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I am in the same boat as you. We were able to go PC free here since about 2004 until 2012 and actually made it all the way through without a serious injury up to and including death. Imagine no computer in the house for 8 years and not one 9-1-1 call for lack of information, not one. So now it's November 1st 2012 and because of something I'm doing to generate some income to cover fuel costs for the boat the past season I didn't have, I need to put some green in my Blue Jeans.


I went to Future Shop and immediately nearly had a nervous breakdown right on the spot. The last PC I bought had a 56K dial up modem, the big decision was a built in or external modem. XL was the new operating system and I was told to stay away from it, a fad that wouldn't last. Huge 12" screen. 4Gs, just massive and fast. Don't forget XL will never last, and those big easy to read graphic icons are so childish they are a flash in the pan fad too. that was 10 years ago


Now here I stand shaking as I stare across the store and see my wife watching a TV with 3D glasses on. Does anyone other than another 58 year old man squeezed into his leather High School football jacket have any idea what it means to be scared sh^t less?


My wife seemed to be enamoured with both the touch screen and the 20 year old sales clerk. So I said they don't have what your looking for here lets go and off we went to Fast Computers in Hagersville, a nice small little Mom and Pop jammed between a slice at a serving Pizzeria and the local Insurance broker. They had a touch screen on display and I told the young clerk this PC will be used to 1) peruse the internet, 2) download music, 3) download photos and manage both 2 and 3.


It is all in what the tablets operating system has the tablet is just the book, front cover back cover, binder and blank pages within. That's the tablet, what is written on the page is what you need to know, make sure it's in English. I was told by the salesman and owner that the Asus tablet I was about to purchase for $600.00 was exactly what I needed. The operating system was something called Windows8 RT, one problem with 8RT, can't download music of any format with it, can not be used with any Apple product, I Pad, I Pod, IPee, IPoo. No music therefor. The reason for this was exactly what I told the owner it was for, download music, 100% guarantee I was told..........Get it in writing is the smart thing to do I guess, he said I didn't specify it was for an Ipod. I guess that's the world we are in today, even in the Mom and Pop electronics shop in little old Hagersville whos 15 minutes of fame when they nearly burnt the place to the ground when a few million stored tires caught fire one cold miserable winters night. Heck that fire is still the talk of the town 20 some years latter, not everyday CNN is in town.


I do use the Asus touch screen often, battery lasts 10 times longer, more perhaps than my big heavy laptop. The laptop came with zero, nada nothing programs, each separate program costs $$, I have never had to buy a program, MS doesn't sell them they rent them by the month, smart move Bill.


Its portability is the best, no turning and sliding the laptop across the dinning room table to look at this or that, one arthritic hand and pick it up and hand it over. Everywhere you go you bring a good digital camera and movie camera, the family movies and wedding pictures. I think all about 12 oz.


The next PC I buy will be an Asus tablet, what will operate it, maybe Mac. But a tablet for sure and use the laptop as a back up,,,,,, with Word.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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2 year old thread, ah man really, I hope the above helps. I better pay a little more attention to detail.


However I see the great one is thinking about a Christmas present for his wife. My wife won't touch the laptop and won't let go of her Asus tablet. If you take away anything from what I wrote remember the tablet is the book, the operating system is the content.

Edited by Old Ironmaker
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It will all depend on what you want, and how savy you are RE: technology.


The Ipad - just works. Very intuitive, and easy to pick up. Having said that I am not an Apple guy - reason for that is the way they lock down adapters, etc. - have to purchase Apple if you want it to work right.


I have two tablets -> last year bought a Nexus 7. This year bought a Galaxy Tab S. Right now the Tab S is the best screen - hands down. It also works great with any other Samsung product you may have - phone, TV (if it is a Smart TV), etc.


Another brand to consider is ASUS - they have a very good reputation for all of their products. They are built nice, last a long time, and good value for money.


I would recommend set a budget - and then look at the Tablets available in that range.

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I take my Nexus 7 with us on all our trips, 3 years now and still as good as new. Plenty of free Apps on Google Play. Great battery life,with a $3 adapter and a $3 App you can plug a external flash memory into it and transfer files.....I bought the 32Gig, but really not necessary since you can buy additional storage pretty cheap. One thing to consider is the tablet compatible to connect or add additional storage.

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Correct Old Ironmaker, Apple iOS (the operating system) is only for the products they have. Android is OPEN via Google and others.


Samsung still makes ALL the Apple products to this day hence the legal battles the 2 have going on over who made what 1st. Samsung is the #1 producer of high end LCD/LED/Plasma glass and sell the products that don't turn out perfect to all the others like Dell, Lenovo, HP, Asus, Acer and more... They are also the biggest producer of the semiconductors (RAM/Memory) and housings (case of said tablet and or phone) in the world. I NO LONGER WORK for them but when it comes to a TV, a smartphone or tablet I will gladly pay and extra few bucks to get a Samsung (for my own reasons like I just said). Like the best glass aka screen, solid case and more. Notice the new iPhone 6 has problems bending yet the new Samsung Note 4 doesn't? Someone cheaped out... All the tier 2 brands are what they are, live long enough to cover the warranty and then who cares... Me I would rather spend $300 for a tablet to last 3 or more years than $99 a year, year after year after year and worry about the true quality and support. Just my peso since cents are long gone...

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I did have a review of 6 different tablet devices for you based on the products I reviewed via The Source web site with how I would spend the money but alas the bugs her from an F12 perspective just deleted my last 30 min of review info... So, go get what you pay for is how I will end this. No wonder why I don't post here anymore it's just a waste to try...

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Samsung makes some great tablets.


As well as the IPad but I can't stand apple products.

Samsung tablets are usable, but as with all Samsung products you are buying a pale imitation of someone's original good idea. They have gotten better at imitating over the years. Cheaper for a reason.

Edited by scuro2
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My wife and I have Kobo Arc's with 32 gb. memory, e-readers with tablet capability. They have been great the year or so we've had them and were on for 99 bucks off the Kobo site.


+ 1 for me they are a perfect choice.


Lots of others though claim the arc is no good because they HAVE to have GPS, bluetooth, the ability to play movies from a harddrive, be able to be tethered to their data plan on their phone and mini HDMI out on any device.... While having all that probably would be helpful at times if you are going to be using a tablet on the road, but a tablet with all that costs so much more that I would be afraid to take it outside anyway. LOL

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