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Cobourg fishing meeting with the Parks and Rec Wednesday


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Hey all,


Just a quick update about my meeting with the Town of Cobourg Parks and Rec committee.


Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, Mike Brown and myself will be having a general meeting with the town on Wednesday afternoon to discuss what I hope to be viable options for fishing within the Cobourg Harbour.


I just want to thank OFAH and also Mike for stepping up and giving much needed support to ensure that people will still be able to fish in the Cobourg Harbour.


I will be sure to give an update on this matter after the meeting.



Cheers, Ron...

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Thanks Ron but the issue and the possible resolution are a direct result of your actions.

All anglers should be appreciative of your efforts regarding the Cobourg Harbour fishing issue. You stood up for something you believe in and have raised awareness of anglers rights to lawfully fish in provincial waters without threat of harassment.


There has been a lot of support from other anglers and outdoor groups on this topic but the ones who will spend time and fish the harbour with their families and friends in the future will benefit the most.

So on their behalf Thank You. :worthy:


We need an OFC award for outstanding actions of members. I nominate Ron. :good:


See you at the meeting. Proud to stand beside you.

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Talk about getting the run around.


Firstly, I was under the impression this was going to be an "informal meeting". When we get there, it is in a board room with all the Parks and Recreation committee members. Not that I wasn't prepared, but it didn't go off as smoothly as anticipated. Once I gave my brief presentation, Dawn from the OFAH also gave information as to the reasons why angling should be allowed in the harbour.


The response from the committee? "Why are you taking this up with us? You should be speaking with the Town council"....


Yet, the one on one "on site" meeting with a committee member is the one who suggested we discuss this with the P&R...


The final outcome you ask? They suggested I speak with their advisor who is reviewing the bylaws. I asked for the name of this person, their reply was "We don't know, we haven't hired them yet. The tenders won't be opened til mid January".


So here it stands, at idle til after the Holiday season is over.


Cheers, Ron...

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Pathetic, bumbling, bureaucratic morons. Same old same old.


They don't like the public telling them what to do, and will do everything possible to lose you in the red tape.

Went through that crap with the NPCA over the 16 Mile creek farce 2 years back. Every agency had a list of convenient excuses for doing nothing.

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shame how it takes one to stand iup for what is right, and many to form a curtain of rules behind which to hide.


On the other hand, the city has no jurisdiction over fishing in the harbour, and a court has ruled so. As such the bylaw is illegal, and the city's lawyer should be recommending to City Council it be revoked. Its his duty to do so? P&R has no real role in that and if all they want to do is delay and obfuscate, they should be shown for what they are. Gotta wonder how many tax dollars in salary and room use went down the toilet on that intentional mis direct.

Keep pushin' Ron, what you are doing is extremely worthwhile.

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This is why I have been and always will be a proponent for LESS Government....the more government agencies you have the more the common man gets screwed 8 days to Sunday.... :wallbash:


To be honest Ron....you need a LOT more physical support at these meeting...everyone here saying, "nice going, you have my support" means NOTHING at these meeting....."if" you can get some of these posters to actually show up and surround you while your at one of these meeting, then you will have shown these clowns you have clout and then they have to take you seriously.




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Well having attended the informal meeting with a couple of council representatives earlier in the fall and being told that the issue should be dealt with at the P&R committee instead of council. Then attending the P&R meeting where the same person sat idle while Ron was told the P&R committee was not the place to address the issue. I am pretty annoyed.

Obvious run-around and rude waste of our time.

I can assure everyone that Ron will not be the only person fishing the Cobourg Harbour on a regular basis. If it takes direct action to get a response or action than we have reached that point.

If you would like to join us please grab a rod and plan on spending some enjoyable time lawfully angling in the Cobourg Harbour, a provincial waterway. If anyone harasses you call the police and the MNR and file charges.


Please alert anyone you know in the municipality, the type of council they have elected. Considering anglers represent over 20% of all voters in Ontario, I'm sure the ones in Cobourg can take this issue into consideration during the next municipal election.


I assume the Master Plan they would like Ron to speak to will be implemented sometime before 2025 but we should all just sit and wait to see if they find it in their plan to allow anglers lawful access to the harbour. :asshat:

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Gents, I pitched this whole situation in a coles notes version to a contact who has a connection to a large media outfit in Toronto today. They asked if you had a press release and if you did that I could forward it on to them.


Let me know if there is any interest in pursuing this.



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