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First off let me say its been a while since I've posted a photo so I have no idea what the heck I'm doing! Can't seem to find the "old way of doing things" (upload a photo to my album etc etc...I can't even find my album!)So for the sake of us computer illiterate people stop changing the site!! Every time I figure something out everything changes! Anywho, got out to Balsam lake this morning for around 5 hours of fishing. Very much a last minute decision to go fishing (like its 4 am and I'm wide awake). Got on the water around 6:30 a.m. Air felt like 100, water was around 78. Got to my first spot and after a few casts noticed a fish cresting on the surface. These fish breaking the surface always end up being carp in my world (at least that's what I tell myself when I can't catch them!. Not this time. That cresting fish made a huge boil and smashed the white spinnerbait I had tossed 10 feet beyond it. After a brief tussle she was in the net. I don't know what it is with me and tiger muskies, but I seem to get a disproportionate number of them.


tigermuskey 009.jpg


This one measured in at just shy of 46 inches. A personal best tiger for me. Not a good sign...means there have been pike in Balsam a long time. Previous best had been a 42 incher from the upper niagara from around 5 years ago. Naturally we have to have the release shot.


tigermuskey 007.jpg


After a few minutes the fish swam off...but stayed on the surface. I've seen fish go 10 feet on the surface and then head down, but this one stayed on the surface for a good 5 minutes. Wasn't having any issues staying upright either...looked good, just swimming along on the surface. I stuck around and watched him until it finally took off. Ended up getting a smaller fish a few hours later, but didn't take any measurements (35 inches??)or photos of that one.


Awesome Rizzo B):thumbsup_anim:

Congratulations on your PB :clapping:

That is one hell of a beauty :worthy:


Loved the release shot!!! can see the stripes clearly B)

Thanks for sharing and again great job!!!



Way to go !! :clapping: Hope to be out this weekend ! Water temps have really come up, last weekend they were hovering around 70 degrees.


Very pretty looking fish as well...and yes it looks like pike are here to stay....although I have yet to catch one !




Sweet fish!!! Congrats on hauling in that monster!


I fished Balsam last year, and was talking to fishnsled about pike in that lake. He told me he has never seen one. Dont you know I go out and land a fair sized one that he took home for dinner.


The pike thing is not looking good. I watched a boat that I thought was figure 8'ing a musky, but when I saw them bring it in it was just a hammerhandle pike. I only get to Balsam once or twice a year, haven't caught a pike yet...but if I do its lights out mr. pike


Gorgeous tiger, Rizzo! Were you fishing solo? Pretty decent pic if that was the case...


I'll be doing Balsam a couple days next week... and would love to get into a tiger like that! My one and only tiger (also on Balsam) was a low 30's fish. My buddy landed a 37" the same day. They have absolutely gorgeous markings.





Were you fishing solo? Pretty decent pic if that was the case..


ya I was. I was real happy to get a good picture quickly. In the warm water conditions I wanted to get the fish back in the water asap! It was kind of funny, I had the fish back in the water and I'm trying to grab at the camera to see if I got a good shot! Nearl knocked it off the bow and into the drink.


Real great looking tiger musky there. It's too bad there is pike in there pretty solid now, but at least there is a chance at a tiger. That's a great fish :Gonefishing:

Guest Johnny Bass

WOW! Biggest tiger musky I have seen is 36 inches. That is one sweet looking fish!

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