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Just a note to say Good Bye


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I have enjoyed being part of this community over the past few years and met many wonderful people. I am very sadden to say though that I must say good bye. Thank you for all the laughs and shared memories over the years.



I wish you all Best Fishes and all the best in 2010!


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this is a sad day for a lot of people..

we dont understand but im sure you have your reasons.

WE ALL will miss you greatly.

you have been a good friend to kelly and i

and we really enjoyed having you guy's up at our place..

kelly and i wish you all the best..



dann & kelly



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Holy Crap!


You are one of the last persons I would have expected to hear this from! I don't want to echo peoples replies above but I understand your wishes. Meaning, from my personal experience In my other fishing involvements. Now I know why I received so many email, pm's and phone calls when I stepped down.


You will be missed around here. I hope you have a change in heart.




I personally have enjoyed both of your post on here and am certain you will be missed. :mellow:

Edited by Ron
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I too, am saddened that we will no longer see your radiant smile and impeccable nails holding on to some BAD :asshat: fish! That combined with your wonderful ability to make one and all feel welcomed will be sorely missed in these parts.

Whatever the reasons, I wish you well.

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When I first looked at the title of your post I thought that you were going on a trip somewhere..... but what a disappointment when I browsed and read the content :( I have no ideas as to what cause your decision to leave and will respect that but want to say that you are one of the greatest fisher person on this site and that you will be greatly missed.


Hope that you reconsider....


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Bly ( Carole) ... no matter where you think your new journey is taking you,,,,

please don't "regret the past"- OFC Board


You obviously have touched so many people on this board with your personality and kindness..

Myself and daughter included.


And as a good man once told me:


" if it is a good idea Today, it will still be a good idea tomorrow"



Think this thru a little.... no explanations will ever be required.


Splashhopper and Botbot

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