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Man charged after defending his home!


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According to CANADIAN LAW, you can only use equal force.

Now my question is:

If he had used a flame thrower and burnt them to a crisp, would he still have been charged?

That would be equal force.

As for shooting at them, i TOTALLY AGREE. :thumbsup_anim:


Yep, unfortunately the way the laws are written and depending upon the details he will likely be found guilty. It would only be legal if he was in immediate danger at the moment he fired. If he had time to shoot he likely had time to run away etc etc, its sickening.

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Friend of mine (a cop)(but he would deny ever saying this) once told me that if I did ever shoot someone trying to break in to my house to make dam sure I killed them even if it took a few extra shots. Dead men tell no tails apparently. The only thing he did caution me on was to make sure that at least one of the shots was to the front "I was being attacked". The other 5 or six shots were just reflex, I was scared to death!


We recently had a guy come to our door trying to sell us a security system, I told him we already had one. He asked what it was? I told him it was a D&12G. He looked at me kind of puzzled and I said "a dog and a 12 gauge". He didn't bother to push his product.

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I also agree with all present. With four children and a wife to protect it would be shoot to kill. No witnesses. If it is OK to go distant countries and kill to protect our homeland and our freedom then it should be legal to protect your home and loved ones with equal force. Isn't that why the Coach gun was invented?

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How embarrassing. Protect the criminal, prosecute the victim.

Thank Canada's bottomfeeders of the Bar. Offer no resistance or defence and let the lawful authorities deal with the matter. To bad you were killed obeying the wishes of the lawyers. No comfort for your widowed family, and criminal compensation for the victims is a pathetic joke.

Edited by bigugli
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i agree this is an embarrassment to the laws...am i the only one thinking there is way more to this story then what we read in that article??? is the port colbourne area that bad with crime that a person that is looking to live a quiet life is required to have that kind of surveillance system on their property?


i wouldnt be surprised if the neighbour is charged as an accessory to the fact given the past confrontations ....


its going to be interesting to see how this plays out...

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Am I the only one that finds it odd that he claims to have no enemies, but yet has hi-tech security cameras at his house? Maybe that's normal out in the rural areas, I have no idea, but I found that strange.


I can agree with defending himself, his family and property, but I find it hard to believe this is just random violence.

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Well he did try. With a minority government he needs support from at least some members of the other parties. A few NDP members supported him and made the vote close but not quite good enough.



That was my point...all the liberals stopped him...and the NDP.....but it was a weak attempt anyway.

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So I ask you all this: What kind of men and women, what kind of Canadians would you be if you obeyed the law and turtled in the face of such an attack? How could you sleep at night?

The whole thing is so appalling, it makes me want to keep my 1100 loaded.

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Am I the only one that finds it odd that he claims to have no enemies, but yet has hi-tech security cameras at his house? Maybe that's normal out in the rural areas, I have no idea, but I found that strange.


I can agree with defending himself, his family and property, but I find it hard to believe this is just random violence.


I have more cameras then he has and I have no enemies

however I did have my ATV stolen so I went high tec ...enemies.......NO


I see nothing odd

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There is definitely something "odd", this guy has enemies for sure. You can hear them saying "get the ____ out" blah blah blah. If they just wanted to burn the place, then they just would have lite it on fire. These guys were angry at something!


But, he should have the rights to defend his property and family. He had better be found not guilty on this one!


Burt smile.gif

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There is definitely something "odd", this guy has enemies for sure. You can hear them saying "get the ____ out" blah blah blah. If they just wanted to burn the place, then they just would have lite it on fire. These guys were angry at something!


But, he should have the rights to defend his property and family. He had better be found not guilty on this one!


Burt smile.gif


OR, the neighbours really are just crazy. Who here doesn't believe that the psycho neighbour contracted those two half wits to firebomb his house?

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Can of worms open.


I don't have enough information to jump to Ian Thomson's defense in this matter. Is it just another example of a urbanite "retiring to the country" and not fitting in. He's been fighting with the neighbor for 6 years, who else in the community has he been fighting with? City people who move to the country are use to the clearly defined property lines & fences of there subdivisions more than country folk let alone free range chickens. You seen his property in the video, it's no better homes and gardens, what harm could a chicken do? Has he threated gun violence in the past. We don't know. we know nothing of his other interactions with the local cops. We don't know why the locals are trying to drive him out.


That brings me to the next point. The attack doesn't look like a serious attempt to burn him out, down or to death to me. More like a message to move on. A lot like me putting the for sale sign on the front yard of the kiddie porn dude down the street from me. (he got the hint and moved) Remember it's reasonable force you have the right to use.


On the other hand if I feel my family is threatened who cares about the law at that point. Protect my kids and pay what it costs later in terms of money or liberty. Period.


I see no mention of protecting anything other than property in this case. Secondly he should have grabbed a long gun. He is a trainer and knows hand guns owners swear up and down there only for sport, target shooting NOT personal protection. If this is the premise for ownership why the surprise when the handgun is used in this matter you have to justify it in court.



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This is a very stupid and pathetic world we live in. Bookmark this link and keep it there. When you have the time watch this video, it's long but it shows other ways of how our world is crazy. Hope the man get's justice and is cleared of charges.


If this was happening, first thing I would do is call the cops say this and that is wrong then outside i go.

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He probably put up the Camera's to watch his sketchy neighbors who have given him trouble in the past..makes sense to me don't see what's fishy. They tried to burn his house down with him in it...I can imagine Mr. Thompson prb had a few more incidents with these wacky neighbors where he felt surveillance was required.


I hope to never be in his position because I not only have a shot gun but a hatchet and axe accessible at all times and Jail would be inevitable. The scene would be me running out the front door with the shot gun strapped to my back and axe and hatchet swinging...someone would have gotten hurt...Hatchets and bullets flying.


You don't mess with a Man's family no matter what the situation is. End of Story. And this crap in our law system where there are no exceptions is archaic way of thinking and needs to change. There are always exceptions. This is one. I don't care what Mr. Thompson did to his neighbor...it couldn't have possible warranted them trying to burn down his house with him and his family in it...really come on.

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For all we know, Mr Thompson is the bad guy. He could have uttered threats to kill if anyone came to his house with a flaming poop bag to his door step. Knowing that he's a firearms instructor, what better opportunity to flush out the grouse and to provoke the firing. Sounds like a good plan to me. Off to jail. Who knows. The entire incident may have been staged knowing that the cameras were there while it contributed to his own conviction. Are these guys blind? But yeah, reach for the bug spray or grab the bazooka. Hmmm. I'm grabbing the bazooka and firing.

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I would have reacted the same way... I can no longer use the self defence plea because a little while back I had someone throw something through the window of our car(we reported it). I was so pissed about it that I posted on facebook something about being ready for them next time. The police then phoned and accused me of threatening with a gun. They told me that if something was to happen in the future it would be pre-meditated now. They wanted to take my guns away with no charges.... argh, here I go again...waiting by the phone for them to call again...

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If the story is true as told in the article then he should absolutely have the right to defend himself and his property the way he did. And if that's the case it's a travesty he's in trouble.


Maybe his charges should be dropped as this clearly was self defense but maybe there's more to the story. This is ONE side of the story. Of course him and his lawyer are going to make him look rational and decent and the neighbors insane lunatics. It wouldn't be the first time someone exaggerated, lied, or forgot some details to get themselves out of trouble. I don't think anyone other than those involved know all of the details. Maybe he's completely innocent? Or maybe he was the :asshat: all along?


Either way, no matter what preceded this, the guys who firebombed his house better be getting serious jail time. Nothing done in the past can justify this.

Edited by timmeh
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