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Annual Niagara Trip Report


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Hey all,


Paul and I headed down to the Lower this Easter long weekend, which is an annual thing for us, except for last year when we were in the middle of our boat trade/purchase deal.


We were warned not to go as the fishing was not "on," but had booked our Inn room already and were going hell or highwater!!


The trip down Friday was a bust as Paul was not finished installing the new fishfinder yet and then after packing up, we hit the road at 1:30. We figured we'd still have time to get a few hours of fishing in, but for some reason the GPS (which we didn't need, but had on anyhow) was on "detour" mode. As we were yacking and not paying attention, we finally realized we were in downtown Hamilton DOH! We figure no prob, we'll just follow the GPS instruction to get out. Here's where detour mode in GPS is not a good thing if you don't know its on. It was taking us on the "scenic" route and would not show us how to get back to the QEW. We went down every back road imaginable until we finally had had enough and pulled over to a gas station (I know, an unheard of thing for a man to do :lol: ) and were told how to get back on the main highway, only to find out it was stopped from high volume traffic and construction :wallbash:


We arrived about 5:30 p.m. exhausted. We unpacked and just relaxed on the veranda. I did take a walk down to the launch to see what was up and the smelters were in full force, doing a pretty good job too.




I love the big, old trees down there, this one was kind of eerie.




Here's a pic of the Inn as I walked back up the hill.




We were out on the water bright and early Saturday morning, as the moon was setting to the west...




The sun was rising in the east!!




It was pretty cold, which we were not actually prepared for as the weather had called for warm temps, so we froze our arses off for the first few hours, then all of a sudden the wind turned warm. You could literally see the heated wind going across the river. I tried to get a picture of it as the heat waves moved.




About 10 a.m. I got into a nice fish, and it was a great battle. She came in at 29 inches and 9.5 lbs. Just a beauty hen :thumbsup_anim:




With an unwanted hitchhiker - yuck!!




Lots of different species of birds around, these turkey vultures are just enormous.






Shot of the bridge in the haze.




We went to our favorite restaurant Saturday night, The Old Firehall, and had mussels, Steak and Paul tried the Chicken with brie and poached pear. It was a all delicious. By the time we got out of there, that nasty wind had picked up. We came back and sat on the porch and watched and Paul almost fell asleep right there. We were both sun and wind burned, and dog tired after 12 hours on the river.




On the river again this morning, my only catch was this lovely stickerel :lol:




Paul is Very happy with his new Humminbird side imaging sonar :good:




It was a tough go out there, the weather really has messed up the fishing. At this time of year we are usually dodging iceburgs, so I think the run has already happend.



I tried to amuse myself by getting a pic of the birds diving for minnows. Was trying to get an action shot half in, or half out of the water. Not an easy task.






Saw this woodpecker doing something,but not pecking, until I realized he was feeding his family (see second picture).






Where's a shotgun when you need one :dunno:






We were just about to leave, as check out was 11:00 a.m., so Paul says "one more drift" and Bingo.... he gets a nice little football brownie :clapping:




So at least we were both not skunked.


It was sure nice to get out of the city and on the water. Had a great chat with the Inn owners' daughter again and met a nice fellow who lives across the street who reads OFC and recognized us. He came over and we had a nice talk and shared a few stories. Nice to meet you Ed!!


Sorry there are not more fish pics, but hope you enjoy the ones I took while waiting for fish B)





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Too bad about the fishing, but it looks like you had a good time nonetheless.


Those woodpeckers are actually two different species -- the first is a Hairy, while the second is a Red-Bellied. Looks like the hairy wanted to know what was in the hole! Well I'm at it, the first gull is a Bonaparte's, and the second appears to be a young Herring.

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That was awesome Joey!!


Dang screwy GPSES eh?!





WOW,..Great report and pics!!!...looks like you had a great time!!! Was the problem the high winds on Erie and mud coming over the falls? That brownie is definately a football and nice Chrome hen as well. In Pic number 6 of the 'Warm Winds' Im pretending what I see is a steelhead jumping 10 feet out of the water...kinda looks like it!! Looking forward to my trip down there in a couple weeks!!!

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WOW,..Great report and pics!!!...looks like you had a great time!!! Was the problem the high winds on Erie and mud coming over the falls? That brownie is definately a football and nice Chrome hen as well. In Pic number 6 of the 'Warm Winds' Im pretending what I see is a steelhead jumping 10 feet out of the water...kinda looks like it!! Looking forward to my trip down there in a couple weeks!!!


No, I don't think it was the high winds or mud, the water was pretty clear, I think it was the warm temps and the fact the ice out was early this year. Some shore fishermen said the run had already happened, and these were just stragglers.


I see what you mean about the steelhead jumping, lets go with that :lol:




And 4thgen, You seem to know your birds. Very interesting about the two different woodpeckers, maybe that's why the red headed one was sticking her head out and squacking. I love taking bird pics, and have just acquired a book of birds, so I guess I better get studying :D


Thanks for the replies everyone. Now why am I so tired :rolleyes: Is it nap time yet :D

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No, I don't think it was the high winds or mud, the water was pretty clear, I think it was the warm temps and the fact the ice out was early this year. Some shore fishermen said the run had already happened, and these were just stragglers.


I see what you mean about the steelhead jumping, lets go with that :lol:




And 4thgen, You seem to know your birds. Very interesting about the two different woodpeckers, maybe that's why the red headed one was sticking her head out and squacking. I love taking bird pics, and have just acquired a book of birds, so I guess I better get studying :D


Thanks for the replies everyone. Now why am I so tired :rolleyes: Is it nap time yet :D


I REALLY hope its not done yet...kinda early I think...Im no Niagara expert,..but unless they jumped way up those falls... :rofl2: ..they must be still kickin around....I dont know how many times gus have said to me the run is over..lol..there is a reason they say it...just like when fishing a river...alot of guys always say..'No fish'....a river that sized must be one of the tougher to master and even if you were in the wrong spot..you still had a great time!!! and your right...its a steelhead jumping!!! I knew it!!! But it really does look like that...pretty cool pic along with the others....those smelts woulda looked nice on the end of a jig...;)

Edited by StoneFly
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Great report! Too bad you didn't head out to the Bar, the Lakers are stacked out there right now!


Ohhhhhh Dax, you just had to say that. We hummed and hawwed all morning about doing just that, but figured that would be a waste of time because of the weather change :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

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Rainbow fishing in the Niagara is good right into June,like mentioned before during the smelt run fishing gets tough around Queenston.The whirlpool seems to be the spot right now,everything down here is about 2-3 weeks early the smelts usually run about mid-month, Lake Ontario is 2-3 degrees warmer right now compared to previous years and is 28" lower.

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Hey Joey, that is a great steelhead. Nice to hear you had a good time, too bad it was a little slow for you. Those photos are amazing!


FYI the bulk of the steelhead enter the lower Niagara River in Sept/Oct and stick around until late May/June. The 'run' is never over by April. I spend most years fishing steelhead in shorts and sandals in late May to early June. It can be difficult fishing at certain times of year, especially when they are full on smelt. I'll send you a PM.


Again, awesome photos!



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