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If You could..... (NF)


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Everyone has a couple of people they look up to and really respect as rolemodels for different reasons. If you had a chance to spend 2 days fishing, going to dinner etc with 2 people that you have always admired, who would it be? and why? It could be for different reasons, example: you could learn so much from them, it would be a experience of lifetime to fish with them etc. Your 2 people don't have to have to be from the fishing world, It can be ANYONE that you respect and look up to. I think that this would be intresting to talk about. So let's hear who your 2 people would be and why :thumbsup_anim:

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I would probably say Spiel.. He helped me out when things were rough a couple months ago, I would like to repay him for his kindness...besides he still needs to teach me how to fly fish.... Grrrrr



I should add Terrance (my first son) would have been 7 years old... and he would probably have been able to outfish his dad at this point LOL.... So yah I would have loved the opportunity to share some time on the water with him






PS. great topic!

Edited by Gerritt
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There would be so many members of this board that I would love to spend two days with. I'm not going to even try to list them all, in fact there aren't any that I can think of that I wouldn't like to spend two days with because everyone always teaches me so much. I guess that if I had to really pick though it would be my son and daughter. Every second I spend with them is so precious! I would love it if my son, daughter, and two grand daughters could spend a weekend camping together down the French or something. Perhaps some day!

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I'm gonna cheat and name 3 people...my son, my dad and my grandfather


I spent alot of time fishing with all 3 of them, and now there all gone, but it sure would be nice for the 4 of us to get together again and spend just one more day chasing some bigguns.

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Fishing, Dinner and .... Do I have to tell my wife as well ! :whistling:


Seriously...it would definitely have to be my father that passed in 1986 (59) and my Uncle Herb Rye, from Peterborough, that also passed a few years back. Neither whom I ever fished a minute with, but would sure love to be able too.

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Guest mistyriver1

One for me would definitely be my Dad, our last trip together in 2004.....



I'm lucky that I have two fishing partners that are pretty much ready to go anytime....



There's two guys from the board I look forward to getting out with again and a quite a few I'd like to go with for the first time as well....

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I'd echo what many other have. Since most of the people I want to fish with are still with me....my family, friends and great OFC members, I'd have to narrow it down to one person.....my father.


He passed away from cancer back in 1995. In the summer of 1994, he took me charter fishing out in the Bay of Quinte. He had just come off a chemo treatment and was still feeling weak, but a bit better. We had a great time out there!! I think he knew in his heart that this may be his last fishing trip. We hadn't fished together in about 12 years before he planned that trip. He passed away in Feb 2004. I'll always remember that trip. He introduced me to fishing at an early age and I have LOTS of great memories of him helping me catch pan fish off the end of a dock. I know he's up in heaven fishing every day though (and playing golf...his other passion).

Edited by ccmtcanada
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Two people ... and I can have anybody..


well it would be God and Allah.... just to see if one or two people showed up...


LOL.. honestly on this earth, If I could pick someone to fish with and pick their brains it would be Howard Stern and Bill Clinton... They both fish (believe it or not) and I would like to hear some tales... Al Gore and Hillary could come too I guess, but they'd have to sit quiet...

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I guess I would enjoy spending a couple of days in a boat with Red Fisher and Al Lindner. Red, simply for the stories and I'm sure laughs and Al, well I'm pretty sure he would get on my nerves, he seems like the nervous type, but I know I would learn a ton from him!



PS... non fishing types would be Marilyn Monroe and Anna Nicole Smith. That would be an interesting boat ride!

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both my grandfathers, although they both refuse to fish. My grandfather on my moms side comes steelheadin with me all the time even though he won't fish.


Bobby Orr, I geuss its a hockey player thing, anyone who has ever played the game looks up to Orr.

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My grandpa who passed away in 1995 & John Gierach....


I'm lucky enough to have a day on the water with my dad coming up in April. We're going on a guided musky fishing trip. It will be my first time in a boat with him since June 1991 when we spent a week on Daisey Lake, flying out of Wawa with Hawk Air.



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Guest mistyriver1
I'm lucky enough to have a day on the water with my dad coming up in April. We're going on a guided musky fishing trip. It will be my first time in a boat with him since June 1991 when we spent a week on Daisey Lake, flying out of Wawa with Hawk Air.




Dustin, that sounds awesome. That pic of my Dad and me was the first time we had been in a boat together in 20 years and unfortunately, it was our last. We had a great time. I will always remember it.



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I'm going to have to go with my kids. My son (nine) and daughter (twelve). I really want them to have a love for the outdoors-fishing,camping etc. ( I really need to put my wife in here too). I guess I'm trying to make some great memories with them, before they're too old and "too cool" to hang out with dad. This thread is actually quite touching and alot of people are choosing loved ones they miss. It kind of brings a tear to your eye. I thought about that too and then decided I'll take the people that are most important to me now. :blush:

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I would go with a couple of guys that I look up to... One of them being my grandfather, who introduced me to hunting and fishing. Fortunately I do have a chance or two during the year to see him and get out but I would like to have the chance for a longer outing, amybe for some of our canadian stuff (as he lives in the states) Next, Id go with Sam... Hes a great guy who has given me so much opportunity, and also lots of experince... too bad its not easier to take a year off just to fish the world eh... thats ok maybe that time will eventually come

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