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Karma... it is a three way street correct?


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Although we've never met, my home is open to you and yours if you need it. I'm sure that driving back and forth up the 400 is no picnic. We live in Richmond Hill just off of Yonge Street with excellent transit access and a large driveway for your car(s)(or airplane LOL!). Feel free to PM me if I can help. I'm real close to YKZ if that works too.


Good Karma is two way street, hang tough...





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Thanks Peter for the generous offer. At this point we are covered staying in Jen's apartment just off Lansdowne with easy access to subway or a drive down college st to the hospital. If that changes I won't hesitate to call you, or a few of the other generous people here on OFC that have offered up accoms for us in the city. :good:



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Today... Jen into Mount Sinai for 8am.. into a room by 9 only to be told that due to a mix up between Princess Margaret and Mount Sinai.. one having a file with Oshea on it and the other having one spelled properly.. creating a communication break down and she didn't have a necessary bench mark PET scan to start Chemo. A huge disappointment for her, after having a very restless night worrying about how this was all going to go down. Also told her portacath installation into her chest was too new to use today and that made her glad they weren't starting Chemo... if they had to try and find a vein.


We would have probably gone ballistic.. but she'll be seeing these same nurses and doctors for at minimum 7 months and no point getting on the wrong side of them.


GREAT news of the day to make up for the inconvienence of her booking the week off and us coming down to the city, they told her today that her bone marrow biopsy came back clear. At this point in time the Ewing's hasn't spread to her marrow. Now lets get his chemo going so it doesn't get a chance. Scan is hopefully going to be Friday and Chemo starts hell or high water NEXT Wednesday.

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wayne - once your daughter kicks the crap out of this latest adversity thats somehow found it way into your lives...the techies or docs that screwed up her first chemo better make sure she wasnt taking their names...from the sounds of her determination/will and fighting spirit ...this could be detrimental to their health.. :whistling:


father in law- 77 years old/ one year ago diagnosed with prostate cancer...full recovery and back to being a miserable ole man ...i wouldnt have it any other way...(well maybe some manners could have been secretly installed in him) :wallbash:


good friend 44 years old - diagnosed with colon cancer roughly a little over a year ago ..they gave him a 5% chance at survival past 6 months....we just celebrated his 1 year anniversary (Nov 3) and now they give him a 95% chance at FULL recovery... the thing he tells me that helped him through his rough times of chemo was the uncanny will to pay me the 5 bucks he owed me for betting against team canada in the last olympics hockey metal round...(im glad they didnt instill any more smarts in him) :lol:


Stay positive...it IS the key to success! and i will bark at the moon on your families behalf :)

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Thanks.. we're sitting here yaking.. Jen, Leah and I and just realized this is actually a good thing in some ways. If they stick to her three week schedule.. originally she was going to be in the hospital on the 27th of December. With a week delay now.. she'll be clear for Christmas/New years before going in for her 3rd treatment.

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Thanks Mike!


..and for those that think our health cares system is FREE... think again. Jennifer has to have a needle during (or after - not sure) each chemo treatment. Each needle is $2800 and it's not covered by OHIP !! .. so that's 10 x $2,800 = $28,000 !!! THANK GOD she is on full benefits working at Ryerson U or she'd be in serious debt (well not really.. I'd have a big dent in my wallet). She still has to pay for these up front though and submit her claim for reimbursement. Hope her credit card has at least a $6000 limit.

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Thanks Mike!


..and for those that think our health cares system is FREE... think again. Jennifer has to take a pill during (or after - not sure) each chemo treatment. Each pill is $2800 and it's not covered by OHIP !! .. so that's 10 x $2,800 = $28,000 !!! THANK GOD she is on full benefits working at Ryerson U or she'd be in serious debt (well not really.. I'd have a big dent in my wallet). She still has to pay for these up front though and submit her claim for reimbursement. Hope her credit card has at least a $6000 limit.



Thats just total CRAP wayne. Ones that need it have to pay up front. This kind of crap pisses me of the most. Like going into a walk-in clinic,no wallet,sorry we need your card.


Thanks for nutt,n.



Jens got this one beat bud. :thumbsup_anim:

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Turns out it's a needle.. and I paid for that first $2800 today, that amongst other things made reality sink in really fast.


A LONG day for all involved, hitting the hosptial at 8am, with Jennifer having 4 different chemo's pushed in approximately a 1 hour period early this afternoon thru her portacath port. Can't imagine the feeling on the other side of that chemo.. but she was a trooper. Bravest 90 lbs I've ever seen... :worthy:

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Chemo is a nasty but often necessary evil. I know many who are very grateful survivors, thanks to the treatments.

Your daughter sounds like a right stubborn cuss, and that's good. It helps stack the deck in her favor. There is still the promise of hope, and I truly wish the best for your daughter and your family.

I know only too well how it feels to be a spectator while your child struggles and suffers. Try to look after yourself once in a while. It takes its toll on you.

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It was actually $2697.97 for one needle with 6mg of this stuff in it !! There is also a $1000 version that is similar but not as good.. and it requires 10 needles to administer vs the single one Jen got. This drug helps fight infection that may be caused by chemo reactions and cell breakdown. I guess if you can't afford it or don't have insurance coverage then OHIP thinks multiple visits to Emerg are more cost effective! :dunno:


She had a rough rough night.. but worked her way thru it mentally without being sick. Better today.. and we've got her back to her apartment as of 5pm, but I think the Mack truck ran her down somewhere along College St as she's out like a light.

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Thanks Guys..


Joe/Phil.. next chemo is Dec 13th and it goes for the whole week, provided she passes her blood test at 8am and her counts are okay. So we'll be looking for an outing or three I'm sure that week.


Not sure what's happening tomorrow other than I am going home for sure. I have to get a customers wings back on and airplane finished for Saturday. Leah's either staying behind or Jen is coming home with us. "Chemo brain" is a terrible thing..and she can't be left alone.

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Hey Wayne.Not sure if you have heard of Craig Morgan.He is a country singer.He has a song out that reminds me of your daughters fight.Its called Tough.Here are the lyrics.I hope i dont offend.


Lyrics to Tough :

She’s in the kitchen at the crack of dawn

Bacon’s on, coffee’s strong

Kids running wild, taking off their clothes

If she’s a nervous wreck, well it never shows

Takes one to football and one to dance

Hits the Y for aerobics class

Drops by the bank, stops at the store

Has on a smile when I walk through the door

The last to go to bed, she’ll be the first one up

And I thought I was tough



She’s strong, pushes on, can’t slow her down

She can take anything life dishes out

There was a time

Back before she was mine

When I thought I was tough


We sat there five years ago

The doctors let us know, the test showed

She’d have to fight to live, I broke down and cried

She held me and said it’s gonna be alright

She wore that wig to church

Pink ribbon pinned there on her shirt

No room for fear, full of faith

Hands held high singing Amazing Grace

Never once complained, refusing to give up

And I thought I was tough



She’s strong, pushes on, can’t slow her down

She can take anything life dishes out

There was a time

Back before she was mine

When I thought I was tough


She’s a gentle word, the sweetest kiss

A velvet touch against my skin

I’ve seen her cry, I’ve seen her break

But in my eyes, she’ll always be strong


There was a time

Back before she was mine

When I thought I was tough

[ Tough Lyrics on http://www.lyricsmania.com/ ]

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Hope everything works out Wayne....my wife's mom was placed in the hospital 2.5 weeks ago....tests came back that she has Sarcoma cancer, very rare...tissue of her uterus, disguises itself as a fibroid....however, her entire insides are full of cancer...has to have a complete hysterectomy....went for a biopsy today in newmarket as well, because she now has spots on her lungs...and right after that was completed, she was told she's going to Princess Margarets tommorow morning...SHE'S ONLY 56 and never smoked a cigarette in her life.....gonna be a tough xmas as this type usually doesn't end good.....M

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My heart grew heavy as I read this - and then i read "localized and curable". And it got lighter. Y'all got a crappy, deal, but I believe it's gonna get better and stay good!


By the sounds of it, your daughter is a very special person, and incredibly strong. It's her admirable qualities that will lead to her beat this thing. And live a long, healthy life afterward.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sending nothin' but good vibes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


DO THE DAMN THING! You rock girl!

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