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Well it,s silver and a loss


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Twenty five years,man where has the time gone.


Today betty and I reached a milestone of 25 years married :jerry: . We have put off the celibration til later(thank you Wayne for your words) due to we buried the man that was my fishing buddy of all time today :( . My grandfather.


I guess maybe it was a way of him to always remind me of him, but how could I forget the man that taught me along with my father.

He now is in a better place with my grandmother who has been gone since 1978. I can see them now embrassed and that to me, is the one true satisfaction I will take from his passing.



Like I was told today,he is gone and not coming back,but is waiting for us to come to him. Im in no hurry,but I truely am looking forward to it.

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Congrats and condolences.

Definately bitter sweet.


Wish I had the opportunity to know either of my grandparents much less fish with them.


Take it easy.


Time to celebrate 25 yrs.

You've earned it, :rolleyes:

I'm sure your Grandad would want that.

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I am very sorry to hear of your loss but perhaps a celebration is in order anyway; celebrate his life and all the things he taught you that have helped to make you the man you are today and remember he will be with you in your heart forever.


Congratulations on the 25 years, quite a milestone.

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My condolences on the passing of your grampa. Loosing a mentor is always difficult, my thoughts are with you during this time.


Congrats on your 25th.



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Congrats to you both for your 25 years together. She's a brave woman.


I think your Grampa will be watching you during your tourneys and he'll help you get some extra pounds for casting for a Cure. My condolences to you and yours, my friend.

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you will always remember the good times....


on a happy note..25 years..wow.that's great....but I was just thinking you don't get that long for killing someone....

guess you got a life sentence.... and that's a good thing


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Again Brian...my deepest sympathies on the loss of your Grandfather.


Betty and yourself.... another couple, like Leah and I, married in your teens and still together after 25 years. Betty must have shopped in the same eye "blinder" shop as Leah did my friend...... :D

Edited by irishfield
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It is indeed sad that your grandpa passed away so close to your 25th anniversary, but it will, like someone else said here, make you remember him more often than you think.

My dad passed away the day before my birthday, April 5th, so remembrance of his passing is automatic. In fact, it was also 3 days before my sister's(5 and a bit yrs. older than me, April 7th) birthday, and also right around the easter holiday, so we are always together as a family to celebrate the holiday, and the passing of my dad, who also taught me to fish. My grandfather on my dads side passed away 9 yrs. before I was born, the other when I was 6. I feel for your loss Brian.


Congratulations on 25 yrs. married. Definate milestone nowadays.

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Wow Brian, Great news and Sad news all at the same time.


Congrats on 25 years, Betty must really be a trooper (nuf said).


And so sorry to hear of the passing of your grandfather. Very sad news, but as you said, he has joined his wife and is waiting for you.



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Brian, sorry about the loss of your Grandfather :( you have my condolences... But I would also like to wish you and Mrs. Misfish Happy Anniversary


Hopefully your Grandfather is fishing in a lake without a slot limit and they are all world records up there.



Try and get a bit of rest and be with the ones you love,



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I think Big Cliff said it best.

Celebrate and be thankful for the wonderful years you had with your Grandfather and also celebrate the wonderful years you've had with your good wife. With the current situation, I'm sure that it also helps to appreciate your wife and what she means that much more. You're a good man Brian and your Grandfather obviously had a very positive effect on your life and he is still very much here with you.

You and your Grandfather are in my thoughts buddy.

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Good morning Brian. First of all congrats on a milestone that 2/3 do not reach...


My sincere condolences on your loss. I lost my Grandfather many years ago now, yet I still feel his presence from time to time. I'm sure that he will always look over your shoulder...........



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