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"One account per member, accounts cannot be deleted


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I've stayed out of this thread purposely to just try to get an objective feel for it. This is a very important thread to me and it appears to have been important enough to others for there to have this many responses and views in such a short period on time.

From what I've been able to gather so far is that for some members, there's a huge mistrust towards mods and administration of the community in general. We're all human beings here, we all make mistakes. Some days we're heroes (usually when we've done nothing) and other days we're zeroes. Those are the days when we will have made a decision. In a relatively large community such as ours, you'll never have unanimity...everyone knows that but we'll still try to do the best we can.


The distrust that I mentioned before shows up in statements such as "they won't delete our accounts because it's a numbers game, the more members there are, the more money they make". I'm not mandated to tell anyone any of this but I will tell you. Not only do we not make money on this community/board, mods must pay to keep up with ever growing operation fees. So you can understand how a moderator after having a bad day then getting raked over the coals by anyone here and having to pay for the privilege is probably not going to be in a good mood. I happen to know that every administrator including myself is happy to be here.


Another question is can we see things such as a PM or email message sent to someone else. Unless we sent the PM or email, there's no way that anyone here can see someone elses' PM or email. That's a fact. It'll remain that way for as long as I'm here and long after I'm gone because everyone feels very strongly about these things.


The positive side to this thread is that it seems to have gotten everyone talking about real or perceived worries that they have concerning the community. It's strange though that folks can talk for a year or ten and even go fishing with someone else in here then all of a sudden develop a mistrust. Some, very few but some are quite adept at getting people fired up about nonsense.


Let's at least try to keep this as a kind of a happy place. A place to talk, share stories, help others where we can and just keep what we've got here together and peaceful.


Have a good evening what's left of it and if anyone is fortunate enough to be fishing this weekend, GOOD LUCK and take lots of pictures.

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Roy: Thank you for taking the time to post this courteous response to some of the questions and concerns brought up on this thread.


As you are aware, there has been tension building between some of the mods and some of the posters here for a few months now.


As a regular poster here since 2008, I have seen and experienced this first hand recently and felt that there was no recourse to be had when ambiguos decisions are being made by some of the mods based on the wind of any particular day at times.


As a community, there will always be disagreements of points of views and mis interpretations of intent via print communications.


I am sure that the fishing season itself will clear up much of this in the not to distant future.


Tight lines.



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Well, I hope I didn't ruffle any feathers. I'm not planning on leaving here, never was. I was just asking an honest question, that I thought was going to be an easy one to answer. Sorry I asked, but it did bring up some good points.


I trust this site as much as any site, so please don't think I don't. I was just a little concerned when I asked a simple question, that there seemed to be no answer for.


I understand the Bull you mods must go thru here. Personally, I couldn't do it. I would just delete them all and be done with it :thumbsup_anim:



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OFC is a great site and I drop by everyday if possible, I have been known to have the odd bout of temporary insanity and have had a post or two removed or edited and I would hazard a guess that said posts deserved moderation!


There are a lot of different personalities on this site and god knows I have butted heads with a few here but in the end everything is usually all good and the mods are the main reasons for this.I think they do a pretty good job keeping this community one of the best forums on the web!

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The answer is very simple. We run the show and we do what we believe is in the best interest of this community. We try to be consistent. Nobody forces anyone to log on to this board.


We deal with many PMs to us by posters whining and complaining about our treatment of them. Every one is sent a PM explaining our actions. You may not like the explanation but you get one. We aren't a governmental entity and certainly not a democracy and censorship is going to occur. If we didn't censor your posts, we would lose many members.

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A nights sleep and a few P.M.s from some members has taken a lot of the bad taste out of my mouth from yesterday. Thanks for the P.M.s and the kind words. Rereading this this morning it still confuses me....people are mad because we treat somethings done by Mr. X one way and Mr.Y differently. It is true,and it will continue because their are cases were in the publics eye they are similar but on this side of the board behind the scenes we have received information that makes them different. If we did decide to hold everyone to the letter of the rules we would have eliminated 5 people just on this thread alone. I guess the answer is for everyone to stop comparing what Mr.X did to what Mr.Y did they are different and each and everyone of the actions the Mods make are treated as a separate but equal incident.




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There are a lot of different personalities on this site and god knows I have butted heads with a few here but in the end everything is usually all good and the mods are the main reasons for this.I think they do a pretty good job keeping this community one of the best forums on the web!



Maybe if you changed your avatar you wouldn't butt heads with so many of us dreamers. :P

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Wow!! Did I miss a meetin?


I participate quite regular here and have never had issues with admin or mods


TJ has helped me out with internet stuff out of the goodness of his heart---no fee.


Actually I look at this place as an escape to talk outdoors---I see and hear enough nonsense in the real world---be nice to keep it to a dull roar here.


And yes have mixed it up several times myself but try and play by the rules (Just don't tell me who to vote for!! :blink::canadian: )



I believe all these mods are top knotch and have way more tolerance than I would

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Even on facebook if you delete your account you delete all of your posts. Here I am a bit surprised you are not allowed to do this. If on any of the forums I have run (fishing, hunting and not either related) any member that has asked me to delete all of there posts I would. I wouldn't ever delete anyone elses posts that someone wanted me to. I have contacted people and said "People are complaining about your post, I won't delete it but would you consider re wording it.." or moved it to a members eyes only forum.


Although I may have run and paid for those sites. Its the people that contribute that are the ones that really go out of there way for the site. Not the Mods. That's what they signed up for or are what they have been paid/compensated for.


I don't presume just because they posted it on my site that I own there intellectual property. If I wanted to delete all of the posts I made on this site and the mods would'nt, I guess I could just go back and edit them all out with a deleted comment and be patient for google to re index the site to clear its cache.


What has left a bad taste in my mouth is the attitude of some of the mods here "Its my site I will do whatever I want" Weather it is or it is not, that attitude will always leave a bad taste in some people's mouths. That is what this site is known for, lots of good people, but heavily moderated.

This is why I came to this site several years ago. When the ood forum started getting heavy into deleting threads posted about ofah. Bakc in the Ontario Fishing dot net days...


Over the years though on this site the mods here have become more and more active. Just like a referee in hockey a mod in my eyes is successful if no one notices them. Its getting pretty common here to see posts "Watch out this will get locked down" or "this one is gonna get deleted by the mods" That in my eyes is not good. Both fishing and non fishing related threads.


I personally like this forum and the group of fishermen/women here, but it's starting to get a bit over moderated in my eyes. That's when OOD went downhill, and it took a long time for it to rebound from that. I hope the same doesn't happen here.


P.S. many of the lakes are still frozen or partially frozen up in the park and the trails are nasty muddy, the rivers are way too high still to be fished safely.

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I too have groaned at some over moderation but you have to know that under moderation is disastrous, with trolls spouting off at everybody just to get a rise out of them. People tend to argue way too much and say crappy personal stuff.


I think they do a good job. If at times they over moderate you have to forgive them. The mods are people too and they also have different personalities and ideas as to what should be moderated and what shouldn't be. That is why they discuss it in their back room lol.


It isn't the government censoring the free press. It's moderation on a fishing board. I chuckle at the odd skirmish and have been in a few but at the same time when threads go too long like that it turns sour and everybody comes out looking bad. Look at the trolls that took over the Simcoe board. We don't have that problem because the mods zap them. As far as the erasing the account thing, I just don't know enough about computers to comment. I would guess it would be to document the ISP so you don't have jerks coming back and causing problems under a different name.

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I take issue with people whining about not being able to erase their accounts. To begin with, one of the conditions of joining this site is that your account cannot be erased. If you did not realize this it is your fault. Secondly, in our day and age erasing an account is more of a symbolic move as anything posted on line leaves a digital footprint that can be traced and found. Arguing that you can erase your facebook account to support your argument is a faulty argument when you consider the massive privacy issues that facebook deals with.

Event though this is a public forum it is a privately owned entity. The moderators control it. If you take the time to read the rules when you sign up this is evident. Don't whine because you are too lazy to read or understand the rules.

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I can't believe I just read this whole thread.


Nothing but respect to those who spend the time and effort to run this site. :worthy:



I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.

- Bill Cosby



One easy way to delete you account...off button.



Keep up the Good work OFC.

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So are you insinuating that because a person doent like the rules they haven't read them or understand them? The MnR and DFO control the waterways. So if you don't like that just shut up and take it. There are rules all around us. Change is good. I am not afraid to stand up and say something if I don't like it. As for facebook, it is completly applicable. You are given tools to protect your privacy, and if you don't like it you can delete your presence and not go back. Here you can't. That is a bit unfortunate. Its funny how people seem to confuse the fact that someone doesn't like a rule with someone that doesn't know the rules. I guess some of you are born into communisim..... I amsure that will get to some you.. Watch out this thread is gonna be locked.... I have been very balanced in my posts, stating not only the things I dislike but the thing I do like as well posting that "they" can do what they want. Its the attitude and frequency that I personally don't like. Now for someone to say if I don't like it leave is a bit silly. If we all had that attitude for everything we would all be at home staring at the ceiling all day...coffee too hot, too cold, speed limit too high, too slow, traffic too bad, work too boring, fishing not good, fish too small, too big, slot is too constrictive, not enough, don't want to register guns, guns should be banned, all sorts of things big and small, we put up with the good and the bad. Some complain, and some try and change the system. Some just enjoy rolling over and wait for the rubber glove treatment. :)

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I take issue with people whining about not being able to erase their accounts. To begin with, one of the conditions of joining this site is that your account cannot be erased. If you did not realize this it is your fault. Secondly, in our day and age erasing an account is more of a symbolic move as anything posted on line leaves a digital footprint that can be traced and found. Arguing that you can erase your facebook account to support your argument is a faulty argument when you consider the massive privacy issues that facebook deals with.

Event though this is a public forum it is a privately owned entity. The moderators control it. If you take the time to read the rules when you sign up this is evident. Don't whine because you are too lazy to read or understand the rules.



Who's whining??


And I think you called someone lazy as well??


I have read, and understand all the rules. I have no problem with them. It was a simple question. I wanted a reason for me not being allowed to delete MY account. I never said I was going to, or that I wanted to, I just wanted to know why I couldn't if I so choose to. No big deal I thought :wallbash::wallbash:


I think we have a right to ask questions about this board. We are here everyday posting, sponsoring, supporting events etc, why is it such a big deal to ask about it??


Seems to me like YOU are the one whining????




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