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Brookies + PB + Pics = Report!!!


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I had the opportunity this past weekend to hit up some year-round brookie lakes with a great friend and newer member of the board here, Trouty, along with my cousin, Bicephalic, and another compadre who spends his time posting on a different forum.


Now, Bicephalic and I had tried for brookies on stocked lakes a few times prior to this with no results, and he was somewhat skeptical about sacrificing our usual fall smallie/pike fishing for more potential skunking. All I can say is...he changed his tune in a hurry, and I have found some new real estate to go back to for the next little while....what a great time we had. My cousin wrote up a great little report and posted it on a different forum, and with his permission, I've done a little cut and paste and put it up here. Hope you enjoy....we certainly did.


* * * * * * * * * *


About a month ago, Johnnyb, Rob Beaudry, and myself were lucky enough to receive an invite from Trouty to join him for some camping, and to explore some backwoods, year round, stocked Speck lakes. I know, I for one was hesitant to accept the invite, knowing full well that stocked Speckled Trout didn’t actually exist, let alone bite. Did I really want to waste my weekend chasing unicorns? Yer darn tootin’ I did! biggrin.gif



We left Mississauga (in the rain), almost on time, and made our way north…meeting up with Trouty and Rob in an already fully functional camp (in the rain), about 1:30am. We wasted no time polishing off a few drinks, and shooting the breeze, swapping endless stories (in the rain) until someone looked at a watch and realized it was 2 hours (likely less) until sunrise! We all had a short nap, and wasted no time getting fed up and geared up, and off we headed to our first stop. The rain tagged along.

We launched, and made a few exploratory laps around the lake, casting here and there. We passed the time cursing worm thieving strikes from unknown assailants, and the rain which worsened considerably shortly after Rob landed the first brookie of the day; a healthy 8-9 incher. After the rain subsided, the strikes ground to a halt. We were all starting to worry that they had shut down from the rain, when SLAM.





My first Speck over 3” – a new PB!





15” said the tape, B-E-A-YUtiful said my eyes!



After that the fish really did shut down, and the four of us were drenched and getting chilled. We headed back to camp to warm up.



Rob and I compared fish (sorry buddy biggrin.gif) and then prepped them for the pan.





We hid out from the never ending rain and ate and drank, and talked trash for most of the afternoon, then JB convinced me to help him paddle around another lake in the rain and wind for smallies. We managed a few hits for me, and a few spunky fall fish to the boat for him, and then rejoined the boys at camp to deal with the beer problem. The fridge was just infested with them!



All that selective culling of wild beer is tiring, and we worked up quite a hunger. Out came the BBQ and fryer.




First course, Smelt:





They disappeared in a hurry. Second course, fish fillets, potatoes with bacon and cheese, and salad.





Did I mention it was still raining?

The rain foiled our plans of a camp fire, and kept us inside for most of the evening, so we called it an early night, and still woke up an hour later than expected, but wasted very little time heading down a few more dirt trails to find our second lake.







Shortly after we launched, the sun made a welcome appearance, and it turned into a lovely day.

Then it got better.








New PB – 16”!







Ryan followed that up with a nice 13” – pictures to follow.



Then Rob, decided to use one of his favourite ice jigs, and cause a bit of commotion of his own:






“Hey, hey you! Come over here and show us what you got!”





17” of glorious Speck!



Johnnyb, not to be outdone, finally pulled it together and stopped paddling me around long enough to catch this 13” beauty of his own







With the action at that side of the lake slowing down, we headed off in opposite directions. The wind wasn’t cooperating and pushed us into the weeds. In an open spot I saw a thin submerged stump, and decided to take apage from my bass tricks, and dunk my worm tipped spinner down the side of it.




Like a scene from Jaws, this beauty shot out of nowhere, and went absolutely insane with my bait in it’s mouth.



3rd and final PB for me of the weekend 239_fishing.gif:

16.5” and chunkier than the others.







The release:







That about wrapped up the fishing, so we packed up, shot a few pictures, and headed back to camp where we enjoyed a few BBQ’d specks, and packed up for the long trip home.
















That about sums it up folks: An Excellent weekend, with the company of some great guys.



Thanks for making it a memorable weekend boys – can’t wait to get back out there with you all, and an extra thanks to Trouty for housing and feeding the rest of us animals and sharing some of his honey holes - appreciate it dudethumbup.png


I guess Unicorns do exist after all…



Thanks for reading!

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Was feeling off yesterday, and woke up sick as a dog today...guess being wet and chilled for 2 days will do that to you, but it was worth it. Just posted this too - didn't see it here LOL. Thanks for adding it up JB. Thanks for the congrats too guys!

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Thanks for the knids words....but I didnt' wirte it -- Bicephalic did! I will gladly accept your compliments though thumbsup_anim.gif Still giddy about the whole thing...can't wait for the next chance to go.


And a thanks goes out to the various speck-experts that I pm'd for advice in advance of this trip...you know who you aregood.gif

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