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OMG.. I just realized...


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I'm just finishing up my next e-mag and had to change the volume number to #10... this is the beginning of 10 years of sending this FREE emag out. It also made me realize that I had the messageboard going a bit before I started publishing the eMag. Its hard to believe that this board in one form or another has been around that long. Tears and Cheers, Drama and Obama!! and the best members anywhere!! LOL.. It's been quite the experience. Here's to another 10!


Ill be posting the latest eMag tonight or tomorrow morning, its my biggest issue yet and has some great stuff in it.

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fantastic stuff. If you can believe it, got my first computer in 2003, found this site shortly afterwards and haven't looked back. I joined a couple of other sites back then, but this is where I've stayed (because you haven't kicked me out for poor attempts at humour). Looking forward to many more years.

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Congratulations on 10 years. This is my favourite site to visit (usually at least 10 times a day) I just wish I was closer to you guys in the south so I could attend some of the events that take place and meet some of you

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Way ta go TJQ ! Jeze .. I guess I really am getting old .. seems like just yesterday to me we were celebrating the survival after Y2K .. and the dawning of the dot-com bubble where EVERYONE was going to get rich ;)


LOL.. I was tending bar at the curling club that night... and I saw the bubble come, bubble go and were still in business... as a matter of fact, as small as we are I really think were the oldest design company in Northern Ontario. Most of my family was not very happy when I changed business directions, back then the internet was just a fad. I know my Dad was very very skeptical. It did allow me to get some kick ass domain names early on in the game though!!

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