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A Tribute to a Best Friend


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Yesterday was sad, sad day. The day finally came that Mister Bear had to go to sleep.


He had been quite ill for awhile, the last week he was unable to keep any food down, the last couple days he refused to eat anything at all and his back end was failing badly.


The house feels so empty today. For twelve years, since I was blessed with his company at nine months of age, he has been at the door when I got home. I think it will be awhile before we get another dog, it just hurts too much when it's their time to go.


I put a little photo montage together of the big guy. Sort of the "Life & Times of Mister Bear":



One of his favourite past times, on the sunfish hunt:



He was a handsome fellow:





Loved to go for walks with his family:



Introduction to his new house mates:



It wasn't long til they were the best of friends:



Hangin' out with his buddy Freddy at Emily Park:



Camping at Crotch Lake:





Gimme a belly rub:



Checkin' out the catch of the day:



To swim or not to swim:



Hangin' out in the camper, what a good looking dog:



He loved boat rides, this was my last time out with him, crappy fishing early this spring:



This is one of my favourite pics, Woof Woof, Mr Bear, Woof Woof!




He was GOOD dog, the BEST.


Take care Mister Bear, I'll always miss you!

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It's pretty obvious that Mister Bear was a wonderful friend to you Jer, and I'm sure he felt the same about you. Always a terrible day when we have to make that decision, but we know we're doing the best for our pals.


That was a beautiful tribute to your friend.


You have my condolances Jer, I'm also a dog lover.

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I'm so sorry to hear of your loss :(

It seems he was a true member of your family.





The dogs who've shared our lives.

In subtle ways they let us know

their spirit still survives.

Old habits still make us think

we hear a barking at the door.

Or step back when we drop

a tasty morsel on the floor.

Our feet still go around the place

the food dish used to be,

And, sometime, coming home at night,

we miss them terribly.

And although time may bring new friends

and a new food dish to fill,

That one place in our hearts

belongs to them...

and always will.


---Linda Barnes ---

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I fear this day is not too far for me now. My 11 year old border collie lab cross is not the spry dog he once was. We have had 2 children who have climbed on him , poked his eyes, and pulled his whiskers and all he'd do is get up and move. Mister Bear is playing in the big doggy park in the shy. My dog Duffy will be there too. My condolences Jer.

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I can really feel for you here and I think your tribute is amazing and touching. Let me tell you from personal experience - it will get much better and the memories are PRICELESS. The feeling of connection never goes away and you'll hope that one day, you'll see the big fella again ;)


My dog, Bo (got him during the Bo Jackson Era, and I was young), lived to 14. He was a yellow lab, 130lbs of pure beast ahaha, he almost died in a hunt camp accident at 2 years old, and $2500 later he fully recouped after intensive surgery. My dad carried him out of the bush, tied him up with the shirt off his back, and saved his life. He was diagnosed with cancer at 11, but being the charmer he was, he got himself into the Guelph University Vet program for free treatment. Their help, and the help of our amazing vet, extended his life for 3 happy years after being said that he only had 3 months. I had him from when I was 8 to 22 and he was definitely the best friend anyone could ask for. On the day he was going to be put down (after the cancer finally started getting the best of it) I was hugging him in the back hall and with his last bit of energy he licked my face. To this day I think he knew what was going on.


I still don't have another dog (6 years later)as it just didn't seem right until a few months ago. Our family often sits around talking about him for an hour, laughing at the hilarious things he did (plentiful until the day he died), and all the good memories. There is limited sadness now and lots of laughs. You'll reach this point too. Just recently, I've decided I'll soon be ready for another dog and my girlfriend and I have been going to the Humane Society to walk dogs and make their days a little brighter (sneak some treats in sometimes too!).


All the best in your grieving - My condolences are strongly offered as I know EXACTLY how you feel right now. I found that talking about it (such as this tribute) helped a lot. Laughing at some of the memories is always good.


Regards and thanks for sharing,


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I have been in your shoes before, it is hard, very hard to put your best friend down.


When I did it with my first dog, 32 years ago I said that I would not get another dog, and

I held that thought for 28 years. 4 years ago the kids and the wife ganged up on me

and wanted a dog, so I caved in, and this is the shocking part as much as my first

dog was a fantastic part of my life our dog today is even more of a family member.


Don't do what I did and wait that long, the bond that comes from our best friends

is really priceless.



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