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If You could..... (NF)


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Definitely my Dad. He died in 1952 when I was 2, but he has still had a profound affect on my life.




The other would probably be My Uncle Tom who was his fishing buddy and created a mystique about fishing. He's also been gone for years.


I still get to fish with my brother and two boys which is very cool.

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Their are so many....

My daddy....he would get so tickled when i caught a fish, I could hear him tell people....As i I would say O Daddy...O Daddy....with that lil southern clip....

Someone I totally admire as the most giving humanitarian is and was Eleanor Roosevelt......

Then my newest partner, which we will go tomorrow....My husband.....who has taught me how to love

and of course my boyz and daughter.....


I will stop at that


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I too would love to spend time in the boat with my Grand-father. He passed away about 10 years ago at the ripe young age of 92. He spent a lot of time in Ontario fishing year after year. I'd hear the stories of their adventures just pitching a tent somewhere, bathing in bone chilling water. Back when roughing it .. truely was roughing it. I've seen some of the old photos and those guys know how to catch fish.


The other ... any one who can teach me some pointers on musky and walley fishing. Who knows, maybe that can happen at our Lakair GTG.

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it would for sure be my grandfather,and bobby orr,my gramps taught me how to fish :w00t: and he owned a fishing loge so i was fishing from the time i could walk,and was guiding when i was about 13yrs old,he taught me about weather and boats and how to read things like weather to know when to go fishing ,there was no fish finders then,he was a very smart man,and very generous i miss him alot,....as well bobby orr who i think was the best hockey player ever.....i have met him a few times and he is a nice guy,who loves fishing he goes out alot where he lives in parry sound,he loves bass ,and walleye and salmon fishing....so that would be my choices this is a very interesting thread,its amazing how many people have picked their grandfathers....cheers :thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing:

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I have been lucky enough to fish with my father,granfather,daughter and brother and still can fish with them to this day.I would like to go fishing with John Prine and Johnny Cash.Got to be some great stories to be told.Willie Nelson could come along also.


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I have been lucky enough to fish with my father,granfather,daughter and brother and still can fish with them to this day.I would like to go fishing with John Prine and Johnny Cash.Got to be some great stories to be told.Willie Nelson could come along also.



Huh.....John prine eh......great choice! He'd have a few good tales for sure. I was brought up on his stuff.


I'm just gonna join the club and say my Grandfather. He was a commercial fisherman, back in NFLD. Still around, I just haven't had the chance to get down there for a while. One last fishing trip, and a seaduck hunt would be my dream come true. He's 87 now, and still at it as much as ever.



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Yes I agree with what others have said....great thread. I also fine it unbelievable that 2 people have already said Bobby Orr...that was the first thought it my head...unreal. Was a huge Orr/Bruins fan back in the day. Have read tons about him...what a class act. My son has had to listen to me tell him about a million times that he has truly missed something by not seeing him play.

My second choice would be my wife. Not so much to go out and fish because she will do that with me now however she reads a book and enjoys the weather...fishing just doesn't really turn her crank. What I wish is that one day when she woke up in the morning is that she had the same passion to be on the water and enjoying the outdoors and the fishing as much as I do. 25 years and it hasn't happened yet..but one can always hope.

As for grandfathers...I never got the chance to know either of mine. My dad, brother and son are still around and we get out when we can so I'm good there.


Again great thread. I hope we get lots more responses.

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Here are my pics. :thumbsup_anim:


Yes I could learn alot about fishing with these two ladies. :whistling:


But seriously I would love to be able to fish my grandfather who passed away 17years ago.

My uncle Gary was great to me when I was young.Many outings when I was very young.Memories of

fishing in Peterborough.Salmon fishing on Lake Ontario out of Bronte Harbour.Yup miss uncle Gary!


Good thread Julie/Thanks. :clapping:

Edited by T.J. Quesnel
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It's great how many people say there grandfather. I'm in the same boat my gramps taught me how to fish, and I always looked forward to fishing with him.


Fantasy list : M. Jordan, and Bush so I could talk to him about fuel prices. :blahblah1:


and bush...so I could drown the bugger!

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:thumbsup_anim: Well this thread has be very intresting and touching. The 2 people that I would take fishing is my grandfather, lost him 7 years ago and my great grandmother , that I lost when I was 12. I would give anything to see them again let alone spend 2 days with them. I would have the chance to tell them that I love them very much and what they meant to me, hold them and show them what type of woman I turned out to be. And to spend 2 days out on a boat away from the busy life would be priceless. My 2 fantasy people would be Janice Dickinson and Queen Latifah, they are both VERY strong willed women that I know I can learn alot from.
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Unfortunatelly, I never got to fish with either of my Grandfathers. One was gone before I was born and the other was not in the health to do it and died while I was still quite young. I know they were both fishermen and I would have loved to have had the opportunity to fish with them.

My Dad did fish, but never had the passion for it that I do. I will always be gratefull that he did take the time to introduce me to fishing and took me quite often.


We got to fish together at our trailer on several occasions and it is fondly remembered as a good time.


All three of my Daughters fish with me now on occasions and I have introduced their boyfriends to the past time. My oldest Daughter's boyfriend is really becomming very passionate about fishing and is always willing to get out there with me.

My wife is a favourite fishing partner also and is quite accomplished. We are getting out more and more often in the last few years since the girls are older now.


My dream is to be the kind of Grandpa to my future Grandchildren, that you folks are remembering in this thread. As I get older, I hope I have the patience to share my love of the sport with them.


As far as celebrity fishermen, I always wanted to spend time on the water with the likes of Hank Parker or Al Lindner. This would be especially good if they would come up and fish my home waters and unlock a few mysteries for me!


Great thread topic!

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That would sure keep you busy Julie!! Now to clarify for Shawn...is that EVERY single soldier or every SINGLE soldier..LOL

LOL :lol: I meant every soldier, yeah thanks for helping me claify that irishfield! I hope that I don't get into trouble for that mix-up.LOL :w00t: I would need Shawn to help me anyways, I could not do that by myself.LOL

Edited by fishergirl72
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I'm really lucky to have been able to fish with All my 4 bro's, my Pops, several of my cousins, and uncles....its always been a family affair.

And I am fortunate enough to have a great fishing bud now that makes most of my trips pretty cool...eh Swede?


Although I did fish a few times with my best freind growing up....he passed of cancer at the ripe old age of 20.

I'd love the chance to wash lures once more.

And I'd definatly love to fish with Jesus....who wouldn't?

He could turn one fish into many, and the water to wine...sounds like a great partner to me :thumbsup_anim:

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I'm really lucky to have been able to fish with All my 4 bro's, my Pops, several of my cousins, and uncles....its always been a family affair.

And I am fortunate enough to have a great fishing bud now that makes most of my trips pretty cool...eh Swede?


Although I did fish a few times with my best freind growing up....he passed of cancer at the ripe old age of 20.

I'd love the chance to wash lures once more.

And I'd definatly love to fish with Jesus....who wouldn't?

He could turn one fish into many, and the water to wine...sounds like a great partner to me :thumbsup_anim:


I am sorry to hear that your best friend passed away so young. I am sure that he would love to fish with you once more too!

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