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Karma... it is a three way street correct?


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Your daughter is a fighter, and I think it goes without saying how admirable her strength to fight and persevere is... It saddens me to see people that truly deserve a different path to get the potholed and bumpy road, but at the same time it makes me proud to see how strong and determined my fellow human beings can be. I wish your family all the best of positive outcomes.

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Thanks for the well wishes folks!


Extremely long day for everyone today with Oncol running 5 hours behind.... They are trying to get a new portacath (IV port for the chemo) into her chest by next Wednesday latest (they removed the old one about a month ago as it wasn't gonna be needed anymore! ).. then chemo will start again on the 24th of Sept if all goes according to plan. Monday to Friday again.. every three weeks, but this time as an outpatient each day instead of spending the nights in the hospital (we forgot to ask how many sessions.. or were afraid to, the days been a blur). Good and bad to it.. good is she has her own apartment 20 minutes from the hospital and her own bed's a better place, bad is we used it to crash last time while she was in all week long and it wasn't a big deal with all 3 of us crammed in for the one night before chemo. It's only a bachelor pad, so we may have to find a small apartment for ourselves or blow $600 to $700 each week on a hotel + the same in meals out. The apartment for a full month vs just a week of hotel would be about equal. More crap to figure out....and yes I'm considering the numerous offers of accoms from members and friends. Logistics of location, driving time and parking just add to the "figuring" part!

Edited by irishfield
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks folks and much appreciated G-Man


2 Days of chemo in the books.. and a new portacath installed yesterday afternoon as well. Told at this point that she'll be doing a minimum of 6 full week sessions of chemo (every 3 weeks again) and we'll see where she's at and what to do at that point.

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These events would make one think,does he care? What are his plans for this young beautiful lady? In my opinion he does.He is testing this young lady for a reason. What reason,only he knows. Her determination show many of us,she is a fighter,and is one that can hold her head high,and say,I,M STILL HERE,YOU CANT BEAT ME. :good:


We all pray for JEN AND HER FAMILY,and we all,are on YOUR TEAM. :angel:

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Wayne, you keep on trucking. I got my own bad news this week. I've got some form of leukemia or lymphoma and am now waiting for my final diagnosis. My heart goes out to all those dealing with this horrible disease. Stay strong, stay positive and stay focussed on getting better. Those were the words of one of my doctors.

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I've been following jen's fight from the get go and it has truly been inspirational. She is a beacon of hope to those who think they can't fight any longer. As for myself, I remain positive and have to hurry up and wait for the results from my bone marrow biopsy which will hammer down exactly what I have and then a treatment plan can be put together. I was diagnosed at Oakville Trafalgar and my treatment should be at Credit Valley. A trip downtown for me isn't too big a deal. I've put my life on hold and distractions are welcome. I will let you know. You can hoist a pint and I'll have an ice cold coke. Your generosity and willingness to help around this board is legendary. Karma WILL show you some love. Keep your head up.

Edited by bigbuck
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  • 2 weeks later...

Well this has been a miserable week....Jen even missed her girlfriends stagget on Saturday night, that she was so looking forward to. Just knew she didn't have the energy to get to the city, let alone attend. Been a long week of trying to get her to eat.. trying to keep her off the can... and trying to get her to do some walking around. All things that didn't happen.... and Wed/Thur/Friday/Saturday all days of fever watch bouncing back and forth over the "magic" 38.2C that means a trip to the hospital if she stays there for more than an hour. That has finally stopped, thank God, and she finally ate a fair portion tonight. Hopefully the rest of this week goes a lot better... so she can get some strength back to start another full week of chemo on the 15th. The good part, her head has stopped hurting... and she's fairly certain the tumour has shrunk.

Edited by irishfield
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