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Well, after lookin at Terry's post about old photos, I thought I'd post up a pic from the not so recent past... kinda to get folks in the mood for some ice and kinda because after all these years here at OFC, I have finally learned how to post pics! LOL

Here's one from Quinte a few years ago to get things started...


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I found some of these on an old OFC photobucket account:


Here is one from when I ran the guide service.



and a small promo ad I ran for Simcoe spring fishing, anyone recognize the purdy lady...



Some may renember my posts around trying to figuring out lake Scugog smallies a few years ago.



One of my bro and I from the first BoQ GTG years ago.



Here is one while I was playing around with a digital camera when they first came out. I remember it was around $700 or $800 for a 3 mega pixel.





Great OFC memories, fun idea Joe.

Edited by Harrison
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Great thread I love old photos!


These aren't scanned, they're photos of the photo so not the best quality.



August 1995 Whiteclay Lake north of Armstrong, day 75 of a lengthy solo trip. I met some guys staying at one of the outpost camps and they invited me in for some refreshments. :)





July 1997, Big Albany River speckle




August 1997, Wendell Beckwith's cabin on an island in Whitewater lake north of Armstrong (it was like something from Hansel and Gretel




Paddling Through A Forest Fire on The Allanwater River June '97




July '99 Duffy Lake outpost north of Wawa, where I proposed to Joanne. :)








Algonquin Park May 2000, big speckle and laker







There's 1000's more where that came from!


(I think I need a scanner though :) )

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Well just checked my work computer to see what was on here from way back, this is what I found:




Paul and Tapout




Me and Brian




Me, Jean Paul (Roy's Friend), Monique, Roy and TJ.




Crappiesteve :lol:




CoolB, Kronik and Cory




Colin and Paul








TJ and his monster




Me and Raf




Me and Mercer




TJ and Jaden




Christmas courtesy of Mistyriver's son Cory



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I love old photos too. Here are a few scanned from old slides.


Opening day on the Ganaraska. Slide mount is stamped 1980. I think my friends and I saw about a half-dozen other people all day. Definitely not like that now!



Looking pretty grizzly in this one from 1988. I figured Al Lindner had a beard, so I should grow one too. Bad idea. It came off pretty quickly.



Credit steelhead, circa 1990.



Muskie, October 1991. Nice mullet under that hat.



Self-portrait with a couple of Arctic grayling kept for shore lunch, early 90s.



Brookie, mid 90s.



In Quebec with a couple of friends and some brookies that were definitely not catch and release, mid 90s.



Steelhead, about 2000 or 2001.



If time permits I'll see if I can scan some more. I have about 15,000 fishing slides, dating back to the late 70s, and there are some real gems in there.



Edited by Craig_Ritchie
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I love old photos too. Here are a few scanned from old slides.


Looking pretty grizzly in this one from 1988. I figured Al Lindner had a beard, so I should grow one too. Bad idea. It came off pretty quickly.



Great photos from all over! Esp grayling pic. You must have been one of the first to use a float reel around Ontario. I'm sure you could teach me a thing or two.

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Great photos from all over! Esp grayling pic. You must have been one of the first to use a float reel around Ontario. I'm sure you could teach me a thing or two.

Thanks for the vote of confidence Sharkbait. I can teach you how to cast into trees and get massive tangles, but that's probably about it. I have a lot of experience getting birdsnests.


The reel in this picture is an old five-inch Stanton, one of the first batch that Lorne Green brought into Ontario from England. It didn't have any handles, and you retrieved the line by batting it with your hand. It had a knurled rim to facilitate this. Great idea, at least till you had a fish peel line on you. Then, the knurled rim felt like a saw blade on your skin - especially in really cold weather.


The grayling were tasty, especially after they were cooked.

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I don’t have very many old fishing pics (not many prior to 2004)...I really didn’t start bringing out a camera until 2005 when I got a cheap 3mp Canon digicam as a gift (which I subsequently dropped in the river a half a year later) :wallbash:


Some pics I do have:


Kiddy pic from the late 80’s



My dad and I used to visit Algonquin park for smallies once or twice a year...Pics are from 1999/2000





Made the papers during 1st year university. My profs were cool with me wearing my waders and vest to class B). My mom was less than impressed :w00t:



First ever laker to celebrate my 15th B-day



I used to do a fair bit of salmon fishing early in the run with my dad. We would drift our ‘top secret’ glow-in-the dark baits :whistling:. I was around 14 in the pic



As you can see, I still look like a 15yr kid :lol:

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