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Boat Ramps per the minute

Billy Bob

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After reading the Boat Ramp Comedy it got me thinking....if ramps charged by the minute rather than by the launch then some of these boat ramp HOGS would get out of the way and let us fishermen go fishing.....not to mention allowing us to go home on time... :thumbsup_anim:

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Granted that newbies should do some practice before attempting to launch a boat, how many with a new boat have patience to do that? They want to get it in the water asap. Instead of crabbing, why not offer some advice or even offer to get in and show them how it's done? Some will get defensive but a lot would accept help graciously and what would it cost you? Things would get done faster and smoother and a whole lot of folks would be grateful. Charge by the minute? Gimme a break! Grow a little charity.

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Granted that newbies should do some practice before attempting to launch a boat, how many with a new boat have patience to do that? They want to get it in the water asap. Instead of crabbing, why not offer some advice or even offer to get in and show them how it's done? Some will get defensive but a lot would accept help graciously and what would it cost you? Things would get done faster and smoother and a whole lot of folks would be grateful. Charge by the minute? Gimme a break! Grow a little charity.


You can't help someone from the lake side when you can't get to the dock while they set up their boat, wait for someone with jumper cables because their battery is DEAD, motor wouldn't start because they never started it after a long winter, make another trip to the truck to get the cooler then someone yells they forgot their cell phone in the truck, put on suntan lotion on each kid and then all their life jackets, set up their sails...yes I have had that experience and MANY others in the last 39 years of launching boats.


I have even seen them launch their boat and shove it off like a pro, except no rope was tied on so I had to go get it as it was drifting off into Buffalo Harbor.


Evidently you haven't fished many major tournaments for 12+ hours only to find many, many boats hovering around the boat launch with only a fraction knowing what to do next. One of the biggest reason I have up fishing tournaments in the Buffalo area...


You may have the pleasure of not having a LOT of "boaters" in your area....but in the more populated areas it's a zoo at peak times.

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I think you should be charged by horsepower. Say $1 for every 10hp. Guys with tinnies and 9.9hp pay $10. Guys with 250hp bass boats pay $25. They can afford it. Of course kayaks and canoes would be FREE :thumbsup_anim: .

$10 per paddle

Kayak paddle= $20

Kayaks and canoes will hold up traffic in waterway :P

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Granted that newbies should do some practice before attempting to launch a boat, how many with a new boat have patience to do that? They want to get it in the water asap. Instead of crabbing, why not offer some advice or even offer to get in and show them how it's done? Some will get defensive but a lot would accept help graciously and what would it cost you? Things would get done faster and smoother and a whole lot of folks would be grateful. Charge by the minute? Gimme a break! Grow a little charity.



You can't help someone from the lake side when you can't get to the dock while they set up their boat, wait for someone with jumper cables because their battery is DEAD, motor wouldn't start because they never started it after a long winter, make another trip to the truck to get the cooler then someone yells they forgot their cell phone in the truck, put on suntan lotion on each kid and then all their life jackets, set up their sails...yes I have had that experience and MANY others in the last 39 years of launching boats.


I have even seen them launch their boat and shove it off like a pro, except no rope was tied on so I had to go get it as it was drifting off into Buffalo Harbor.


Evidently you haven't fished many major tournaments for 12+ hours only to find many, many boats hovering around the boat launch with only a fraction knowing what to do next. One of the biggest reason I have up fishing tournaments in the Buffalo area...


You may have the pleasure of not having a LOT of "boaters" in your area....but in the more populated areas it's a zoo at peak times.


I think that you are both right (we could be more tolerant, but God there are a lot of knobs). Just like golf, launching would be great if not for the other people around you (like a lot of things I guess). Usually though, it is all quickly forgotten once on the water. Until it is time for everyone to reload, then the real fun starts.


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"Be considerate" signs would be a good idea. On some of the bigger ramps with multiple lauch areas, one side could be designated the express launch with a 10 minute max sign. Of course who will enforce it is the real question.

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it would work for me...oh yeah


I was at a free ramp on sunday a guy was messing around with his boat at the top of the ramp, I got my boat ready ..one minute

looked over to see the guy was not working very hard to get his boat ready

so I cut the corner of the ramp and put my boat in the water , I was real close to his trailer..he was yelling at me ..I got the boat off the trailer dragged it over to the dock and tied it up..under 2 minutes maybe under one....


parked the truck, the guy was still messing around....as I got close to him he said.....sorry for yelling, I didn't think anyone could put a boat in that fast and you are by yourself we have 3 guys here getting it ready and it takes time to do everything.


I just said to him ...I do it a lot and am good at it..till you get good at it you should park on the side so people like me can get in and out fast...he said good idea I will for now on........


one slow guy down..2 million more to teach

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By the minute?


Holy crap...I couldn't believe the price in North Bay last week.

$13.13 to launch a boat.

I complain because our municipal marina is $6.00, and it has developed a pothole this year. The one on the reserve is $5.00

And generally nobody is there...I love the north.


We also have signs for a designated "tie down area"..if somebody is in the way, you can just point at the sign

Edited by Dara
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Inconsiderate launch ramp hogs I say if they take longer than 5 minutes they should immediately be vaporized! :wallbash:



does that include the backing up, or just when its in the water

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I’ve only been there once and don’t know if this is the norm; but the launch in Port Colborne at sugarloaf marina has to be the best organized and likely one of the busiest, I’ve ever been too.

Four ramps that have (had?) dedicated in & out lanes and attendants that dictated who, where and what people are allowed to do.

When we first pulled in, we thought we were in for a long wait; the parking lot was 2/3 full; but man did it go fast. If the boat wasn’t ready to slip off the trailer, as you lined up to back down; you were told back of the line and get it ready.

There were other dock hands as well; they helped anywhere they were needed; one guy had an attendant back the trailer in for him.

I can’t remember what the ramp fee was; but it wasn’t out of line, not for me to remember anyway?

I know this wouldn’t be feasible at smaller marinas or ramps all the time; but on the days that they know they are going to be busy (bass opener); why wouldn’t they hire a ramp cop?

It would increase traffic in & out of the ramp; which in-turn would increase their profits. I’d even pay extra; just for the sake of it being organized and fast moving.

It was real slick at sugarloaf that day; not one ramp temper tantrum to be seen and the guys with the ME FIRST attitude had to wait their turn like everyone else.



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All good responses.....and after pondering these I have come up with another idea....I know what you're thinking...but anyways.....how about a surcharge for excessive time, say 7 minutes or whatever to keep the traffic moving...eh.

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My local lake is Kinzua but on Memorial weekend its nickname "The Zoo" is far more appropriate. Every type of floating craft in every type of condition decends on the docks around 11:00AM. In addition there are kids swimming and fishing off the adjacent docks that are there for short term tie-up.


This year, however, I finally wised up. I was on the water at 6:00AM and back at the dock by 10:00AM. No aggravation, no delays, it's definitely the way to go over Memorial Day weekend. I did witness my pet peeve boating taboo though. A woman sitting on the front of a pontoon while underway with her feet dangling in the water. Just a couple years ago a young girl was killed on our lake this exact way.


I think most non boaters are just so excited at the prosepect of being on the water that they leave their brain at home.

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maybe launch ramp etiquette should be part of the baoters exam. then every one would be an expert at it just like navigating and rights of way. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:


but truly only sbout 25% of people i see have a clue how to launch or retriece their boat. every time i offer to help they get their back up, cause they are already in a bad mood. these ecperiences on the boat ramp must ruin their boating experience, you would think they would want some advice from a guy that did it professionally for years. me and my former partner in the boat trailer game could launch or retrieve our 27 foot cruiser inside of 2 minutes. i do it with my fishing boat by myself in the same amount of time.

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Pay to launch, you bet! I just paid $21.50 to launch my boat with 3 guys at a GRCA (Grand River Conservation Authority) park. :blink: That's a steep launch fee in my opinion! $10 for the launch would be fair and no charge for a park admission. This is a license to print money on a busy weekend.


Dan O.

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I see it a little different high horse power should pay nothing or close and 9.9 tinny that want to get in the water to there knees and turtle jerk around should pay large.


People that are new and will accept a little assistance should be 1/2 price.


And lets not talk about personal water craft I might have a opinion! oh unless they bring there girl friends then it's "TAKE YOUR BONE HEAD"

Edited by Garnet
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