the next day.... was I ever impressed :worthy:


Well enough of the rambling cause I could go on for ever... here are some of his work...


first, our wedding gift, picture taken by him and had it framed




Next, a couple of paintings he did for us that is being displayed in our living room




Individual shots






Next another painting for our dining room wall




He always had a special bond with my daughter, so he made a rose








and this




Angels, one of many for his daughter




miniture type




His passion for birds was out of this world... here a hummingbird, sipping on a flower out of wood :worthy:




More birds




He also made other things that were useful




Hope you guys enjoy

Want to wish everyone a belated Merry Christmas & happy New Year!


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