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so... who's sick?


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My 7 year old son was sent home from school on October 16th. On October 18th, we took him to the hospital as he seemed to be "crashing".

The doctor who saw him said the following:" I think it's swine flue as his symptoms are exactly like the one's I had, when I had it". He was prescribed meds and we kept him home for a week.

He's fine now, full of piss and vinegar... my daughter is fine, but I have been fighting what appears to be a cold for 10 days.

I heart goes out to the families of those who have been taken by this flu, but injecting myself or my kids is not something I have very much interest in doing, I have significant concerns.

And as my son has had it, he has developed anti-bodies on his own, so I'm not concerned for him. My daughter we will keep a close eye on...

This really is a tough one.


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1 thing to consider about statistics. They can be misleading if not taken in context. Sure lots of people die from the regular flu every year. But how many otherwise healthy young strong people die from it. A large percentage or virtually none? That is what seems to be scary about this strain is that it can kill people that are otherwise young and strong and healthy. I guess I should be happy that I am becoming old and infirm.


According to someone from Health Canada who was on the radio yesterday (may have even been the Surgeon General), in terms of who will be the most affected by H1N1, it is the same as the regular flu. A perfectly healthy person will survive H1N1, however, someone who has asthma, diabetes, etc. will have a harder time combatting H1N1 once they contract it.

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Could these people have introduced this virus to make a buck? Do you think people are expendable when it comes to making money? If you ask these war generals, they will say yes. I may sound a bit cinical, but I've seen enough to know the level of corruption that exists in our society.


I'm curious to see how many others have contracted this desease at my daughter's school. So far, no one in her family, or anyone else that has been around her has contracted the desease. How does that work if it is so contagious? And how is it that healthy kids are dying and others not? Different strains? If there is a vaccine, maybe they should get a vaccine that protects against the stronger strains.


So you think that our government..the one that couldn't organize a tea party...is somehow involved in organizing and carrying out a mass infection of the populace??

I hate the internet sometimes...

The spread and infection process is easily traced. Read the WHO site..stay off of websites made by paranoid guys living in bunkers in Montana and Saskatchewan. Stop reading the chain emails that are all Bull.


And...let me just completely accept your theory for one second... so I should not get the shot, cause that gives cash to a company who infected the population before even knowing they would be able to get and develop a vaccine and be the one selected to provide it.

But if I get the shot, that helps slow down the spread of the virus and reduces the need for other meds with a much higher profit margin..like Tamiflu, Advil, Tylenol etc.

And yes, I will likely survive the flu should I get it but what about those who I pass it on to? What about those perfectly healthy people who die from it?

Do you think the inventors of Cold FX (which works very well and both a treatment and a preventative) invented the cold, too??

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Guest Johnny Bass
So you think that our government..the one that couldn't organize a tea party...is somehow involved in organizing and carrying out a mass infection of the populace??

I hate the internet sometimes...

The spread and infection process is easily traced. Read the WHO site..stay off of websites made by paranoid guys living in bunkers in Montana and Saskatchewan. Stop reading the chain emails that are all Bull.


And...let me just completely accept your theory for one second... so I should not get the shot, cause that gives cash to a company who infected the population before even knowing they would be able to get and develop a vaccine and be the one selected to provide it.

But if I get the shot, that helps slow down the spread of the virus and reduces the need for other meds with a much higher profit margin..like Tamiflu, Advil, Tylenol etc.

And yes, I will likely survive the flu should I get it but what about those who I pass it on to? What about those perfectly healthy people who die from it?

Do you think the inventors of Cold FX (which works very well and both a treatment and a preventative) invented the cold, too??


Couldn't organize a tea party? Who are you kidding? They organized a campaign to get elected didn't they? And that was BEFORE they had access to tax payers dollars.


Number of sites and chain mails I have read? Zero.



Lets go with that scenerio. And who is to say they dont already have a vaccine? Do you think they would risk one of their own dying? And you have heard of the mob contracts in Montreal right? Do you not think there are backroom deals being made before the fact?



Or you get the shot they make money and then make money treating the side effects.


Cold fx profits are peanuts.


Its also a good way to install fear and keep the people distracted from other things going on. May be a long shot but I have seen much worse things.

Edited by Johnny Bass
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The reason this pandemic seems to be manufactured is that hundreds of thousands of people are dying from other strains of flu per year, yet for some reason are not as important as this strain which is killing a tiny fraction of that. It's just another strain of flu, get over it people. It's not proven to be more dangerous. And guess what, young and healthy people die from other strains of the flu as well, in much higher numbers.


Why all the media attention and focus about this particular one? It is not as deadly as other strains.


If you are healthy and have a good immune system, you will be fine. Don't believe the hype. Either way, people's minds are made up about which way to go and are very difficult to change, so I will not try nor am I interested in trying.

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I work in a small town, less than 20,000 pop. Just got back from a lunchtime sandwich run as I do most days. Ran into traffic on one of the main roads through town and figured it was an accident. Well, guess what, there is a vaccination clinic set up in a church hall (large church hall) with an even larger parking lot. A quick calculation figured that there had to be 500-750 in line backed up through the parking lot and waaaaay down the street. Not sure how many they could vaccinate per hour, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't only an hour or two wait! There were 3 police officers that had the road down to one lane with cruisers blocking the road with their lights flashing, not really sure what they were doing at the point, but apparently when the doors opened it was a mad free for all and they had to close up shop until the officers arrived to provide some law and order. Again, I did not see it first hand but was told that there were dozens of minivans in the parking lot each had one person waiting in line. When the church hall doors opened the minivan doors opened and everyone ran for the entrance! Was told that there was up to 8-10 people got out of some of the vans. Of course the media was there filming earlier in the day causing additional chaos.


So, what is everyone's take on this? Do I work in an unusually unruly town or is this just the tip of the iceberg?

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Guest Johnny Bass

You think thats bad? I just heard they are planning to cancel trick or treating, thanks to the swine flu.Will be highlighted at the 6 oclock news.. :rolleyes:

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There's a lot of H1N1 around here and it's hitting some of the rural schools hard. I've not heard of any actually closing yet around my neck of the woods, but some of the smaller schools are talking about it. We have some off work. Some with the flu and others who's kids have it. Kinda recommending that if someone in the household has it - stay home and work from there.

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So you're saying that everytime you're sick you stay home? Because if you went out, you'd be spreading a virus, just as you're accusing JP of doing. It's a fact that people who aren't as "strong," as you put it, die every year from the normal flu strain. It's unavoidable. People who get the flu shot still get sick, and it'll be the same with the H1N1 vaccine.


We can't live in a bubble. Do your best to boost your inherent immune system by doing things that are a lot more natural that getting a shot - get a proper amount of sleep, cut down on sugar, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, take vitamin supplements, cut out coffee and smoking. Doing these things is a lot more helpful to society than getting a flu shot that hasn't been proven effective.


My parents never believed in getting shots. I haven't been immunized for anything, except for any shots I got when I was born. Polio, the mumps, rubella, and the flu - I suppose I'm succeptable to all of these, but yet, I haven't ever had any of them. I've never had the flu, unless you count a seasonal cold. And the same goes for my brother who hasn't had any vaccinations either. Why would I start getting shots now?


If the flu shot and the H1N1 vaccine are so effective, then those who are immunized shouldn't be worried by the people who elect to not get the shot. They should be protected, no? Yet they're still worried. Doesn't this defeat the purpose?


You make good points about boosting your immune system, but your family also benefits from having the society around them getting immunized. Without everyone getting immunized you wouldn't be very safe. You may want to google smallpox...look up google images, and wikipedia.

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Heard on the news last night that in Vaughan they were doing 150 people an hour.Wait time upwards of 5 hours.I've got both my boys home today one seems like he has the flu the other not so much.Hopefully if it is a flu just a regular one.Not sure about getting a shot got to wait until at least next week here in the city.If the goverment wants people to get the shot they should open more clinics.Here in toronto they should set up at schools etc and do the population or those that want it by street or postal code.Causing people to wait in long lines for hours only causes more grief and stress.

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Just got back from my doctor. Because my daughter has the H1n1 (MAYBE)??? All my family got the shot. The rest of my family got it yesterday and I just came back from getting it. Didn't feel a thing but my kids and wife tell me their arm is really hurting them. We'll see tomorrow.

Not sure what to make of all of this. Many kids missing from school today again.

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I posted this on my face book and then more was added.


God this H1n1 is just out of control.

The virology of it is no real difference then a flu other than some genetic anomalies

. Its new and hence no immunity to it, but that can be said of any newly mutated strain of any flu. Those years that we have a severe flu outbreak is just a newly mutated strain that we have no immunity towards

Upwards of 30,000 to 50,000 people yearly die from influenza or complications thereafter.

People die of the flu. This is no consolation to the family of 13-year-old Evan Frustaglio, the Toronto boy who died Monday, apparently after contracting swine flu. But it is true although he had an underlying condition that was impacted by the flu.

This was so before this latest pandemic. It will almost certainly continue to be so in the future. But it is no reason to go off the deep end.

Keep things in perspective. What is worrisome about this particular strain, sometimes known as Novel Swine-origin Influenza A (H1N1), is its newness. We know, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, that is contains genes from pigs, humans and birds. We know from experience that such a mix gives it the potential to pass back and forth between species and to become particularly virulent.

Which is presumably one reason why the public health establishment is so fixated on swine flu. The other reason may that world governments are using this pandemic as a test run to see how they would respond to a real crisis.

But what we also know is that, so far, this flu strain has been no more serious than any other.

To put it another way: Before the H1N1 scare, the death of a few wouldn't have led newscasts across the nation.

Consider the facts.

According to the World Health Organization, fewer than 5,000 people have died around the globe from this variant of swine flu. In any normal year, influenza causes between 250,000 and 500,000 deaths worldwide.

In the Southern Hemisphere, the winter flu season is now over. In spite of dire predictions, only 185 people died from swine flu in Australia – considerably fewer than the roughly 3,000 who succumb to seasonal influenza in that country each year.

And no, it wasn't because the population was immunized. Australia's vaccination campaign against swine flu took off last month.

Last week, U.S. President Barack Obama declared swine flu a national emergency after about 1,000 Americans died. Yet according to the Centers for Disease Control, roughly 50,000 Americans die every year from seasonal flu – without any politician paying much attention.

What does seem to be true, according to early statistics, is that this particular strain is harder on people in the prime of their lives. Common flu strains tend to hit the very young and very old.

In that sense, the real novelty of this novel H1N1 strain may be that it is killing the wrong people.

For those youngish and middle-aged people who tend to dominate both politics and the media, this is understandably worrying.

What's more unnerving, however, is the level of hype surrounding this flu virus, hype that at times comes dangerously close to hysteria.

The public health dictum suggesting that people wash their hands to prevent the virus' spread has transformed itself, in some areas (like the Catholic Archdiocese of Ottawa) into a near-ban on shaking hands.

Demand for hand sanitizers has exploded, as individuals and institutions search for ways to make physical contact safe.

Yet experts are divided over handwashing. A 2007 study done for the Public Health Agency of Canada and chaired by Toronto microbiologist Donald Low concluded that the practice does little to prevent flu transmission, largely because this particular virus is airborne.

Polls show that the public is taking a casual attitude toward swine flu. This alarms those beating the H1N1 drum. But given the actual evidence, maybe the public is onto something.

That being said I have always been a fan of having one’s own immunity system fight an infection or virus if it’s in check obviously. To answer the question would I get the vaccine. No not until its mutated and is much more virulent, and the death rate starts to reach millions globally. This is no Spanish flu from the turn of the century folks


Swine Flu Vaccination -Poison??- From Angry Australian Pharmacist


> "Guys, I'm Emailing you because I'm bloody scared about something.... Read More


> I created my Facebook group for fun, and to use it to market my businesses to

> people.


> What I'm doing now totally kills my ability to do that, but I don't care. This

> is important.


> I'm a qualified pharmacist. I've been researching the swine flu vaccine that our

> government has bought for us (using our money, by the way) and its DANGEROUS.


> Its easily a hundred times more dangerous than the swine flu itself, Imo.


> Something that freaked me out is that several swine flu vaccine manufacturers

> have asked governments to give them an exemption from lawsuits, in case the

> vaccine caused harm in people. If you made a vaccine that you knew worked, then

> why would you need a legal exemption in case it hurt people? Massive warning

> sign. They don't believe its safe.


> The swine flu itself has killed about 2/3000 people total. The regular flu kills

> 40 000 plus per year ? So why are we freaking out about swine flu, and not

> normal flu? Does that make sense? No.


> If the regular flu kills 40 000 plus per year, and the swine flu only killed 2/3

> 000 ? Then why are governments buying it in advance, giving it to us for free,

> and giving drug manufacturers immunity to legal cases against them? Does that

> make sense? No.


> The swine flu vaccine contains 2 horribly dangerous compounds ? One is called

> thimerosol.


> It is made 50% of mercury. It binds to receptors in your brain, and basically

> causes brain damage. Is it smart to be injected with thimerosol, and get brain

> damage, dropping 10 IQ points and going dumb, in order to avoid getting a flu

> that kills 95% less people than regular flu? No.


> The other horrible ingredient is called squalene. Squalene accidentally tricks

> your immune system into killing your own cells, which creates autoimmune

> diseases like asthma, multiple scelerosis, diabetes, and a bunch of diseases

> that we don't have a name for yet (because squalene hasnt been used for that

> long, and we have little data on its effects) ? Is is smart to inject yourself

> with that stuff, in order to avoid a relatively mild flu, like the swine flu? No.


> If you're a pregnant mother about to take Panvax, ask yourself this ? Why would

> you take Panvax, when it contains Neomycin and Polymyxin B Sulfate ? Both of

> which exhibit positive risk to unborn children ? So as to avoid what? A mild

> flu, that kills 95% fewer people than the regular flu?


> Look, I'm a funny guy. Yeah, I make good Facebook groups. People join them by

> the thousands, and laugh. But I'm also a qualified pharmacist. I scored in the

> top 0.1% of my state in school. I'm expert at critical analysis of drugs and

> their effects on humans. And let me be blunt ? If someone came up to me with a

> syringe full of swine flu vaccine, or came near my family with one ? I would

> take the needle off them and poke them with it myself ? Followed by several very

> hard punches. This stuff is poison.


> Don't take it. Don't let your friends take it. Don't let your family take it. If

> some idiot in a lab coat asks you if you want it, ask them about thimerosol,

> squalene, and why the company making it wants legal exemption from being sued,

> and watch their face go into ?omg I'm being asked serious questions that I don't

> have the answer to? Mode.


> Anyway. I hope you're all well. Chat to you on Facebook sometime :)


> Sincerely,


> George Mamouzellos

> Bachelor of Pharmacy

> University of South Australia"


The above by Mamouzellos is factual as I have a virologist friend and he said almost to a T the same thing


The National Post today quoted an "outbreak" at Mt Sinai I though wow hundreds t ocreate that sort of news

THREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cases come now


While I have been accused of being a conspiricy theroist, this is one that I believe is a CNN and beyond created pandamonia

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you might be stong enough to fight the virus there JPD, but what about your kids, parents and others that aren't as "strong" as you. what are you going to say when somebody you know gets the virus from contracting it from you.


just because you know your body can fix it's self, others can't, and that's how it's keeps on spreading, with people like you.

WELL SAID!! That's exactly the reason why people should get immunized. Not to protect themselves, but to protect their loved ones ....

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I wish stupidty and ignorance weren't just sad facts of life but instead a virus which people could get vaccinations for.


Never understood why pathophysiology including disease and illness isn't drilled into school aged children throughout the younger and teenage years. Like French or even math should have more importance than hard knowledge of a persons most important life subject... their own human health.




Got the shot last night. Didn't have too, but working in ER's these days there's just too much risk to me, my family and my patients. And this year, nearly all Health Professionals who are educated and working their lives in Healthcare, will get the shot. Not even because they have too, because the projected pros outweigh the cons by a landslide... as is the case this and EVERY flu season preceeding... regardless of how tough a flu season it might become or not.


Funny thing is though... I just can't believe how stupid all us doctors, nurses, and health care providers really are... I mean afterall... there's WAAAAAAAAAY more smart people at OFC in this thread particularily, who know this stuff better than us and are saying we're weak dummies to get all wrapped up in such media driven hype.



No wonder the ER's are swamped. H1N1 isn't at all the epidemic ignorance is.

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I seldom participate in this sort of thread


I agree with JPD,allow your immune system to defend itself,I also think the more medicated we progress ourselves socialy the more complex medically the disease and viruses may become.

I certainly do not think its a conspiracy but more so the transformation and mutation of these virus and diseases due to our evolving pharmaceutical development But..........


In 2005 I contracted True Strain Influenza and was hopitalized.

A entire process of tracking its origins and people I contacted ensued but nothing was ever identified.

I short,I was transported to the hospital by ambulance and upon checking my pressure at the hospital,i went into ceasure,at the time they thought its was cardiaque arrest but soon figured out I was contagious with influenza.Generally a form of true strain influenza is low in all provinces.

Basically had I not gone to the hospital,the follow day was unsure to the doctors what the outcome may have been,it had progressed quite far and hospitalized for 2 days.

I was prescribed Tamiflu which I took for 3 days out of 10,I had to cease due to severe intolerance to the product.


The flu is common and kills some every year,influenza in its many true strains(not the flu),Hong Kong, Spanish,Avian and now H1N1 are virus that do weaken us to the point of failure.

Having been through the entire ordeal,I can assure all its,un-pleasant.


Having said that,I do believe its sensationalized by the media

I do believe in awareness of the potential targeted age groups and types


My best advice keep yourself healthy and clean


Just because you get a cold or the flu,does not mean H1 N1

Be aware of the symptoms


A flu that is not taking care of,can become a bad flu too

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Got the shot last night. Didn't have too, but working in ER's these days there's just too much risk to me


Thats wierd. The news said that all involved with hospital care was TOO take the shot.


Nothing personal.Just what has been broadcast MB.

I for one,will not be taking it.The percentages say so.IMPO

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I read the interwebs widely, and often take comfort in my educated Canadian smugness regarding fear mongering inside the country of our fine neighboUrs to the south. The health care 'debate' is a case in point. Instead of debating whether the current President is making wise decisions in the best interest of the US, the debate has devolved to whether Obama is Hitler.


Back to my backyard, reading this thread is a sad thing for me and mirrors some of the incredible crap mentioned above. Naysayers defend their ignorance as a justifiable position and celebrate fear mongers and conspiracy theorists. Our current debate pits facts against Bull and calls it a difference of opinion. This similarity to the debate in the US is most troubling to me, and I don't get it. There's a 'low information' mob shouting 'Shenanigans' holding the most vulnerable of our folks out as sacrifices to their refusal to protect their own health and those of the weakest members of their families.




If you don't understand why people are standing in line for flu protection for eight hours outside holding a baby, then maybe you should do some research and do a favour for your family, your employer, the folks on the bus, and your sick Gramma.


Why don't we teach critical thinking in our schools any more? This is miserable.


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