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Awesome Walleye Report - Nov 23


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Landing 60lbs of Walleye in 3 hours - PRICELESS!!!!!



Blyght and I decided to try a new location and new lures for our fishing tonight. After landing four 11 pound+ Walleye in the last 6 weeks, we thought our season may be about over.....that is until tonight.....we landed 5 and lost 1...the smallest was a 10 pounder!!! Take a close look at our NEW coats....LOL...looks like we'll need them washed after tonite!!!! :D


On the first cast of the night I had a hit...FISH ON!!!! This one was 11lbs, 30" long with a 17" girth.



The following are the rest of the pics....

Blyght caught this one....12.25lbs, 29" long with a 18.5" girth



I caught this one.....11.25lbs, 30" long with a 17.5" girth



I also caught this guy...10lbs, 28.5" long with a 16" girth



Finally...the biggest one of the night....a NEW PERSONAL BEST for Blyght....a huge 14.25lbs, 32" long with a 20" girth!!!!!



There were a few key factors that we believe led to our success tonight.....the first is this board! We were talking about it and although most of our nights yield NO fish, reading all the reports on here motivated us to keep on going out and trying! The second....and VERY helpful tonight was all the advice on warm gloves. We needed LOTS of pairs tonight as they kept on getting wet. We went out and bought a few different kinds to try out and they kept our hands nice and warm on this chilly night...there was frost on the car when we left for the night. So....THANKS EVERYONE!!!


PS....All fish were caught and successfully released....we want to catch them again next year when they're fatter....hehe

Edited by ccmtcanada
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Ok guys, that is an absolutely awesome night of fishing!! Without giving too much away, were you guys fishing off shore? If so, you may also have a record bag of fish from shore. Blyte's fish could be a record weight for this year.....has anyone else bagged a walleye over 14 lbs? If so, let us know....we gotta keep track of these large fish and award a prize for the largest live release of the year!! I'm guessing that a 15 lber is gonna be caught at Quinte before freezeup 'cause the fish just keep getting bigger as the water gets colder. I can't give away my secret walleye spot on Lake O, but let's just say my buddy Duane and I landed over 150 lbs of walleye in 5 hours of fishing one night many, ok....many, many years ago hotshotting Bomber Long A's in a current area. We just couldn't miss! Largest was a 34 inch long, 21 inch girth fish that tipped our scales at 16.75 lbs. I'll never forget it.....Congrats gentlemen, when we're open to learning new tactics, isn't it great when they pay off?.....you guys have raised the bar big time!!!

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Congrats gentlemen, when we're open to learning new tactics, isn't it great when they pay off?.....you guys have raised the bar big time!!!


Thanks for the great post!!! We knew we had a great night going, but we had no idea just how big until after reading your post! We were fishing off shore....we are poor and boatless....hehe. One thing though...blyght is my wife....LOL. Here's a picture of her in the summer....without 4 layers of clothes under and oversized coat.....



Edited by ccmtcanada
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Holy smokes,,,, what an insane night of fishing. 14 lbs thats increadible. What a bonus to be fishing with your wife. Wish mine would join me. I am heading out to Picton to try some action on this Sunday I'll post a report on the action. Hopefully I can better your 14lber, but not likely.



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Congrats on the phenomenal catch!, and from shore no less!


I hear you on the 'poor and boatless' thing and know first hand what it's like to have many trips with limited success but then have it pay off a few days a year. The feeling is priceless!


Look forward to more of your 'team' reports.


P.S. I hope you guys can make it out ice-fishing this year, the hardwater allows you access to all those offshore places that are unavailable without a boat normally. I believe there is going to be at least one OFC get together this winter, hope to see you guys there.




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What, you couldn't find a shore spot that held any big fish!!! :D

Seriously, some really nice fish there! There's a bunch of Quinte guys who are currently hanging around in front of your house, waiting to follow you where ever you go!!!

Great report... I'm already losing sleep over it!


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